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Aussie bred candy


JARofHERB, hi m8 and ty. Nice looking little piece u have there. One thing we cant get much here is good glass and high end pieces. Most states have outlawed bongs pipes and bubblers ect now, which blows. Most of the bongs ect here are sub par pyrex.

Heres some old sweetfuel f1 pics. This ones a sat dom that goes upto 120 days on the most sat leaning expressions in flower. Most expresions go between 80-100 days. The line still retains a real old school sat bud structure as visable in the pics
Much respect


Hi Paddi, green candy is indeed dandy lol, im just glad it doesnt rot the teeth or i would be toothless lmao
More sweet fuel

A4 paper in the shot above


Active member
Wow incredible buds there :) Even if they might be a bit fluffy I'm sure there must be some weight to them.
If you can deliver good potency and aroma while keeping the flowertime down to not much more than 9 weeks then you definitely have a winner on your hands:)
I would be excited about your cherry - I'm trying to create an indoor "orchard" myself looking for true fruity stuff:)


hey moonunit ,, really nice stuff ...
u say no indica in those at all???
good to see u taking advantage of some of the fine sativa that has reached our shores..
i hear u on the bush weed vs indoor hydro ,,, but i notice also the older crew around the 40 age bracket and up definately prefer the outdoor bush weed ..
if the outdoor grower went to the trouble to select some good genetics , and research a little more on drying etc ,, i dont doubt their product will be better than the indoor particularly in the taste and longer lasting stoned ... thats what the guys tell me about the stuff i grow ....


Active member
whats the smell like on the zoidfuel? one of the nicest looking sativas i have ever seen man, has a real potent appearance to it as well.


blackone, hi and ty m8, The hard part was retaining the sat head, whilst getting some managable growth characteristics aswell. Most our lines using the fuel line as a base run between 8-12 weeks and have reasonably weighty nugs. The sweetfuel line is about the fluffiest but makes up for it with the ammount o bud it grows.
The cherry fuel we are currently working on selecting fems for the next gen and making an outcross that we have great hopes for aswell.

DD , hi and ty m8, has definately been a long term labor of love for us lol

Hi wally good to see ya m8
U are right there is indica in most our lines , but only in small quantities. Alot of the lines cam to us as sat dom hybrids from outdoor hotspots down our way, but they still had short termer blood in em. We selected though for sat highs and structures managable indoors. The sativa high is the number 1 priority in selection for us though.
I spoke to u many years ago at cw about playing with some webbed indica we got from the bush scene down the east coast, and getting your blessing to do so. We only worked that line one gen though but still have it( no plans on ever releasing though, thats your market that u bulit), certain examples of it went so dark purple with the cold it was nigh on black, such interesting genetics u pioneered m8, love your work.
I hear you on the bush, its not that i hate hydro, its just its far easy to fek up hydro and send a shite end product out, nothing truely bests the outdoors though. Its funny though m8, i have seen indicas that where grown outdoor organicaly called hydro by punters, the swore it was, then they called an indoor sat bush lol. The beasters crews of syd copped a blow of late but it was the tip of the iceburg. U are totaly right too m8, i can see why the crew up your way would much prefer your bush, you are a dam good grower that actualy cares and it comes across in your product. The stinkin hippies down dorrigo/ bello way are only just learning now how to grow store there bulk pot without any anaerobic decompesition taking place, its only taken them 20 years of relaesing hermy bred bulk brown dirt smelling and tasting bush to get the picture lol. Dont get me wrong there are some great small time growers in these regions, but the large scale folks have been pumping out crap for so long they helped perpetuate the bush is shit myth.
Anyways m8 good to see u again, and if u want to ever maybe get a joint project or 2 happening in the future, just shoot me a message and we can maybe help each other.
Much respect


good to see another aussie making some good stuff to grow mate thats for sure ..
im glad u are sticking to the sativa high , it seems to be what a lot of folks are looking for these days , i prefer it too , a guys gotta do some work sometimes ,, hehehe ...
its nice to get that high and a high octane taste to go along with it , sounds like your on the right track ...


hi kathmandu
The smell is so hard to describe on this pheno/expression of the zoidfuel. Pungent fuel/ petrol with under tones of fruit and hash. I love this herb for the smell/ flavor alone, let alone the potency/high. Its all head high that tapers to some body aswell. We plan on releasing this pheno in clone form in australia after its tested in hydro ( only soild grown thusfar) along with some other select morsels. Shes reasonably quick at about 8 weeks too.

Hi wally
I ve always prefered the sat highs too m8, i got to much to do to be smoking the indies lol. I dont mind indica stone from time to time or for a night cap but thats its for me. We still have alot of pure sats but most of our indoor lines have a tiny bit of the indy in em, we needed certain traits added to the genepool that only the indies could give. The white fuel is about the most indica of our current lines in its heritage, but still has almost no indy in the high.
The retention of the head or high has been our main priority though as that was what made good aussie bush so great imho

Much respect
Med user

Med user

Sounds just like what one would like to get onto_Orig C99 Bro`sG years. New WD strains very interesting.holding on.anything X indica finishes so quick gets called hyG.Anything Sat gets called George.