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Well-known member
I just returned from Avatar in a mushroom cloud, and the experience was out-of-this-world!

The story is somewhat old-fashioned and basically unoriginal, however, the combination of technology & special effects are unlimited & masterful!

I have never been a fan of science fiction, however, I highly recommend eating a handful of mushrooms & this movie.

You won't be disappointed!

I'm really not qualified to say, however, it may even be a decent movie sober.

Hell, I had so much fun I may do it again!



Cannabis 101
haha sounds fun man! thats something i'll keep in mind since i have some shoom chocolates in my hands :) thanks for sharing


cant stop wont stop
addda boy trouble!
bout time ya did somethin besides watch college football while shroomin' yer ass off :biglaugh:
ya happen to catch it in the imax theater? er was it even in the imax? hell i dunno. what i do know is im bit jealous..


Well-known member
Dr. Dank, It was big fun indeed! I'm 6'2"/250lb. and always on a diet, therefore, I try to stay away from the shroom candies. I eat about 7-10 grams of dried, and I'm swimming with 42 thankful fish-eating dolphins, watching the clouds, and wondering how they put air into tennis-balls.

Hello Step, no imax, just a regular theater. It was so damn good, I'm already considering going again. Avatar is definitely the ultimate "Tour De Force" trippin movie!


last time i ate mushrooms was last christmas eve, in a white out blizzard, like a cut scene out of LOTR over the peaks and thru the mines....anyway, i cant remember if mushrooms clouded my memory, if i got some mushrooms, will i be conscious enough to remember the plot? or is it THAT fascinating to just look at?

id like to at least remember the movie if im paying out the ass to see it and with cannabis oh so available... im tentatively deciding to do the normal and opt for the latter..


addda boy trouble!
bout time ya did somethin besides watch college football while shroomin' yer ass off :biglaugh:
ya happen to catch it in the imax theater? er was it even in the imax? hell i dunno. what i do know is im bit jealous..
Funny you said this, my buddy and i ate 2 hits of some good blotter and watched the end of the SEC championship just as it started kicking in. Had a fun night, Football on HD on acid is tits.



Well-known member
last time i ate mushrooms was last christmas eve, in a white out blizzard, like a cut scene out of LOTR over the peaks and thru the mines....anyway, i cant remember if mushrooms clouded my memory, if i got some mushrooms, will i be conscious enough to remember the plot? or is it THAT fascinating to just look at?

id like to at least remember the movie if im paying out the ass to see it and with cannabis oh so available... im tentatively deciding to do the normal and opt for the latter..

Norrath, without giving to much of the movie away, lets just say the plot in Avatar is the same old classic story thats been told before in a 1000 movies. Good guy goes to work for evil corporation, good guy falls in love with girl, good guy fights evil corporation, and good guy is then saved by girl & her clan.

This movies plot is nothing to remember. It's the thrilling visuals that will totally blow you away, and that you'll never forget!

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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm gonna go see it this wekend, gonna pack plenty
of Herijuana into my dugout & go in just reeking.......

it really doesn't look like my kind of story as I'm not
into that particular sort of sci-fi/fantasy genre but
a James Cameron movie is usually worth the bucks.

You all know I'm old school and so I've got to take
this opportunity to bring up 'Fritz the Cat' to any of
the members here too young or too removed from
the few theaters that carried the USA's 1st X rated
animated movie, based on the comic strip developed
by Robert Crumb (Fabulous Furry Freak Bros).



Excellent suggestion with the mushies....alas....I only have DMT. I guess that will have to suffice....LMAO.
If I need a lobotomy as a result, I'm going to hold you exclusively responsible however...LOL.
Dr. Dank, It was big fun indeed! I'm 6'2"/250lb. and always on a diet, therefore, I try to stay away from the shroom candies. I eat about 7-10 grams of dried, and I'm swimming with 42 thankful fish-eating dolphins, watching the clouds, and wondering how they put air into tennis-balls.

Hello Step, no imax, just a regular theater. It was so damn good, I'm already considering going again. Avatar is definitely the ultimate "Tour De Force" trippin movie!

how do they get air in those tennis balls.....mind boggling!

I just was cleaning this morning and found a nice bag of shrooms....then I keep hearing from numerous people to go see that movie, then I stumble across this thread.....looks like this was meant to be :D


New member
The whole thing was shot with 3-D cameras and was meant to be experienced that way from what I've read.

IMAX camera's were never used so going to see it in IMAX would just be an upsized regular print.


OMG i saw it the other day in 3D not imax, but a giant screen none the less. Smoked a king size of casey jones on the way to the movie, was tripping a bit during the movie, quite insane, my boys and i kept looking at each other going, damn we shouldve got some shrooms for this.....ya wow. too funny.
Excellent movie.. lot of fun......loved it....Last and only movie I saw on Mushrooms was the Poseidon Adventure(1972)..After I left the movie everything seemed upside down, even riding in the car...I could not shake the feeling of being upside down......it became annoying to my fragile psyche....


Cannabis 101
haha nice I myslef don't like the taste of mushroom and i grow em myself in a lab high tech shit, but you should consider grinding em up into pills or jello squares that way you can swallow em with out tasting and it hits you much harder since the mushroom is ground up into dust :) tripping its amazing i get inspired every time and tent to appriciate everything around me.


Active member
Dually noted. I'll watch it once medicated, and once on psychedelics at IMAX if i really like the story and theme that much. should be sick either way.


Active member
So the whole movie is computer puppets controlled by human actors with sensors on them? Thats what the 'preview' sounded like


I would have done something like this years ago, and did, but I doubt I could maintain enough to not at least get yelled at by people for squealing and trying to crawl over the seats (and people in them) to get out of the theater.

PERFECT tripping movie though.


Well-known member
Sitting in a theater, stuck in a chair on psychedelics for two-three hours being surrounded by people, FUCI< THAT! ;)

If you don't feel that you would be able to enjoy the movie on shrooms, than I would certainly recommend against it.

Personally, I don't have a problem being around people tripping, as long as they don't try to infringe on my rights to have a good time, in which I'll trip along to a more peaceful place.

In all my years, the only thing I've found that really bothers me are excessively obese people. I don't have anything against extremely fat people, however, if I get stuck between two really fat people in the check-out line at the store, I have to take a xanax or valium. I always carry a few in my pocket incase I experience a fat people anxiety attack. It's really strange, for some unknown reason, I feel like fat people suck all the air right of my lungs.


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