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Auto OG Kush


First time with OG Kush in auto version.

Seed Breeder : Original Sensible Seeds
Genetic Origin : OG Kush x Auto
Yield : 400gm2/50-100g p/plant
THC / CBD / CBN : Medium-high THC

Into flowering stage now........:woohoo:




Just took her out for watering, getting fat!!!

Ending the second week of flowering, very sativa structure.
Smells like stinky sweet mango.



2nd Update

2nd Update

She is getting there, frosty as hell! Very stretchy plant, think I will have to put some support. Taking lots of water and keeping low on nutes. About to end week 3.



Well-known member
Pics or it didn`t happen....My old ass never started a thread in my life cuz I couldn`t show pics due to security reasons....now....that said....

No offense but talking about your grow is like watching grass grow and paint dry...IOW.....

A waste of bandwidth on the site`s server , but I digress...Good luck on your grow but we really don`t wanna read about it without SEEING progress....

Especially since an auto OG could be very profitable in the right hands....


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Pics or it didn`t happen....My old ass never started a thread in my life cuz I couldn`t show pics due to security reasons....now....that said....

No offense but talking about your grow is like watching grass grow and paint dry...IOW.....

A waste of bandwidth on the site`s server , but I digress...Good luck on your grow but we really don`t wanna read about it without SEEING progress....

Especially since an auto OG could be very profitable in the right hands....


So you are too much of a puss to post pics but you jump on someone for not posting pics. That my friend is a waste of bandwidth. Wow.

OP nice looking plant! I will be interested to see the outcome. Doesn't really look OG but we shall see eh? Interesting smells tho..

Thanks for posting!


Thanks for the heads up, I've only had Pure Kush (Hindu Kush) before, true indeed its quite different, lets see final outcome. Cheers!


Pics before harvest!!

Pics before harvest!!

Some pics before harvest, very nuggy plant, leaves changed to purple / dark red color, specially on central cola. Let you know about final thoughts next week. Cheers!



Final update!

Final update!

Curing in jars now....about 40gr. Not bad for a pretty frosty and incredible smell (mango with piney finish).........definitely recommend this strain. Cheers!!!




Excellent job, huracan!

Thanks trying to appreciate the autos benefits, great new genetics make it worthwhile!!

Smoke Report on the OG...
Smell: Very fruity mango like smell with some piney overtones.
Taste: It does tastes as it smells so you can tell.......
Potency: Hard hitting strain
Effect: Very head high effect at the beginning with a relaxed effect for a couple of hours.......awesome!! :woohoo:


Nice job any comments on finished product?

It is a good strain, totally recommend, after curing for some time now, here are some thoughts:

Smell: Piney sour smell
Taste: Earth, piney kind of woody taste.
Effect: Very head high effect at the beginning with a relaxed effect for a couple of hours. Afternoon, night time one.

Welcome to the forum btw...... Happy 420!!!