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Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Who was that Aussie singer ,,who had a hit record, about “” Two Little Boys”” ??
Sorry Teddy,,Noyd and any other Aussies,,
I’m gonna shut my “” North and South “” lol and disappear around the “”” Jack Horner “””lol,lol,,,,s2
That would be Rolf Harris.


New member
Aussies have the best expressions for everything...
Not good looking - "Face like a dropped pie."
I'm not happy with you - "Get a dead dog up ya."
I'm very hungry - "I could eat the crutch of a low flying duck."
Heard today in a Tassie bottleshop...
"Want to stay safe from the virus, get a Harley...you can't catch anything on a Harley."

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Biffo = fight

Agro = aggresive

Bottlo = take away alcohol shop .

Servo = petrol station

Preggo = pregnant

Iso = isolation .

alco = alcoholic

Smoko = lunch time

I dispute a carton of tallies being a slab . Nah bro that`s a box or carton . Cans come in slabs .

anoydas 666

no one gives a fuck as long as ya can drink the piss.
tallies ? long necks.
bottlo= horse n cart pick up.


"Bonzer lookin' Sheila ..."

Have we done 'Bonzer'? (Looks funny written down.) Have we done 'Sheila'?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
A little ditty from my road of Australasian nostalgia - from a pommy bastards point of view -

Australian Table Wines.

A lot of people in this country pooh-pooh Australian table wines. This is a pity, as many fine Australian wines appeal not only to the Australian palette, but also to the cognoscenti of Great Britain.

'Black stump Bordeaux' is rightly praised as a peppermint flavoured Burgundy, whilst a good 'Sydney Syrup' can rank with any of the world's best sugary wines.
'Chateau Bleu', too, has won many prizes; not least for its taste, and its lingering afterburn.

'Old Smokey, 1968' has been compared favourably to a Welsh claret, whilst the Australian wino society thouroughly recommends a 1970 'Coq du Rod Laver', which, believe me, has a kick on it like a mule: 8 bottles of this, and you're really finished -- at the opening of the Sydney Bridge Club, they were fishing them out of the main sewers every half an hour.

Of the sparkling wines, the most famous is 'Perth Pink'. This is a bottle with a message in, and the message is BEWARE!. This is not a wine for drinking -- this is a wine for laying down and avoiding.

Another good fighting wine is 'Melbourne Old-and-Yellow', which is particularly heavy, and should be used only for hand-to-hand combat.

Quite the reverse is true of 'Chateau Chunder', which is an Appalachian controle, specially grown for those keen on regurgitation -- a fine wine which really opens up the sluices at both ends.

Real emetic fans will also go for a 'Hobart Muddy', and a prize winning 'Cuiver Reserve Chateau Bottled Nuit San Wogga Wogga', which has a bouquet like an aborigine's armpit.



This post contains a Racist assumption. If you know anything about Australian Indigenous women you'd be in there licking armpits like crazy. Then you just have to lie back ... it's dreamtime!

A little ditty from my road of Australasian nostalgia - from a pommy bastards point of view -

Australian Table Wines.

A lot of people in this country pooh-pooh Australian table wines. This is a pity, as many fine Australian wines appeal not only to the Australian palette, but also to the cognoscenti of Great Britain.

Real emetic fans will also go for a ... a prize winning 'Cuiver Reserve Chateau Bottled Nuit San Wogga Wogga', which has a bouquet like an aborigine's armpit.


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
"Bonzer" = beautiful.
"Sheila" = girl, woman.

And "Karked it" = as in: "Is he alive? NO, looks like he's karked it".

Those terms haven`t been used in about 70 years .
Died out along with tally ho old chaps in blighty [ England] .

Footy = Australian rules football .

ciggy = cigarette

Middee = 285 mil beer .


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
"Bonzer lookin' Sheila ..."

Have we done 'Bonzer'? (Looks funny written down.) Have we done 'Sheila'?

I named one of my dawgs, of a female, sheila. She just acted that way. I called her "sheiler".

Isn't it short for shillelagh? I dn't know how it's spelled.