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Auto Malawi x Northern Lights Feminized


Active member
Hi all,

have been quite busy lately and so wasn't able to update. In addition I was able to visit the plants late in the date and was not possible to take pictures.

First of all I have to say that due to some issues with my family way of thinking I was forced to move some plants from location 2 to location 1 a week ago, causing damage to some branches. This way I have already harvested two colas of the auto Malawi in the pictures but left the rest to mature.

In my opinion it seems quite ready but suffered of an storm today and probably will wait for the next week to start before harvesting it completely. How do you see it for harvesting?

Buds are quite big for the size of the plant. they are thick and I think it is in its last reflowering.

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anyway I am feeling still a bit sad because of the other pheno auto malawi I did harvest.

@Veritas629, I encourage you to check auto zamaldelica forum too, just for you to compare. They were sprouted on the same date, so you can see which stage each of them is.


Beautiful plant Luiggi! Hope you are enjoying your previous harvest.


Active member
Good morning,
Update on Pheno 1, dried for 10 days and 324g into the cure bag. Really rough trimmed and will continue losing weight as cures but that's the biggest yield for me yet from a plant (my 3rd outdoor grow). Not very good at describing effects or taste but initial samples vaped, it's delicious. Effect for me is very sativa and clear, perfect daytime. Very happy 😀😀


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Active member
Pheno #2 update,
Buds are continuing to slowly fill in, getting frosty and terpenes are getting stronger. Beautiful earthy but very fruity? forward. Yummy smelling. Still weeks to finish for sure. Photo from the front and above. Huge plant.


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Active member
So are Ace's auto's good ? being that they are 8-12 weeker's see no point in running them -- isn't the reason folks run auto's is for time saved - one can get 4 auto run per year vs 2 with photo's. Don't get me wrong Ace has exceptional gear But was wondering when some 100% sativa strains as auto's thoughts, This year have been running autos with some producing more that a few fem photos'. for a fast strain turn-a-around autos are good - They do have their place in the cultivation


Active member
So are Ace's auto's good ? being that they are 8-12 weeker's see no point in running them -- isn't the reason folks run auto's is for time saved - one can get 4 auto run per year vs 2 with photo's. Don't get me wrong Ace has exceptional gear But was wondering when some 100% sativa strains as auto's thoughts, This year have been running autos with some producing more that a few fem photos'. for a fast strain turn-a-around autos are good - They do have their place in the cultivation
Hi Airplane,
In my location outdoor we get heavy frosts (-3-5 C) any time after mid September and killing frosts -5-10C) can happen any time starting 1st week October so finishing photo period plants is iffy. So for me these Ace autos are the answer as I will easily finish in August, ripen under intense sun and I choose when they finish. I have a photo period going as well and it's just starting to flower, so I will be crossing my fingers re finishing. I did some autos last summer from other breeders, no comparison to these plants at finish and timelines were similar start and finish. I'll be running Ace autos again next year for sure outdoors. Photos for me inside as I have space /height constraints.


Active member
Hi Airplane,
In my location outdoor we get heavy frosts (-3-5 C) any time after mid September and killing frosts -5-10C) can happen any time starting 1st week October so finishing photo period plants is iffy. So for me these Ace autos are the answer as I will easily finish in August, ripen under intense sun and I choose when they finish. I have a photo period going as well and it's just starting to flower, so I will be crossing my fingers re finishing. I did some autos last summer from other breeders, no comparison to these plants at finish and timelines were similar start and finish. I'll be running Ace autos again next year for sure outdoors. Photos for me inside as I have space /height constraints.
must be in a Midwestern Climate (like me) Have 4 that popped in on 7/27 and will come "due" on 1st part of October (Gorilla Cookie (FastBuds) Strawberry x Gooey Bears (Med Tree and MY Thai (purple thai x banana Hammock) and Deliziosa (Lilac Diesel x Phia) both are Ethos If not finished in Oct (get too cold) will finish inside . at that point they will take 12/12 or what ever due to short harvest time involved


Active member
@airplane , could you tell us what you mean by "popped in"? I have never heard that expression as a non native english speaker. Start of flowering? Or germination/planting (as in "popping seed")? Must be the former, because seeds germinated on 7/27 will have to really hurry up for a finish in the beginning of October.
Yea ! no problem - "popped" meaning that the seed has sprouted _ "popped out of shell" This is how the seedling stage begins - when the seed opens the 1st pair of round leaves are called "cotyledons" THEN once the seedling has 3 sets of "true leaves" this is when Veg stage starts . hope this helps = Peace


ACE Seeds Breeder
Really a nice one you got there with long fat buds! Like the more sativa leaning one this lady is getting hungry too. That pheno is not only yielding good, it's high is not so much indica like someone would first think, you will have a great night sleep yes but first it goes well in the head plus good mood. :) Almost medical qualities i would say, made me a sweet summer last year and helped with my health too, just slept so good. :good: 💤
Smoked 0,25g of one year old MA x NL (Indica-sativa habit with bulky sticky buds full of big Malawi trichomes) again last night and can confirm what Mitsuharu says. The high starts out energizing in both the mind and body. I felt like watering with 14 liter watering cans the many potted plants in the garden, which always takes half an hour. It was fun to fill the watering cans from the rainwater barrel and to start walking one can in each hand over the terraces. An appropriate workout at the moment. The mood gets a little more comfortable after 60 to 90 minutes. Once settled and seated, I felt relaxed, with a contemplative sequence of mental reflections. Everything in a chilled mode and a good night's sleep. Lying in bed, with closed eyes, there are hints of head cinema. This morning I feel ready for the day's work.

Thanks a lot for your feedback on the pleasant, mood enhancer effects coming from your Auto Malawi x NL flowers, i also find it very balanced in effects and with the 3 well differentiated phases described in the strain description: it begins with a sensorial, mentally lucid effect, that increases the thoughts; then it becomes more dense, warm and dreamy, finishing with a pleasant, narcotic and relaxed effect.

I could add that first stage can be uplifting, especially in the more sativa phenos, but never nervous or with bad body feelings of agitation. The final stage is relaxing yet not intoxicating and one indeed feel fresh next morning after use it previous day and night.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi @Luiggi I can feel your excitement during all the grow, so sorry to see that your 2 Auto Malawi x NL didn't finish in good shape as you deserved. I think the problem was caused by the few days of rain in late flowering, which most probably lead to fungus spores start to replicate inside the buds, followed by hot, sunny days: perfect conditions for fungus proliferation.

If this happens, showing yellowing leaves dying (another cause of mold proliferation) while the buds are still ripening, then it's better to harvest before the flowers' health decay. You will realize that terpenes start to fade and resins doesn't increase, but fade as well, meaning the flowers get worst day by day.

Initially, first F3 release of the strain released in 2017 produced 3 main phenotypes: a very columnar, one single main cola plant with hardly any branching of strong rudelaris/indica influence. This phenotype was bred out from the genepool as much as possible in next F3-F4 and F4-F5 releases of the strain, selecting in favor of the high yielding sativa/indica pheno of strong fruity terpenes (your plant #2) and in favor of the more sativa leaning pheno (your plant #1).

Auto Malawi x NL usually grows first for 4 weeks, then starts to flower regardless of photoperiod. The sativa/indica pheno needs approx 8-9 weeks from that point to finish, while the more sativa expressions may need a week or 2 more, extreme sativa expressions that need 11-12 weeks to finish are rare and only go that far when conditions are good from start to finish of the flowering stage, so plant's health remains good and sativa expression continues producing reflowerings and extending flowering time. Pics of the different phenotypes can be found in the strain description on our website.

The taller, thin leaved, more sativa pheno has more earthy African and creamy hashy terpenes, and as you were able to experience it gets white, covered in resins, it's a great pheno for hash production using classic Moroccan or Lebanese hash production style.

The high yielding sativa/indica pheno is usually the more appealing for smoking due to its more attractive terpenes, pleasant, more rounded balanced effects and fatter, better looking buds.

Despite they didn't finish in perfect shape, hope you can still enjoy the outcome after trimming properly the harvest.
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Good morning,
Update on Pheno 1, dried for 10 days and 324g into the cure bag. Really rough trimmed and will continue losing weight as cures but that's the biggest yield for me yet from a plant (my 3rd outdoor grow). Not very good at describing effects or taste but initial samples vaped, it's delicious. Effect for me is very sativa and clear, perfect daytime. Very happy 😀😀
Pheno #2 update,
Buds are continuing to slowly fill in, getting frosty and terpenes are getting stronger. Beautiful earthy but very fruity? forward. Yummy smelling. Still weeks to finish for sure. Photo from the front and above. Huge plant.

Congrats @Mtshasta on the harvest of your first Auto Malawi x NL plant, the high yielding sativa/indica pheno of appealing fruity terpenes and big dense buds everywhere, such a crazy yield for an auto :D Really impressed with how well both plants did perform, probably the biggest and nicest plants grown in pots of this strain we have seen in this thread, well done ;)

The more sativa leaning is still very healthy and she is going to be in continous reflowerings if conditions remain favourable like previously.

Thanks a lot for joining us on ICMag for sharing your grow and results! 🙌


ACE Seeds Breeder

How did your 3 Auto Malawi x NL finish @Eltitoguay ? I have the feeling they started to flower when the plants were still young-small and not fully developed to reach their potential, hardly producing branches. Not sure about the cause, could be they started under cold weeks during first 4 weeks and/or not enough direct light during growth stage ? What do you think ?


ACE Seeds Breeder

I still can't see auto-honduras on your website, how come :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: ?!! This one is essential !

But more seriously, it would interesting to know how tall do the plants get according to the pot size.

There's plans on working on more auto flowering versions of our strains, especially for the more sativa strains which is our main working field.

You can get a good idea of how big Auto Malawi x NL plants can get and how much they can produce, depending on the growing conditions (not only pot size) by taking a look to growers experiences in this thread.


ACE Seeds Breeder
So are Ace's auto's good ? being that they are 8-12 weeker's see no point in running them -- isn't the reason folks run auto's is for time saved - one can get 4 auto run per year vs 2 with photo's. Don't get me wrong Ace has exceptional gear But was wondering when some 100% sativa strains as auto's thoughts, This year have been running autos with some producing more that a few fem photos'. for a fast strain turn-a-around autos are good - They do have their place in the cultivation

Hi @airplane i think you answer to yourself at the end of your post.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Sorry (especially to @Luiggi) for my delay in replying this and other threads, last weeks have been intense with work and i couldn't come in to check and reply in depth threads like this one. I'm trying to catch up now with everyone and in all the threads, step by step.

Auto Malawi x NL has been out of stock since early this year, so one of the reasons for being busy is that we have been working on a new Auto Malawi x NL selection and reproduction, which i'm glad to announce it has been successful :) selecting again for best sativa/indica high yielding phenos of most appealing fruity terpenes, most solid flowers and best effects in the sativa/indica field and also selecting for most interesting sativa leaning expressions, so fresh Auto Malawi x NL F4-F5 seeds are available on our website:

and soon through our authorized retailers as well :yes:


Active member
Awesome :love: !

My suggestions if you allow me:
  • auto-Honduras first and foremost (obviously)
  • auto-New Caledonia
  • auto-Thai
You'd conquer a whole new market with those as you already know (I've seen your posts in the Auto Zamaldelica and I agree wholeheartedly) for there a many people in the North (>45N) who are dying to be able to experience the sort of highs these plants give. Especially during winter when low light and depression set in. Up energetic motivational plants become like life savers. I'm totally looking forward to those release :love:.
auto Thai sounds interesting

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