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Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts


Active member
the fed is a privately owned corporation. the fed is not part of the us federal government. the us treasury issues bonds (iou backed by us taxpayers) and the fed trades us fiat currency called federal reserve notes for the ious is the biggest ponzy scam in the history of man. the zionists ( zionists are not jews) that run the whole new world order agenda can just create fiat currency on computers, print a few federal reserve fiat currency notes ( dollar bills of varied denominations, $!, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100) and buy anything of value they want with it. the dark cabal (zionists that run the federal reserve) can just print quadtrillions of dollars and buy, bribe their way. when nixon took the us off gold backed monetary system it allowed the zionists at the federal reserve to carte blanche create as much fiat currency ( currency not backed by a commodity, just created out of debt) as they need for all their wars, assasinations, bribes, commodity acquisitions.

the zionists are actually luciferians that hide behind groups including jews, christians, muslims, free masons. the zionists groomed hitler to take power in germany. anyone who thinks an attack on the zionists is an attack on hebrews is misinformed.

the zionists are the bildebergers, the council on foreign relations, illuminati et al. bush family thru granddad prescott bush (george bush senior's daddy) has proven links to the nazis. well documented.

the zionist rabbit hole goes very deep. you can trace the zionists to aliens called reptilians. look up reptilian shape shift, reptilian new world order and go down the alice in wonderland for real rabbit hole!

Reptilian shape shifters huh? Zionists? o00o I'm shaking in my boots. Get a grip bruh.. haha :laughing:

You are correct about the FED being a private entity and fiat currency being a problem. I think we should have sound money, but I don't believe in all the conspiracy theories, could be true I guess, but I don't believe it (no solid evidence).


Active member
Reptilian shape shifters huh? Zionists? o00o I'm shaking in my boots. Get a grip bruh.. haha :laughing:

You are correct about the FED being a private entity and fiat currency being a problem. I think we should have sound money, but I don't believe in all the conspiracy theories, could be true I guess, but I don't believe it (no solid evidence).

I had to say something here. I understand you being skeptic all about shape shifting reptiles and Zionists. A lot of the conspiracy stuff sounds on the surface just plain crazy. However I can say that if you dedicate 5-20 years studying the backstory on these conspiracies or even the backstory of the people the conspiracy folks are talking about you wail start to see where these claims come from. Usually the reality is less "far out" than the wild stories you hear. But unfortunately most these wild conspiracies have a kernel of truth when taken. together with the rest of the info paints a very different picture of reality than The official story.


Active member
Just as an example search "the golden thread of time" or the movie version. "The cross of thoth". It is what you would call truth being stranger than fiction. If you follow this through you will find that the constellation draconis and snake worship were very important and prevalent in ancient times and has evolved into stories of shape shifting reptillians.

Seriously though if you watch "the cross of thoth" and still think all is well in the world I fell very sorry for you.


Active member
Wait so you guys are saitying that the federal reserve isn't actually federal?

It's a quasi federal agency. With controling board of shareholders. Which are the major banks of the planet. Which are owned by the richest people in the world.


How exactly do they lend the entire gdp and not add to the national debt? If this was true our debt would have went from 16 to 32 trillion. Unless it was printed money then were fucked, they should have printed it and gave it to china and said "we will just print our own and devalue our shit ourselves"

joe fresh

Active member



Active member
The true enemies of liberty and all modern societies and people are the central bank counterfeiters. The largest counterfeiter in the history of the world consists of the Federal Reserve banking scheme, which counterfeits American dollars through fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.

The Federal Reserve System is a privately held, for profit corporation, and not a government agency. It was created by bankers for bankers as a lender of last resort, so that whenever a banker ran his businesses poorly he could be bailed out at the expense of the public. The Fed does not have any reserves, it simply creates fiat money out of nothing and lends it out at interest to businesses and the federal government. The American people are then forced to pay for the bailouts to government and businesses through inflation and personal income taxes on their labor. The currency the Fed creates out of thin air and loans out to the government at interest is called Federal Reserve Notes – look at the top of what you may think are your Dollars and you will see they are actually Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). FRNs are backed by nothing. US Dollars are required by law to be backed by gold and silver, but US Dollars are no longer in circulation

The Federal Reserve System operates through manipulation of interest rates, which results in expanding and retracting bubbles of inflation, referred to as business cycles. When the Fed inflates the currency, it is effectively a hidden tax on existing currency, because the value of the newly created currency is stolen from the value of existing currency. This is reflected in continually rising prices, even though advances in technology and manufacturing processes should result in lower prices and a higher standard of living for everyone. Since the creation of the Fed in 1913, it has debased 99% of the value of the Dollar. In other words, it now takes $100 FRNs to buy what just $1 US Dollar would buy in 1913, as a result of inflation due to the Fed counterfeiting so much currency. If you had saved $100 in 1913, it would now only buy as much as a single 1913 Dollar would have bought at that time. The other $99 of value would have been stolen through counterfeiting (cheaply duplicating money out of nothing) over the years, resulting in the vale of the $100 being taxed through inflation, behind your back


The film explains how monetary policy is the most powerful form of control over people that has ever existed, and is central to the unconstitutional, global New World Order ambitions of those that own and benefit from the Fed. The founder of the Rothschild family international banking dynasty, which became the most successful business family in history, Mayer Amschel Rothschild once declared, “Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes the laws.”



Active member
well it looks like smooth sailing from here on out,:noway:
if we avoid all of this its a literal merricle.

Fed Moves Toward Open-Ended Bond Purchases to Satisfy Bernanke

Stockman: "Ron Paul Is Right: The Fed, And The Lunatics That Run It, Are The Heart Of The Problem"

"Jim Rogers on the EU, the U S election, and the next big investment opportunity"

"Ben Swann interviews President Obama (NDAA, Kill List, Syria, Afghanistan)"

not to be outdone cnn copies ben swan.
"Obama Answers Questions About His Kill List and I Answer Questions About Obama's Answers"

ww3 comming? probabley.and this is just one way.dont forget this is all in the name of the central banking system and the slavery of the US and everyother nation on earth.
"Pakistan: Center of the Grand Chessboard"


Senior Member
republicans are a collection of rich people who don't want to spend half their income propping up the lower class, they don't want the businesses they own paying taxes or following expensive regulations, so they make their political party about doing that, they come up with a few retarded justifications for their self centered and gready political views, and then they take up enough social causes to distract morons from what they are really doing.

the other part of the party, the marjority of it sadly, are total redkneck morons that believe you can somehow create jobs by letting rich people get richer, and that environmental protection is bad for our country, of course most of these morons are also deeply religious so they throw in some anti gay rights stuff and a little anti abortion junk in and those half retarded religious types bite on, hook, line, and sinker...

they don't stop to think...hey wait, this stuff has absolutely nothing to do with the economy, politics, or jobs, it's just a distraction...they don't' stop to think...hey wait...by cutting the richest millionaires PERSONAL taxes, i am giving the ceo's of these companies more money, not the companies themselves...so how is that going to create jobs? are these big mega rich people out there hiring hundreds of thousands of people with their own personal money as a favor to the companies they work for? no? a middle class guy might actually start a small business were he to receive a substantial cut to his taxes but a dude like mitt romney? he makes 60+ million dollars a year, he could start up all the small businesses he wants, and a tax cut wouldn't make it any more likely because guys like that aren't out there starting roofing and landscape companies, building grocery stores in small towns...

republicans believe that the country is held together by the super rich, and we need to treat them like kings so they wont leave us...if they opened their eyes and say that the vast majority of jobs in this country are created by everyday people like us starting small businesses and not by mega billionaires who got a 5% tax cut...you have to be pretty slow to not make the connection...

and that is why i have always said, there are only two kinds of republicans, smart, rich ones that know the party is there for their best interests, and very slow morons who are usually very poor as well and actually think that if they treat the upper class like kings they will suddenly lose all their greed and become loving and generous rulers...truth is the upper class got that way largely because they are more driven and more greedy, more covetous than the average person, and they aren't all like that, but when you have 2% of the population controlling like 80% of the money you have to acknowledge that they got that rich by being greedy and they will probably not stop till they die so you can either enable them to be rich and greedy, or you can tell them that if they want to live in this country, and make money off of OUR consumers, then they have to do their civic duty and give back to the community more, because they depend on the government infinitely more than we do to make their billions, without the government and it's people they couldn't be rich, and they owe it to the government and the people to give some of it back...to do their civic duty and help the country that helped them.

i feel that is what the democratic party wants, for the upper-class to help the lower class become middle class...and i support that, obviously our entire system is messed up and all parties are crooked...i don't' have much faith in our government at all...

but i am almost 100% certain the republican party HAS NO INTENTION of trying to fix the economy, they only want to make it work better for corporations and the upper class...i say this because everything they say goes against every big time economists in the country and abroad...nothing they do has even a chance of helping and were it not for their HUGE following of dumber than average religious nutjobs that keep them viable. Of course the democratic party has been nearly just as bad in my opinion, they don't' really have the intention of making things more fair, just making the numbers look more fair...but at least their platform has a CHANCE of making things better, according to a nobel price winning economist...

Max Headroom

Well-known member
in case somebody here hasn't seen "Money as Debt" - it is must-see if you want to understand how money works.
but i'm afraid it will add a few units of anger... ;-)



Active member
Live ustream http://www.ustream.tv/occupythefed



Ron Paul End the Fed Goes Viral: Thousands Will Protest At Every Federal Reserve This Weekend

On Saturday, September 22, there are going to be protests outside every Federal Reserve bank in the country (details of the event are here). There will be streamed speeches from libertarian heavyweights Stefan Molyneux and Walter Block, music, and general opposition to the Fed, central banking, and fiat currency.

This is perhaps the single largest organized protest of the Fed in American history, and like the libertarianism behind this "Let Us Coin Together" event, it is decentralized and grassroots. And with Congressman Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill passing in the House, Senator Harry Reid's blocking of the bill in the Senate, and the Fed's recent QE3 announcement, it couldn't have come at a better time.

The Federal Reserve is the key driver behind so many problems America faces. The Fed attempts to establish interest rates (the price of money) and regulate the money supply. But this is dangerous because a central bank lacks the profit-and-loss price mechanism of the market that is so essential to rational economic calculation and sends the wrong signals (prices) to the rest of the economy. Money, like any other good, is subject to the law of supply and demand, and only the coordination of the pricing mechanism can determine the right amount of money in the economy.

By allowing interest rates to be regulated by political consideration rather than the market, the Fed produces boom-and-bust cycles, not real growth. Capital comes not from a printing press, but from production and savings. From the extraction of raw materials to the purchase of the final product at the register, every step must pass the profit-and-loss test. This is how capital and real, steady economic growth, is created.

And beyond the nuts-and-bolts economic case against a monopoly cartel being in charge of half of every economic transaction in the country, the Fed is the greatest enabler of the growth of government power. When governments borrow money, interest rates go up. But because this is politically unpopular, the Fed is there to liquidate and mask this borrowing, further incentivizing governments to expand. Without the Fed as a backstop, governments would have to face up to reality and live within their means.

Governments (especially the Leviathan in D.C.) are then able to fund foreign wars, bailouts, and a massive welfare state without direct taxes, masking the cost of these actions by devaluing the dollar and giving the illusion of prosperity. Eventually, the middle class and poor are destroyed as wealth is funneled upwards to the politically-favored industries that receive the new paper money first.

This is why the issue of the Fed is much more important than who will occupy the White House next year. Whether President Obama is reelected or former Governor Romney wins, the Fed will continue to keep interest rates near zero until 2015 and buy up $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities a month for the unforeseeable future in a vain attempt to stimulate the economy and re-inflate a bubble.

Cartelization, corporatism, and pyramiding debt are the legacies of the Fed and other central banks, and thankfully more and more Americans are realizing this. If you happen to be near any of the cities holding anti-Fed protests this weekend (I will be in San Francisco!), I highly recommend going, learning, and experiencing what is undoubtedly just one more example of an intellectual, grassroots revolution brewing in America.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
i feel that is what the democratic party wants, for the upper-class to help the lower class become middle class...and i support that, ...

Here ya go get another big ole drink.


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Senior Member
Somebody PM me when they hand out the foil hats in here.

lol ya i think stoners have a tendancy to fall for conspiracy theorys, much more so than normal people, afterall, we grew up in one of the bigger conspiracies out there, pot prohibition, something about realizing that the government has been lying to you about this drug and everything they have done to keep it from becoming legal and mainstream...it kinda makes you wonder if this sort of thing isn't happening in every aspect of our lives...

for that reason i know i have a tendancy to believe conspiracies and i do my best to remain skeptical, our government is corrupt and needs big changes, both parties share the blame, how deep that corruption goes i don't really want to know, frankly you can spend your whole life an angry nervous wreck, buying into all of this stuff, hating the government, building a bomb shelter, and just waiting for y2k or the Mayan thing, or the banks to collapse and turn us into north Mexico overnight...or you can spend your life trying to be happy and trying to help those around us...

if more people could just calm down and look at things objectively i don't think we would have quite the circus act that we do in our politics and courts, people ignore important stuff cause it's boring and focus on drama filled fluff instead, they get hysterical over petty issues while terrible things go down right in front of them...i guess this is the reality tv era, if it's not crawling out of a cardasian's butthole nobody wants to hear about it...