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Auto flowering outdoor preperation


Hi guys! I am not versed in the world of auto flowering genetics so pardon my ignorance.

I live at 47N and would like to do auto flowering genetics outdoors. I realized that I could Veg some indoors and plant them in June and harvest at the end of june. have some already sprouted and plant those after I chop the others and I could harvest those at the end of july, then plant more and harvest them at the end of september.

So three harvests of 15 plants (my legal limit) over one summer!
I have looked at seeds, but I dont want to have to buy all the seeds that I use, so my main question is. If i buy some auto flower genetics, can a cross them with a regular male and end up with lots of auto flower seeds? Is there a way to make seeds at all?

Thanks in advance!


No, if you cross autos with a regular male you will only wind up with a small percentage of autos out of resulting seeds. you will need to cross a stabelized auto with itself to create f2's or with another stable auto to make a hybrid. ive been plotting on crossing diesel rider with MI5 for a while now i just havent had the time. you should also look into the iranian autoflower, gurilla's gold, and danish gold. these are all autoflowers that dont flower under 24 hours of light. this means you can keep a mom and veg you clones to increase your yield.

hope this helps


Making seeds on autos is very easy. Buy regular seeds, not fems. Plant them and at about 3 weeks they will show their sex. Keep the best male and separate it from the females. In your case, move the females outdoors and keep the male indoors. Cut a slit into a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 paper and slide it under the male, resting on top of the pot. As the pollen sacks open the pollen will fall to the paper. Gather it up and use a small brush to "paint" the pollen on the female buds. I like to pollinate 1 or 2 lower branches on the two best looking females. I usually average around 30 seeds per branch. I do this with every strain I grow and now have a nice stock of seeds for future grows.


Oh damn dude.... I feel really dumb right now... haha!

Someone please flame me for asking a noob question!

I went to attitude seed bank and the whole page was feminized seeds, so i just figured that all autoflowers were feminized, I need to read more!


Oh and thanks for helping me realize this! I will be doing lots of autoflowers this year!

I think I will germinate the seeds indoors and plant them in party cups and grow them for 10 days or so and then plant them outside!

Might go gorilla and plant these babies scattered every where. How much sun do auto flowers need. I have a spot in my yard that would be perfect for growing autoflowers, but it only gets about 4.5 hrs of sun, which did not cut it for normal cannabis plants.


Here's what I've been doing for 3 years now and it works out pretty good. I start my seeds indoors under a 175 watt MH light in Rapid Rooters and after about a week to 10 days I plant the rooters into 5" square by 5 1/2" deep pots. These pots are big enough for the first 3 weeks or so, until I can sex them. I then transplant the girls into bigger pots. Two gallon for dwarfs and 3 gallon for bigger ones like Mi5 or Onyx. Any males I want to keep stay indoors under the MH. I leave those in the 5" pots. Yes, the males don't get as big but do get big enough that I can harvest pollen. I usually move the girls outdoors at around 2 weeks and allow them to become acclimated to outdoor conditions before transplanting into the bigger pots. This method has proven successful for me. I never experience any transplant shock,

I doubt you'll get much yield with only 4 1/2 hours of light. Like any other plant, autos will take as much light as you can give them.

A lot of seed banks are only selling feminilzed seeds anymore. They say it's because that's what the market demands and that they have limited production space, so they produce what the market wants. I also suspect it's their way of protecting their genetics.


Thanks for your input muddy!

Your method sounds perfect for me, sexing before I plant would be nice, so I can put all females outside.

Your right about the seeds! I love and hate the feminized genetics at the same time. But I think a big portion of it comes down to money, most seed companies sell feminized seeds for a little more cash, and you dont get males so you cant get seeds. well the high price tag for cash croppers is no big deal, but people like me who want to stay under their limits but cant make their own seed, and dont sell what they grow, we have to pay the high price tag too! well it shouldnt be a problem for me now... I have a whole room full of females that are somewhat seeded!

But I think im going to buy some autoflowering genetics. I dont think I will run them in my back yard, but I will go out and do a few gorilla spots. Make some hash and edibles!


Any time. Before I got the MH light I just left the males on the window sill. They still got big enough to produce pollen. I think seeding autos is easy and fun, and yes, saves a whole lot of $.