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Auto watered recirculating coco hempy


Active member
I've been toying with this design. The premise of it is that a hempy gets its greatest benefit if you can feed it multiple times per day. Well I don't have time to hand feed 3-4 times( or however many more than one) per day. Interested to get some input from the community. It's set up. it runs. Haven't put a plant in it yet wondering what kind of challenges I might face? Are the results from watering 3-4 times a day going to be significantly more than watering once per day? I see the advantages of recirculating auto watering of not having to deal with the run off , ec and ph staying more stable in the internal Rez and not having to worry about salt buildup due to the increased frequency of watering. Roots receiving fresh oxygen 3-4 times per day as opposed to once per day or every 2 - 3 as some people like to let their Hempys dry out( as I did in my first grow and had to deal with salt build up issues) I've been doing copious amounts of research but haven't seen anything similar to what I am planning... not sure if this is because my idea is flawed in its design or not. I have some clones that need a few more days to fill out their solo cup but plan on trying it out anyway once they are ready. Just trying to see if I can refine it to make sure its going to run well. Hydroton. Will be in the bottom and 100% coco on top.



Twisted pleasur

Active member
Idk but I sure would like to see how it goes. I did a similar set up. 18 years ago. I filled rain gutters with lava rock and ran water continuously while lights were on. And got the best yeild of my life. But afterwards on the next few runs had issues due to root rot. This was a long time ago before all these web sites. Haven't ventured back at all to play with it now.

Sure would love to try it again.

Im tuned in.

Thank You
Hey dude looks like a recirculating ebb and flow type deal you've got going on there. So my question is if you're watering multiple times a day so why would you need the internal res that the hempy is designed around?


Active member
That is something I've even asking myself...however some coco hempy enthusiasts swear by multiple feeds per day and that is pretty much my reference point. I guess it's more about the bringing fresh oxygen and nutrient solution as the benefit in this system.
Between top feedings(probably 2 per day) the plant has the internal rez to sip on which has fresh oxygenated solution. This is all speculation btw. Because I could possibly get the same benefit by top feeding once per day in a regular coco pot and let the plant sit in its run off. I'm curious as to the nuances in each method and want to determine if the results are worthwhile. But it seems the more fresh oxygen and fresh nutrient solution you can provide the plant the better.

I think based on this theory I am gonna just do a DTW coco hempy (regular hempy I guess) with an external Rez for twice a day feeds for fresh solution instead of recirculating solution. Saw a grow where someone did a side by side of recirculating coco vs DTW coco and the DTW was significantly better looking.

Maybe a coco hempy getting fed twice a day isn't much different than a DTW coco setup. But maybe the internal Rez will keep the plant from waiting for the next feed and can continue to fees until the next drip cycle. Internal musings of a stoner.


phanni man1

New member
...Roots receiving fresh oxygen 3-4 times per day as opposed to once per day or every 2 - 3 as some people like to let their Hempys dry out( as I did in my first grow and had to deal with salt build up issues) I've been doing copious amounts of research but haven't seen anything similar to what I am planning...
I water once every 1 or 2 days til run off and I've never had salt build up. (I guess its because I follow the instructions on the bottle of my canna nutes) I've never had to water more than once a day either.

If your plants looked poorly how can you be so sure it was down to salt build up?

You say there's nothing on your plans during your research. This could be because it was tried before, but just didnt perform as well as hempy's instructions but idk.

Be interesting to see your results if you go ahead with it though.


Salts build up due to coco going dry-ish.

If you are 400w +, you will totally benefit from
daily multi watering events.

Many hempy users hand water several times a day.

Let it run awhile with some girls, you may adjust
set up on the fly to make it right for you.

Keep us posted, subbed!

phanni man1

New member
I notice that the op grows in containers less than a gallon using low light in a small space. IMO he'd be better off growing in regular plant pots in coco rather than small hempy containers (which would need more regular waterings).

I flower using 400w along with hempy's instructions and I average about 3 - 4 zips per in 2 gallon hempy buckets. I did try a daily watering on one plant and although this kept the medium wet the plant never performed that well.

My biggest plant weighed 11 zips in a 3gal HB. She was hand watered every 1 - 2 days. I don't think she would have benefitted from daily multi waterings.

Many HB growers may water several times a day, but many people just follow hempy's easy to follow instructions too. It's down to the grower's choice at the end of the day though.


Active member
I notice that the op grows in containers less than a gallon using low light in a small space. IMO he'd be better off growing in regular plant pots in coco rather than small hempy containers (which would need more regular waterings).

I flower using 400w along with hempy's instructions and I average about 3 - 4 zips per in 2 gallon hempy buckets. I did try a daily watering on one plant and although this kept the medium wet the plant never performed that well.

My biggest plant weighed 11 zips in a 3gal HB. She was hand watered every 1 - 2 days. I don't think she would have benefitted from daily multi waterings.

Many HB growers may water several times a day, but many people just follow hempy's easy to follow instructions too. It's down to the grower's choice at the end of the day though.

Growers preference for sure. I've grown in a 2l hempy and had great results and I'm comfortable growing them in small containers. I'm actually going to side by side with the dripper feed coco hempy and DTW coco in a regular pot to see if there are any differences in growth. I have two clones from the same plant filling out some small coco cups right now. Both plants will be fed the same amount because they will be on the same feeding system.

I understand most people do a hempy because its easy to hand water at your convenience. And the thing about coco being a hydroponic medium is that if you treat it like soil you will get soil results. So all I'm really doing is just combining the hempy with a DTW system and see if its worth it to grow in containers with a small internal Rez or just run DTW with a normal pot. Ive drifted away from the recirculating idea and am just gonna do everything DTW.

I had to make a custom drain table for my space- its about 75% complete. Clones need at least 7 days before they are ready to transplant. So should be able to start it in about a week.



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Keep a good eye on your PH . recirc & coco don't play well together , it fluctuates the PH to much . which is why you don't see very many coco recirculating systems running . its usually hydrotron , or RW .... something truely inert like that . coco works fantastic DTW . 10 to 40% runoof that gets dumped , not recirculated .

Just sayin dude ..... try it & keep an eye on the PH .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Growers preference for sure. I've grown in a 2l hempy and had great results and I'm comfortable growing them in small containers. I'm actually going to side by side with the dripper feed coco hempy and DTW coco in a regular pot to see if there are any differences in growth. I have two clones from the same plant filling out some small coco cups right now. Both plants will be fed the same amount because they will be on the same feeding system.

I understand most people do a hempy because its easy to hand water at your convenience. And the thing about coco being a hydroponic medium is that if you treat it like soil you will get soil results. So all I'm really doing is just combining the hempy with a DTW system and see if its worth it to grow in containers with a small internal Rez or just run DTW with a normal pot. Ive drifted away from the recirculating idea and am just gonna do everything DTW.
I've grown both ways & still do . the hempys topped off by hand or drip fed once a day will equal or grow slightly faster than coco dtw . hempys fed everyday has the bennefit or more oxygen & fresh nutrients to the rez by feeding everyday & you will see a difference than it being fed every few days . I really don't see a need of feeding a hempy more than once a day unless its rootbound & late in flower , like the last 4 weeks . i might try feeding them twice during the light cycle in that case , but thats about it . if ya want to feed something multiple times during a cycle try the 6 or 8" Hugo's of RW .

I will say that the hempys fed everyday seem to veg faster than DTW pots . & if i need a plant to veg big for me quicker i'll put them in hempys rather than 2 or 3 gallon pots of straight coco . but if i have time to veg them long I'll do DTW pots .

i just put 9 into flower a few days ago in 2 gallon pots of coco DTW . & tonight i put 6 clones in 2 gallon coco hempys cuz i need them in a month or less .



Active member
dansbuds - thank you for that info!!! Your setup is very nice and plants look fantastic. So you hand feed the Hempys? How many feedings per day on your DTW pots? Why is your preference DTW?

I will take your advice on the once a day feeds for the Hempys. No need to reinvent the wheel... But still may do DTW as you have experience with both but run the DTW with time permitting.

Growing them in 1 gallon containers. Floranova bloom + calmag - 180 watts of vertical Pll+Hps. Space is 18" x 24" any recommendations? I really do appreciate the input!



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
dansbuds - thank you for that info!!! Your setup is very nice and plants look fantastic. So you hand feed the Hempys? How many feedings per day on your DTW pots? Why is your preference DTW?

I will take your advice on the once a day feeds for the Hempys. No need to reinvent the wheel... But still may do DTW as you have experience with both but run the DTW with time permitting.

Growing them in 1 gallon containers. Floranova bloom + calmag - 180 watts of vertical Pll+Hps. Space is 18" x 24" any recommendations? I really do appreciate the input!

No problem dude .... we're here to help :)

I hand feed the hempys till the roots hit the rez , then i set up a drip stake & feed them once a day till i get runoff all the way till they're done .
My DTW pots are fed the same way .... once a day till runoff .
drip times depends on ALOT of things & everybodys situation is diofferent . i'll set the timers so that i have runoff from every pot (DTW or hempy) & once the runoff stops ... i'll add another 30 seconds to the timers & then again when it stops ... i'll ad another 30 seconds . usually i only have to add a a 30 second interval to the timer 3 times during the flowering cycle to maintain runoff . so ... 2 minutes to 2 1/2 minutes will be enough by the end of the cycle .

i prefer DTW cuz its just easier .... theres less perilite to deal with & i've been trying the fabric pots (smart pots ) for root pruning & it does seem to make a difference in the plants health . concentrate on getting a good root mass going before flower & the yields will repay ya for it big time !!! :)

your set up sounds great .... i wouldn't change a thing . the only thing you didn't mention was air circulation . if thats in check .... i'd say yer good to go . FNB & calmag is a good combo . i used it for quite awhile . its a little heavy on the N , so be carefull not to over feed to late into flower .... cut it back after 35 to 40 days & add a PK boost & watch'em blossum :)

good luck brother :tiphat:

phanni man1

New member
...Growing them in 1 gallon containers. Floranova bloom + calmag - 180 watts of vertical Pll+Hps. Space is 18" x 24" any recommendations? I really do appreciate the input!...

Growing vert in that small space aint gonna be easy. Your plants will be touching the lights in flower thus destroying your buds.

I'd recommend scrogging (or lst/topping) one or two 1gal HB's.



Active member
No problem dude .... we're here to help :)

I hand feed the hempys till the roots hit the rez , then i set up a drip stake & feed them once a day till i get runoff all the way till they're done .
My DTW pots are fed the same way .... once a day till runoff .
drip times depends on ALOT of things & everybodys situation is diofferent . i'll set the timers so that i have runoff from every pot (DTW or hempy) & once the runoff stops ... i'll add another 30 seconds to the timers & then again when it stops ... i'll ad another 30 seconds . usually i only have to add a a 30 second interval to the timer 3 times during the flowering cycle to maintain runoff . so ... 2 minutes to 2 1/2 minutes will be enough by the end of the cycle .

i prefer DTW cuz its just easier .... theres less perilite to deal with & i've been trying the fabric pots (smart pots ) for root pruning & it does seem to make a difference in the plants health . concentrate on getting a good root mass going before flower & the yields will repay ya for it big time !!! :)

your set up sounds great .... i wouldn't change a thing . the only thing you didn't mention was air circulation . if thats in check .... i'd say yer good to go . FNB & calmag is a good combo . i used it for quite awhile . its a little heavy on the N , so be carefull not to over feed to late into flower .... cut it back after 35 to 40 days & add a PK boost & watch'em blossum :)

good luck brother :tiphat:

Air circulation is great - its a nice little environment. You mentioned root mass and flowering...if i Plan on flowering in 1 Gal containers...what is a guideline time wise for vegging/transplating etc to maximize the 1 gal container? This is something i havent really fooled with much...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Air circulation is great - its a nice little environment. You mentioned root mass and flowering...if i Plan on flowering in 1 Gal containers...what is a guideline time wise for vegging/transplating etc to maximize the 1 gal container? This is something i havent really fooled with much...
Thats to strain dependant to really give you an answer ... just make sure you have a good root mass before you hit flowering . some will fill out quick & some will take longer . the same with veg times .... some strains need a long veg time & others can go in as soon as they've rooted . way to many variables .
one thing thats helpfull to remember .... is that just because the lights are on a 12/12 schedule , the first 2 weeks ( the stretch ) of flowering is still a veg period & the roots will continue to grow untill the budset starts . many continue to use the blue spectrum of light in flower till the stretch is over .... to help controll the stretch .


Active member
Gotcha - I was always confused about flowering in a pot that has already been filled out with roots or if you put it in a bigger pot just as you flip to give it room to grow as it flowers. But I guess it seems you want to put it in a pot that will allow it to fill out just the right amount when you flip it to 12/12 to take into account the 2 weeks or so it takes to actually stop stretching and growing more roots and focus on producing flowers. Let it get established but not so established that you have to fight with root bound issues


Active member

Kind of a bad pic but I made a custom flood table and have two 3 gallon containers below it one for the Rez and the other for the run off. Feed manifold on the back there waiting for me to install the drip lines.




Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Looks good dude , can't wait to see it full & running at capacity :)