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autoflower on non-autoflowering plant



Ok, somethin strange is happening to one of my plants-clones.

The clone is taken from a (malawi x skunk1) mother and was stored in the freezer for 2 weeks. when i rooted it (rockwool) and put it in soil first it didnt want to grow under a 250W MH. It was not a soil problem, because I have used it many times. And the light was at 24/0. Then after a week or so it started to strech and develop 3-finger leaves. And today the clone has showed its first female flowers (under 24/0).
WTF...Is this possible? Can this be a mutation because of clonning or what would be the reason? The mother was not awtoflowering.

What should I do now, cut the flowers and hope for the reveg or leave it to flower. I will post a few pics later...


burnt out og'er
This might just be a matter of normal pre-flowers (primordia) showing up in veg because of the plant finally reaching full adult age or maybe not ?

Anyway, I'm moving this thread to icmags new autoflowering forum for your answers.

ICmags new mod "S a H" will be more than happy to help you out.


Actually it really flowers under 24/0 :D. And despite of the strange leaf pattern (some with 1, som e with 2 or 3 fingers :D ) the flowers seem to be pretty normal. Ive tried to burn it with a lot of nutes, but it just seems to be the strongest plant Ive grown.

We ll see what will happen


Am I right in saying... you took a cutting .... or had a cutting whatever.. then bung it in the FREEZER (-minus degrees C) then took said cutting out after a fortnight and put it under a light... and it started to grow?
sorry if this is obvious, but why did you put it in the freezer? ive read numerous "frost kills" weed posts, although in kashmir and afghanistan plants keep growing even after a snow... if you wanted to stop it growing for a few weeks you could have put it in the fridge, i do that with males for a few days sometimes for pollination timing reasons