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Auto ACE at the Duckpond


Well-known member

She is a mutt that got abandoned at the dump that I adopted. I told her at least one person thinks shes noble and she gave me a wag. She is quite the wimp and has been cowering with all these thunderstorms lately but I love her.


Thanks for the advice and the compliments. I am quite happy how things have turned out so far. I am really looking forward to how my big stretchy pheno will flower out. I am pretty sure it is an Auto Zam. Im sure yours is looking amazing friend, I know you had that extremely early flowering girl going.

Thanks I just use my phone camera... its the plants that do all the hard work looking so pretty.:dancer:


Well-known member
Hope everyone is doing well!

It has been very hot and sunny here... about 30C for the past 4-5 days. It is a nice respite from the rain we have been getting and they are soaking up the sun and heat.




I have been getting some yellowing from the bottom of my plants up. I believe it is a calcium or magnesium issue. I think I will try adding some epson salt to my next watering but any input is welcome.



ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi MallardDuck,

I would feed them with a wide spectrum macro and micro fertilizer, these autos can eat a lot despite they look tiny. Hope the good sunny and warm weather stays as much as possible during flowering.


Well-known member
Took a few pics the other day. Thought I would share.

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Beautiful work MallardDuck. They're looking great.

Very frosty and starting to bulk up! They look really happy out there in the sun. That big one, I see what you were talking about over in the auto zamaldelica thread. I wanted some of those NL Malawi as well but I went with the (so they say) more potent zamaldelica but I'd have been happy to grow either one. Looking forward to seeing a NL malawi if it turns out to be one. What a beast!


Well-known member
Hi Chrono!

My suspicions are leaning towards MalawixNL for the tall lanky girl so you might be in luck. Thank you for the kind words. The Auto Zams you have going look beautiful as well! They look very healthy. I have looked through some of your old albums and you are a very talented gardener. :D

I am still having problems with yellowing. I have amended with dry organic ferts and epsom salt but the problem persists. I checked my soil PH and it is at about 6.5. I think I will try my local garden store tomorrow to see if I can find a cheap organic liquid nutrient to get me through the next 4-5 weeks of flower. These cannabis plants are far hungrier than I imagined.


Well-known member

I just returned from a 5 day trip down the Kootenay River in BC. It was an amazing trip with fantastic weather, exciting rapids and beautiful people. I have demons within me that can at times leave me filled with doubt and self hate... but the silence and simplicity of wild places always leave me refreshed.




Well-known member
While I was gone I had a kind neighbor water my plants. Unfortunately when I gave them an examination when I returned, the 3 plants I believe to be the Auto Zams have all popped nanners and balls while I was gone. I cant help but feel I have done something wrong. That being said they are all looking frosty and smell amazing... from a candied cedar smell to fresh carroty mango.







Well-known member
The one I believe to be the big Auto MalawixNL doesn't seem to have any however. I am very impressed with this plant.


Big M

Looking really good MallardDuck. Looks like you had a beautiful trip! I feel the same way about being in the wild; it's great medicine.

My Auto Zamaldelica had a few tiny nanners in it too, but I haven't found any seeds in it yet. It did very lightly pollinate my Auto Malawi, but not very bad. I've only found a few small, undeveloped seeds. I assumed that it popped nanners from being stressed, as there were many areas in which the grow was lacking. Either way, they showed up late, and didn't cause any real issues.


Well-known member
Thanks Big M.

I was originally a little disappointed when I found a few nanners on my plants. But few days of reflection made me realize a few things. I live in a very tough climate. Early on the plants were subjected to below 10c at night and later on a few weeks of 30c plus. They have survived numerous thunder and rain storms with strong winds without getting any botyris. Alberta is known for its fast and often violent changes in weather. It is also my first time growing cannabis and I know I made mistakes as I learned the particular personality of this new plant in my garden. I already have a list of things I will do differently next year.

I am very proud of my little plants and what they achieved. They smell amazing and are super frosty and I know will be better than anything I could get from a gov't dispensary. And I dont blame them for showing me that I could have done a better job. Hopefully I can do them better next year.


Well-known member
Hi M.D.,You do not need to worry about some late
bananas, the final product is not affected by them...
Enjoy your fruits.


Well-known member
The nights here are starting to get colder... I wonder if I will get any colours appearing in my last 2 plants.

The big one is the apple of my eye right now. Super crystally and definitely the most generous of the plants in terms of yield. Smells like creamy sweet cedar. I am pretty sure that this one is an Auto MalawixNL based on the descriptions on the ACE website. If anyone has any guesses let me know.

The other little one is for sure an Auto Zam. It was planted 2 weeks later than the others... Despite its small stature it is quite chunky and smells of fresh mango.

Suspected MalawixNL




Auto Zam




Well-known member
Poor doggo :)
Suspected Auto MalawiNL looks great, the AutoZam is very stocky for how I remember her stature from my little experience. Fresh mango sweetness is Zam for sure, AutoMalNL had some apple sourness in it with a bit of flowers on top.
Harvesting soon?



Well-known member
Thanks for dropping by Koondense.

I think I may have accidentally nicked off the end off the taproot of the small Auto Zam when transplanting, which probably have stunted its height and stature.

I think the Auto Zam needs a week or two and Im not sure about the MalawixNL. The trichomes and buds have been swelling considerably this last week and I am tempted to let it go longer. I know the best way to check harvest is apparently a loup but I don't have one. What do you think? Its been about 13 weeks since sprout for the MalawixNL and 11 for the Auto Zam. This is my first harvest so I am just guessing.

Big M

Coming along nicely MallardDuck!

I chopped my auto Malawi NL and the auto Zam both right at 100 days, give or take a day. The Zamaldelica had a small amount of amber, but mostly a mix of cloudy and clear. The Malawi NL had very few amber trichomes to be found, with over half cloudy, probably about 65%. Just from looking at the plants without any magnification, the auto Zamaldelica looked ready to chop, but the Malawi NL looked like it wanted another two weeks. Hard to compare number of days between mine raised under led vs yours under the sun, but hopefully it helps a little.

I would have loved to let them go another week or so, but I'm still quite happy with the results. No heaviness or couch lock in either, just a good buzz overall. I look forward to trying these again in better conditions. I would be curious to see how a more mature bud with very little clear trichomes and a good percentage of amber changes the flavor and high. My guess is that with these two autos, you'll have some good smoke regardless of amber content.

The suspected Malawi NL looks to be getting close. I'd keep watching it swell for a while if you think it's still putting on weight. The auto Zamaldelica should still put on a good bit of weight over the next few weeks I'd think. Take all that with a grain of salt, as I've only ever tried one of each.


Well-known member
Thanks for the input Big M!

Your right I dont think I can really go wrong. Just typical new grower fussiness!

Today is great day. After being layed off at the beginning of COVID I finally have two job interviews set for next week!


Well-known member
Hi everyone.

I have fully completed harvested and dried my first cannabis plants!

The last two plants came down a couple weeks ago. The small one I had to cut a few grams of mold off but I was able to save the rest. Overall these plants have been amazing to me.




I want to thank all the wonderful people who tuned into my thread this year whether you left a post or were just lurking. I always appreciated the encouraging comments or constructive feedback from everyone along the way.

Also Dubi too for sharing these great plants with us! :thank you:

Here are the fruits of my harvest hanging out with the other canned goods from this year.


I swear I will get better at trimming next time!

I have sampled a gram or two but I am going to hold off on giving a smoke report until it has had time to cure. I will say early tests are very promising.