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Auto-flower growth

its trypp


Well, I decided a few hours later to test her out again rigidity wise. Since I watered her this morning I think that might have contributed to some of the reason as to why she felt rigid.

I am using this guide for LST (https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=115377) so if anyone can spot anything that I might be doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advanced :)

its trypp

I LOVE plants. It really is amazing how something without anything we would consider sentient intelligence is able to figure out what it needs so quickly. :) Its been a couple hours since I tipped her over for some LST, and already she is leveling herself out :)

Here she is straightening herself out :D


Active member
Nice I have found autos to naturally branch and get like a christmas tree shape when they start to show pistils. Once they start showing pistils is when they usually take off vertically.

Also buddy you don't need to raise your temps. As long as the temps in your tent or space is not 80° then you are fine. You kinda wanna keep your temps like 76 and lower really when I flower I like my room temp to sit around 72 with lights on. I don't ever let my temps get over 78 if I can help it in veg and flower.


ICMag Donor
Your plant has a lot of growth yet to go (you are about 1/4th in the total maturation process). Wait a bit and let the plant grow before bending down.

Once secondary branches start filling out.....those are the ones to gently tie down. You can bend the primary stalk....just be careful ....she can snap easily.

From 25-55 days, growth will continually morph at a good speed. You don't want to stunt it by bending down right away....that produces similar reaction to stress hormones, thereby inhibiting growth for protection sake.


ICMag Donor
If you have good soil to start with, you don't need CalMag. Excess salt build up...not good for plant.

its trypp

Then should I unrestrain it Arid? Now I feel as if, even though the stress was "low" I feel like tipping her now and then re-straightening her will only cause more? Ooof >.<

its trypp

Nice I have found autos to naturally branch and get like a christmas tree shape when they start to show pistils. Once they start showing pistils is when they usually take off vertically.

Also buddy you don't need to raise your temps. As long as the temps in your tent or space is not 80° then you are fine. You kinda wanna keep your temps like 76 and lower really when I flower I like my room temp to sit around 72 with lights on. I don't ever let my temps get over 78 if I can help it in veg and flower.

thanks for you the info, then I shall not raise the temps. Hmmmm...

its trypp

Well, arid I straightened her back out. I think for my own comfort sake, and the sake of the auto I will not mess with her main stalk any more, and stick just to her branches. hopefully she will bounce back quickly for me. I will experiment more with the strawberry blue as I can control how long she veges out.

Thanks again, everyone, for all the advice given so far it is greatly appreciated. :) I'll keep you posted on how she fares ^_^


Still at large...
hey looks good, i am about to embark in the same. i think its great we can give and get feed back with peers from what i see it help a bunch...... what are you doing for lights?


Still at large...
looks good man, i am embarking on doing the same, still desiding on what route, what are you doing for lights?

its trypp

looks good man, i am embarking on doing the same, still desiding on what route, what are you doing for lights?

To be honest I am using T5 lighting, which isn't ideal. Basically florescent tube lights, with different bulbs for bloom stage. I would go with what everyone else has suggested and go with a nice 400-600w HPS light, which will be what I am doing when I have the money to do so. You are welcome to drop in whenever you like to check on progress as I will be updating it fairly consistently with this small grow. :)

And yes, the community on this sight so far seems absolutely amazing. :) Good luck with your grow! ^_^


ICMag Donor
Well, arid I straightened her back out. I think for my own comfort sake, and the sake of the auto I will not mess with her main stalk any more, and stick just to her branches. hopefully she will bounce back quickly for me. I will experiment more with the strawberry blue as I can control how long she veges out.

Thanks again, everyone, for all the advice given so far it is greatly appreciated. :) I'll keep you posted on how she fares ^_^
Thanks again.

Yeah, let her grow out a bit, esp. if your lights aren't right next to it. You'll see the growth happening daily....and be amazed!! I do more side branching "lst" than the main cola....I did that a few times and SNAP!....the stem broke....;o(
Sad when that happens as most of your harvest will come from the main cola.

I cannot speak for coco....organic soil seems to have been good to me for decades, yet tried dwc, hydro. Just too much monitoring with those methods. Not to say one is inferior...I just like knowing I can water, be gone for several days and come back to growth!!
Sorry, I didn't catch that you were doing coco. Doh! Given the best environment....you'll have a nice frosty harvest in a few months!! KUDOS!:dance013:

With cool T-5 lights you can get the flouro right above the plant (2-4") or if room, vertically around the plant. Are you using 2ft. or 4ft. bulbs? Also, 18/6 light regimen is an excellent schedule. Some swear by 24 hr. light...I like to give plants a little nap in-between light cycle to absorb essential nutrients.
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its trypp

Thanks again.

Yeah, let her grow out a bit, esp. if your lights aren't right next to it. You'll see the growth happening daily....and be amazed!! I do more side branching "lst" than the main cola....I did that a few times and SNAP!....the stem broke....;o(
Sad when that happens as most of your harvest will come from the main cola.

I cannot speak for coco....organic soil seems to have been good to me for decades, yet tried dwc, hydro. Just too much monitoring with those methods. Not to say one is inferior...I just like knowing I can water, be gone for several days and come back to growth!!
Sorry, I didn't catch that you were doing coco. Doh! Given the best environment....you'll have a nice frosty harvest in a few months!! KUDOS!:dance013:

With cool T-5 lights you can get the flouro right above the plant (2-4") or if room, vertically around the plant. Are you using 2ft. or 4ft. bulbs? Also, 18/6 light regimen is an excellent schedule. Some swear by 24 hr. light...I like to give plants a little nap in-between light cycle to absorb essential nutrients.

I am using 2 ft bulbs, and yes they are only a few inches above the plant for the most part. I raise them back up for pics since my camera phone will just be blinded by them.

well, she is almost completely straight again, though she does still have a slight bend. no new growth today so just letting her take it easy. Ill water her again tomorrow morning unless her soil seems really dry tonight.

As for lighting I have her on a 20/4 schedule. Would you suggest a slightly longer dark time? Annnnnnd yeah I would prefer my girl to not snap. The only other grow I have done was a clone I had gotten. She grew to about 3 ft which was plenty for me, so I switched her lighting. The first night I switched she literally folded on herself. It literally looked like the point where she folded exploded from the inside out. I was super confused and sad when it happened. But I am almost 100% sure that it happened from over pruning the lower leaves, which ofc was a newbie mistake. :x


ICMag Donor
Plant looks good!! I see changes just from the first bent (lst) pic you took!! KUDOS, its trypp!!

20/4 schedule a good schedule....and w/ t5 bulbs....very adequate.. After doing a few experiments...24 all the time did not greatly (very little, if any change) improve plant growth/acceleration.

In the old days, we preened outdoor fan leaves, but then again, we were growing a LOT of plants....like a corn field sans the corn! Cough. 8-10ft. giants. That was then....this is now.

Unless they (lower fan leaves) are severely hampering light penetration....leave everything alone and just grow her!!! And by "gently" bending lower branches, you can side step ANY pruning.

You learned a good lessen from previous clone...as long as you don't continue to do the same things expecting different results....you'll be impressed w/ end product.

In fact, if you have extra 2 ft. dual lights, you can set up two opposite...vertically along w/ overhead....did that years ago in Reno....basement photoperiod grow...2 dual lights on top, 4 on the sides. Worked great!!

Autos know when to defoliate, so no need to pluck off leaves UNLESS there's bugs or mildew....and even then....chili pepper ground up w/ water sprayed...it rids bugs and mold. Also, garlic water/vinegar (diluted)...instant results.

Just keep an eye on coco mix....don't over fertilize.

Keep on growin'....I enjoy watching your progress!!:dance013:
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its trypp

Plant looks good!! I see changes just from the first bent (lst) pic you took!! KUDOS, its trypp!!

20/4 schedule a good schedule....and w/ t5 bulbs....very adequate.. After doing a few experiments...24 all the time did not greatly (very little, if any change) improve plant growth/acceleration.

In the old days, we preened outdoor fan leaves, but then again, we were growing a LOT of plants....like a corn field sans the corn! Cough. 8-10ft. giants. That was then....this is now.

Unless they (lower fan leaves) are severely hampering light penetration....leave everything alone and just grow her!!! And by "gently" bending lower branches, you can side step ANY pruning.

You learned a good lessen from previous clone...as long as you don't continue to do the same things expecting different results....you'll be impressed w/ end product.

In fact, if you have extra 2 ft. dual lights, you can set up two opposite...vertically along w/ overhead....did that years ago in Reno....basement photoperiod grow...2 dual lights on top, 4 on the sides. Worked great!!

Autos know when to defoliate, so no need to pluck off leaves UNLESS there's bugs or mildew....and even then....chili pepper ground up w/ water sprayed...it rids bugs and mold. Also, garlic water/vinegar (diluted)...instant results.

Just keep an eye on coco mix....don't over fertilize.

Keep on growin'....I enjoy watching your progress!!:dance013:

Thanks arid. I might pick up that idea for the full 3d light penetration when I get paid at the end of the month, though I do need to figure out how I am going to pull it off haha.

And yeah, growing that clone was a good (albeit devastatingly disappointing) experience. It made me research a lot more to become more confident in my grow, even with limited funds. Definitely over pruned the her, and should of looked it up more first. But if we don't make mistakes, then we can't learn.

Even since yesterday she has grown about 1cm vertically (small, but noticeable :) ), as well as the leaves developing at the top gaining about twice their size. The hell, I never grew like that... lucky ass plants haha xD

I am also happy to state my Strawberry blue poked its head out and is about an inch tall now :) Faster than I thought it would be, 28 hours germinating, planted wednesday night and here it is friday morning an inch tall. Haha i'll upload a pic of it later when my phones charged haha.

its trypp

Oh and I forgot to mention; I will never believe in a 24/0 grow cycle. Every living thing needs some form of rest, and denying it only improves chances for stress.

I guess the only issue I have is I really have is that I don't understand how so many pics I see on the grow threads seem to have plants no taller than mine, yet with much MUCH thicker main shoots. I am, for the most part, going to take a stab in the dark and say its genetics, but I also have a feeling it might be due to some other variables and such.

Oh! And no worries about over-ferting. I am using 6ml Calmag to 1 gallon RO water, and thats it on her. She actually seems to be enjoying the lack of the other nutes that I have (I use general hydroponics, got a kit that has their BioThrive (Grow and bloom), BioRoot [which I might contemplate adding, but only upon suggestion], bioWeed, BioMarine, Black Diamond and CalMag). So as stated unless the root nutes are suggested to be added, just sticking to the calmag, as the coco fiber is *supposed* to be sterile as fart as fert goes.


ICMag Donor
Light intensity, in part,"....I don't understand how so many pics I see on the grow threads seem to have plants no taller than mine, yet with much MUCH thicker main shoots"

And grow medium....yours will come along fine. Not to worry. You are still in the learning process.

Nutrients added when the plant is full on budding, branching out...sparingly. I've witnessed numerous overzealous growers thinking twice is much is good.

As mentioned ...over watering, over fertilizing, dinking with the plants are the novice's approach...and usually suffers.
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