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Authorities Confiscate More Than 1,600 Daisy Plants Thought To Be Marijuana

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
LETHBRIDGE, Alberta (CBS Seattle) – Alberta authorities thought they made the biggest marijuana bust in Lethbridge’s history, but instead confiscated 1,624 daisy plants.
The Calgary Sun reports that at the time of the July bust a senior officer proudly held up garbage bags filled of the plants and declared, “This is a significant bust, given the size of this operation.”
The Sun now reports that that same officer, Staff Sgt. Wes Houston, made a mistake.
“In any investigation, police count public safety as our top priority – our decision to seize the plants was made with the best information we had at the time,” Houston told the Sun.

Houston is the leader of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team, which is supposedly the best drug squad in the providence.
According to the paper, cops are still planning on charging the owner of the garden, Ryan Thomas Rockman, 41, with four charges of 1.5 pounds of marijuana possession and 6.3 grams of resin possession.
“They muddied my name pretty good,” Rockman told the Sun after the raid on his garden. “The whole situation makes me want to hang my head and cry.”
Rockman kept trying to tell police that he was just growing daisies, but to the untrained eye, the plants do look similar.
“To be fair, they do look very similar. You have to look close to see the difference,” Tamara Cartwright-Poulits, director of the Southern Alberta Cannabis Club, told the Sun.
Cartwright-Poulitis says that a trained drug cop should have been able to tell the difference.
“This just shows they are totally uneducated about marijuana, and when you’re dealing with law enforcement officers, that’s unacceptable,” she added. “To me, this looks like they were scrambling for the big bust, hoping for a big headline.”



Active member
They look similar? Like they are both plants? Sort of how the world trade center looks similar to my house.


Active member
so they just bought his 1600 daisies. cause i would be suing bigtime. each daisy ought to be worth atleast 1000$$$. hell if they can overestimate weed value he should overestimate his daisy worth. just sayin. and if you cant tell thew diff between a daisy and weed,you shouldnt be on an irradication team. end of story. now everyone go plant some daisies


Active member
What.. the.. fuck.

That guy should get a FAT check.
And the idiot cop should be fired or demoted if he can't tell the difference. It's his fucking job!!


Active member
they do make drug test kits ya know . lol he got 4 charges of 1.5 lbs weed and 6.3 grams resin. i see a deal happening .


What a complete waste of time and manpower that could be used to, oh I dunno, CATCH CRIMINALS. Hell a quick look at the crime stats there shows they only have approximately a 50% clearance rate for crimes against people, and closer to 25% clearance rate for crimes against property, yet they waste their time on this bullshit. I know plenty of LEO and they are nearly all as narrow minded and idiotic.



ICMag Donor
I personally KNOW no leo....I avoid them like AIDS.

Tell me you have a badge - and I'll vanish right before your eyes. POOF...magic.



LETHBRIDGE, Alberta (CBS Seattle) – Alberta authorities thought they made the biggest marijuana bust in Lethbridge’s history, but instead confiscated 1,624 daisy plants.
The Calgary Sun reports that at the time of the July bust a senior officer proudly held up garbage bags filled of the plants and declared, “This is a significant bust, given the size of this operation.”
The Sun now reports that that same officer, Staff Sgt. Wes Houston, made a mistake.
“In any investigation, police count public safety as our top priority – our decision to seize the plants was made with the best information we had at the time,” Houston told the Sun.

Houston is the leader of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team, which is supposedly the best drug squad in the providence.
According to the paper, cops are still planning on charging the owner of the garden, Ryan Thomas Rockman, 41, with four charges of 1.5 pounds of marijuana possession and 6.3 grams of resin possession.
“They muddied my name pretty good,” Rockman told the Sun after the raid on his garden. “The whole situation makes me want to hang my head and cry.”
Rockman kept trying to tell police that he was just growing daisies, but to the untrained eye, the plants do look similar.
“To be fair, they do look very similar. You have to look close to see the difference,” Tamara Cartwright-Poulits, director of the Southern Alberta Cannabis Club, told the Sun.
Cartwright-Poulitis says that a trained drug cop should have been able to tell the difference.
“This just shows they are totally uneducated about marijuana, and when you’re dealing with law enforcement officers, that’s unacceptable,” she added. “To me, this looks like they were scrambling for the big bust, hoping for a big headline.”


Typical. Thinks the weed is the enemey and doesnt even know what it is.
I never say I dont like an herb or a fruit until Ive tried it. Theyre usually all very good for you.


funny as. told my lawyer drug cops did not know shit from clay .cops parents must feel proud of their succes


Active member
i have known a few cops over the years. didnt really like any of em . but their insight and me being able to listen taught me alot. but at this stage in my life i dont want any contact with piggies.

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