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Aurora Indica & Mandala Safari Mix Organic (with pic's)

Hey all. I had to think long and hard as to whether or not I was going to publish this grow. A lot has changed since my first grow (and failed attempt at a second) but that hasn't slowed me down, in fact, quite the contrary! I took a chance and moved on from bag-seed to Aurora Indica from Nirvana Seeds. I've read a lot and it seems that the people enjoy this smoke so I guess I will as well!

I ordered a standard 10 pack of the A.I.'s and was gifted a freebie 5 pack of Mandala Safari. I don't know anyone I can trust to give the free seed to so I planted them all. I chose to plant according to the Sun and Moon sign this time just for the heck of it (can't hurt, right?) I chose the 16th of February which put the Sun and Moon signs both in Pisces (2nd best planting sign.) Of the 10 A.I.'s 7 germinated and 5 popped up on the second day, the last two on the 3rd. Of the 5 Safari's all 5 germinated and were all up on the second day. One plant from each group turned out to have some sort of mutation or just didn't look good at all so I culled them leaving me with 6 A.I.'s and 4 Safari. They were planted and left in peat pots until the Farmers Almanac's recommended transplant dates (approx. 1 1/2 weeks), they were then transplanted into a organic potting mix with hydroton @ 1 part hydroton to 7 parts soil.

So far I've fed them only SLIGHTLY via foliar using some homemade fertilizers from kelp, homemade fish emulsions, molasses, epsom salt, organic maple syrup, homemade lactobacillus, urine and fermented wheat straw. I have some fisherman's worms working my kitchen scraps into castings but I'm not sure if I have the right variety for the job. I also plan on grinding some rye berries, sunflower seed and millet and making a tea for added carbohydrates, fat's, minerals etc. I plan on using bio-char as well. There will be more on the way as time goes on. Do take note that this grow will be done as cheaply as humanly possible. I've really taken a hit from this recession crap and have been unemployed for nearly 2 years now.

Now for some pic's :artist:

The A.I.'s are in column's 1, 4 and 5 from the left. Column's 2 and 3 are the Mandala Safari's. Catnip and lavender up front in the trays with the nip on the left and lavender on the right :) The containers for everything were all recycled. Oh, I almost forgot... The red stuff you see is some lava rock that I crushed. I applied it as a guard against fungus gnats ( I messed up on the soil mix SLIGHTLY.) I see one or two flying every now and then. As soon as the soil is dry enough I'll do a tobacco soak to kill any larvae/eggs.

Here's the chamber as a whole. 80 watts of 7000k. It looks a little messy, sure, but it doesn't stay that way. I was working in it before I took these pics (it's also 6 am and as usual, I haven't slept in a while :tiphat:)

The plan is to veg these puppies in the tent for a while until I can pull some clones to check sex. I'll keep the best male and all females to do a seed run later on. The female clones will go under a 400 watt HPS, perhaps in a scROG set up. Time will tell. I've learned not to count my chicken's until they hatch, believe you ME.
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dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
There will be more on the way as time goes on. Do take note that this grow will be done as cheaply as humanly possible.

i like this part :) even the highest quality organics can be grown dirt cheap, even free! good luck.
Thanks for tuning in (and dropping out?)

Thanks for tuning in (and dropping out?)

Wow, thanks for the good vibes everyone! I'll pass it on to the little ones and maybe they'll make a few people happy in the end.

Here's something I forgot to mention; I scarified the seed then gave them a 12 hour soak in spring water prior to planting. I'm sure this greatly affected the germination speed.

I should also mention that I used the tobacco juice a little earlier than I wanted. Last night (this morning, whatever) I was admiring the seedlings leaves, color and vigor when I spotted a gnat shortly after a light misting. This was rather worrisome. I then decided to go ahead with a tobacco juice application. A 400 Ml. syringe was fully loaded with the tobacco/wetting agent and 200 Ml. was spread upon each container accordingly, even the catnip and lavender! Another gnat was seen running across the lava so I hit it! The gnat disappeared amongst the pumice never to be seen again.

did you boil the tobacco? mosaic is a bitch.

(EDIT: Since you mentioned TMV I did a patrol around the site to see what others have said about the virus. Apparently if one's plants are healthy it really isn't too bad and can be easily treated via a green pepper leaf tonic of some sort (Source; Jerry Baker. Unverified.) These threads here cover the TMV/assorted virus topic rather well with correlated experiences as applied to cannabis;

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=94151&highlight=virus&page=3 )

First I heated approx. 2 cups of spring water for 12 minutes in the microwave. I then wrapped tobacco harvested from recycled Marlboro cigarette tobacco in a coffee filter tied shut with a twist-tie. I soaked the tobacco in the near boiling water for 4 hours. After 4 hours I then removed the tobacco from the water. I then placed the tobacco juice into the microwave and heated it for 6 minutes on high. The jar was then placed into the refrigerator to cool for near immediate use. One drop of Dawn dish soap was added as a wetting agent and another cup of spring water to bring the temperature down below 90F.

I wouldn't say that I boiled the tobacco but it was exposed to temperature's in excess of 200F. I could not see the water bubbling in the microwave as I did not add a boiling stone. Microwaved water in the absence of a boiling stone can undergo a process called super-heating where the water rises above the boiling point and does not boil until there is an object introduced to nucleate the process. Once added however, the process can begin very rapidly and violently, so beware. I assume temperatures rose to about the 300F range, though I did not take a measurement.

I must admit at first I didn't pay much attention to the TMV (tobacco mosaic virus.) The tobacco I chose was exposed to high temperatures from my girl friend smoking it first and I had very simply treated the juice via microwave.

How prevalent is TMV in commercial tobacco? (EDIT: Apparently not as prevalent as with cigar tobacco or natural, unprocessed types (i.e.- Natural Spirit),) any idea? Should I be worried at this point? (EDIT: Not unless my growing skills are chemically based and/or way out of whack.) Would a healthy biologically active soil help in fighting this disease? (EDIT: Apparently yes, if your plants are treated well and are healthy this virus manifests as a cosmetic disorder of no concern to the overall vigor and yield in cannabis.)

Just out of curiosity, what made you say that it's troublesome? What is your experience? I would personally be much more worried about other mosaic virii more so than the tobacco/tomato variety, though I cannot speak from experience.
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Jeez I can be a moron at times! :wallbash:

I accidentally burned one of the mandala's in the window the other day. I had to step out to go and grab some kelp with a buddy. We burned a fat bowl and time flew by as it often does. I returned home about 1/2 hour later than I had hoped only to find one of my beauties had some curling, scorched looking leaves! The temperature must have went over 90F. Whoops! Soon as I saw this I grabbed my kelp foliar and hit all of the plants after removing them from the sun. The other plants loved it all, only the one threw a fit.

There are a couple of issues cropping up all of a sudden. 3 of the plants have these streak-like white patches on a leaf or two. 1 plant has browning of the tips, here's a pic. The plant on the left with the curled leaf has been that way from seed, it's not a water deficiency or the like, simply genetic I think. What do you think about those tips?

Mind if I sit in, boys?

Welcome, and no, not at all.

OK, here's a couple pics of some issues. The red circles are white streaks which I cannot identify and the yellow circles are some white build up on the edge of the leaves which I cannot I.D. Can anyone help?

What are these white streaks? And what is the white build up on the edges of some of the leaves? Red are streaks on the middle of the leaves which will not wash off, yellow is some build up on the edges.



I like to folair with kelp and then the next day folair with plain water. Looks like a residue from the kelp spray.


big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I'll sit in also since your using the same greenhouse i used on my last grow, not to mention its what i used to use for growing mushies...I just wrapped mine in panda film. Those screens that come with it make a good scrog screen to use.
spaceghost22 I'm in! :D Looks like i got a good seat too!

Welcome Che, it's great to have you aboard! Hopefully there'll be more to see here than in V1.1, that was quite the failure! NO ROOM FOR ANY OF THAT HERE THOUGH, I SWEAR.

Welcome to everyone else as well, I hope together we can all learn something new. I promise more ingenuity to come, be it either my own or politely borrowed from elsewhere.

Thanks go to vonforne and Lisdexik for the clarification and confidence (also welcome's go to you Lisdexik, welcome to the show) on the residue. I must admit, I was kinda freaking out.

Anyhow, the little seedlings are starting to take off now. I imagine the sun treatments have had favorable affects. I think I may see new growth in the range of 1/2" - 1" (1.2cm - 2.5cm) since yesterday. NICE! Well, I think I see the sun coming up and the babies need it. If you need me I'll be in the grow room, ciao!

:tiphat: Greetings all!

I forgot to say hello to big ballin 88, so HELLO TO BIG BALLIN 88... and welcome to my humble little grow show.

Here's a couple of updates since last time. The fungus gnats seem to have persisted beyond the first tobacco application and I'm hesitant to do another. I'm not too scared of T.M.V. (tobacco mosaic virus) but I am a little worried as to whether the tobacco application is good for the microbes in the soil.

To combat the gnats further I've decided to do a layer of sand on top and see where this takes me. I noticed a few gnats taking flight as I applied the sand. This left me feeling rather good if I do say. I was going to put a tray of sand beneath the containers to block any gnat traffic from on low until my G.F.'s cats decided they liked my sand as a toilet more. This at least gave me a chance to try the claimed cat-urine fighting power of lactobacillus.

The plants are getting full and are growing rather quickly now. I've decided to begin the training regime as a result of said growth. Low stress via "twist-ties" was the chosen method. I figure I stress them enough without adding more intentionally. The following picture shows them with the first wave of ties, there will be more to follow, quite possibly later today. They look nappy but whatever, they'll look gorgeous once they start loading on lovely low-stress branches for us! Now that I think of it I'm not too sure if I mentioned how I planned this grow to go... One moment, allow me to reread my first few posts... OK, yeah, I did mention that I was going to veg a while in the tent. I'll shape them in the bonsai tradition as I love bonsai!

As a side note I'd like to mention that I am a strong candidate for the local potters apprenticeship:jump:. It's non-paying, but being a bonsai enthusiast I cannot allow this opportunity to slip by. I'll be given free clay and kiln time as payment. If I'm a good enough potter I'll be given space on the floor to sell my better works, though I'm against prostitution of my own art. Anyway, if this pulls through I can begin to make my own planter pots and the sky is the limit!

Picture time! :artist:

Sorry for the blurry image. Pay attention to the closest plants as they are representative of the general philosophy involved. You may notice that some of the plants have not begun training. I chose to let them grow a little more.

Say, I haven't watered my plants but once since they sprouted. Has anyone else had this sort of experience while working organically? Keep in mind that these plants have had a few hours of sunlight every other day for about a week or two now.


We are Farmers
Pulling up a seat, I just got the mail and my order was here and it also contained a freebie 5 pack of Mandala Safari Mix so I am very interested to see how these turn out :joint: