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Auto Sweet Mango (GHS) and auto Critical Jack (Delicious Seeds)

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
These were freebies so I have put them in my veg box on a 20/4 under soft white from seedling.

Critical Jack is the bigger one. Seems to be quite vibrant.

Does anyone know a good way or best time to transplant into their final pots?
I know i should have planted them initially in their final pots but found out too late!

was going to put them in 6 liter pots or one in a 10 liter and the other in a 10liter.
Height is a concern but not a pressing one unless one of these gets 1m plus.
Youll be ok the first week or 2 from seedling in those solo cups.
those auto's tap root goes quick down so just catch it before it get there or almost and itll b happy :)

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Youll be ok the first week or 2 from seedling in those solo cups.
those auto's tap root goes quick down so just catch it before it get there or almost and itll b happy :)

Thanks for the tip. I wasted no time and up potted to 1.5 gallon pots.

Seedlings look tiny for the size of pot but hoping that works in my favor as I have to leave them for 8 days anyway.

Pics - overall set up for these plants plus close ups of the Critical Jack.


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Does anyone know a good way or best time to transplant into their final pots?

EDIT "I wasted no time and ...."
Shokdee a newbee, but, I find it is better to wait until the seedling is really strong, before transplanting. If you are not sure when to transplant, just leave them until the first hint of white roots at the drainage holes of the cup/pot.

Next time, try put your fingers, like a teepee, over the seedling and then flip the cup/pot upside down. The whole thing should fall out more or less as one piece. In the larger pot, just make a hole the size of your cup. Put the seedling soil/rootball in the new hole.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Hi Shok. Tanks for stoppin by:biggrin:

So the auto's are not great as the cabinet was too cold. The auto sweet mango is struggling but growing very small and the other was way too cold and is also a bit small.
Have mixed up some special ph'ed and EC'ed water with some root stimulator mixed in. EC is 0.90 and ph 5.6 going in.

The sweet mango is too pathetic to show a picture of so here is the slightly less pathetic auto Critical Jack Herer instead...


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Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
ok b4 I 4get. Today got the environment sorted out. Flushed both pots till EC was respectable and PH acceptable although still a little high on the runoff I can live with it right now.
Also have got the cab into the 75 degree area by putting holes in the venting. It worked and all I will have to do is pull the venting into the cupboard a little more to make it colder again as I add lights. Talking of lights. Since I'm a little short of lights and since it does not seem to matter with auto's anyway I'm filling in any lighting gaps with bright white CFL's. (6500k) I have them in the 15-85w range. So pretty versatile for shapes and sizes.

I have plenty of those left over. Have a bottle of special feed for the auto's now. ph 5.8 and EC 1.1 which i hope is not too strong or weak. Going to leave them be and add/raise lights as needed.

Will update here when something happens.
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Good work RD! I've pulled up a seat, waiting to see how it all turns out. When you feel happy again, post some photos.

Rooting for you buddy. Shokdee.


New member
Sounds like you've been doing some good work to get your bases covered Reg. I'm sending some positive vibes your way, and hope to see your efforts pay off.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Sounds like you've been doing some good work to get your bases covered Reg. I'm sending some positive vibes your way, and hope to see your efforts pay off.

Thanks pal.:thank you:
Me also. :)

Actually the main problem in this box has been cold!

You'd laugh if you could see what the weather was like outside

So finally came up with the somewhat obvious idea of stuffing something into the cold intake hole to stop the cold air coming in. Since I have put holes in the venting just outside the box the air will just safely spew out into the room instead.

With this form of A/C I should be able to get the temps in a better and warmer range and see some real growth.

Have gifted the auto sweet mango to my gf but she has already lost interest in it leaving me holding the baby!

Maybe for the best. :biggrin: we will see.

Have started to nute them with a mix of Lucas formula and 25/5/5 mixed in to aid growth at an EC of around 1.3 and ph of 5.5.

Put in some hydroton pellets on the top of both today after flushing them then soaking them in ph 5.5 water.


pic 1 - Auto Sweet Mango
pic 2 - closer
pic 3 auto Critical Jack
pic 4 closer


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Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
update with pics

update with pics

So both plants have grown. The Critical Jack in particular. Have added lights and now, having run out of 2700k's I'll be adding 6500k's as the plants grow.

The auto sweet mango seems stunted as it has grown outwards and not upwards. I think the problem with it is the taproot grew down and out of the pot and now resides in the spill tray. Should I stuff it back through the hole and into the pot?
Right now they are getting fed a 1.5 EC 5.7 PH mix whenever they look like they need it.

pic 1 - auto sweet mango

pic 2 - critical Jack


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Reg Dixon said:
Should I stuff it back through the hole and into the pot?
No, do not fiddle with the roots. Either just leave them, or transplant into a deeper pot. If you leave them, then ensure they are covered (by the pot, or cocohair) and no light hits the roots. My 2 satang.


ICMag Donor
Next time, try put your fingers, like a teepee, over the seedling and then flip the cup/pot upside down. ....."

Excellent finger tee-pee technique!! Handling w/ care!!! Exactly how I transplant. Outdoors I start in main bucket...3-5 gallon. Indoors, I do party cups, then transplant 2-3 gallon container.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Have settled on a nute schedule of a small amount of water everyday with 1.80 nutes and 5.7 ph.
The pots do not 'sit wet' anymore this way.

Have extensively trimmed the sweet mango in the hope It will stretch a little upward instead of just bushing up. The critical Jack Herer is going into disppointing looking buds at the moment. Looks like a very light yielder so far.



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Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
The auto sweet mango still has not flowered. It is bushing out like crazy still. I'm giving it a trim from time to time to keep the tops clear. Should be up and away in another week I'm hoping. How is it ever going to be ready as scheduled?

I reckon unless something weird happens it may not flower at all at this rate.


Astronaut Status
I grew a five pack of the auto sweet mango's. I had two phenotypes. One made huge fluffy buds, and the other had buds that weren't quite as big, but they were super dense. I had them in 3 gallon pots. They should have been in five gallon pails. They get huge. I was getting an average of 70 grams per plant, which prolly would have been doubled if they were in 5 gallon pails. They will flower, and when it happens it's gonna be fast. Remember most auto's flower for only a month and are done. The first month they grow then it's flower mode, in hard mode. Some only grow for two weeks then flower for the rest, but if I remember correctly they were a month in before I saw any flowers. When they do flower though you will be able to see the changes over night. That's how fast it happens.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
I grew a five pack of the auto sweet mango's. I had two phenotypes. One made huge fluffy buds, and the other had buds that weren't quite as big, but they were super dense. I had them in 3 gallon pots. They should have been in five gallon pails. They get huge. I was getting an average of 70 grams per plant, which prolly would have been doubled if they were in 5 gallon pails. They will flower, and when it happens it's gonna be fast. Remember most auto's flower for only a month and are done. The first month they grow then it's flower mode, in hard mode. Some only grow for two weeks then flower for the rest, but if I remember correctly they were a month in before I saw any flowers. When they do flower though you will be able to see the changes over night. That's how fast it happens.

You are absolutely right. The mango has gone into flower and is growing daily. Mostly outwards!
It needs regular trims at the moment just so its tops can get some light. TBH I should have trimmed it earlier. No matter. There are pistols on both plants now. That is progress!

CFL's eh? Not bad, not bad at all...
Our uncle uses CFL's for seedlings and propagation, and HID's for the rest.
Good luck and enjoy the fruits of your labor of love...