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ATTN: WareHouse Growers In The East Bay, Cali....



This legalizing argument is getting old. 1.) Ron Paul will not be the next president. Even if every stoner and person who supports him voted it would not be enough. He can't even beat Newt or christ Mcsweater vest Rick santorum. 2.) if Cali or Colorado votes in legalization the Feds won't allow it. 3.) if it is legalized it will be corporate controlled and they will bust us for growing weed because they'll want to keep corporate profits up.

I hate to see people getting busted and I don't think they should so I can make more money, I just don't think the grass is greener on the other side nor do I think it's gonna happen...legalization that is.
So keep things the way you are? And, everything you said was an assumption/opinion....where's the facts that this will happen? Because if you didn't know....pharma's have the the patent for THC....my opinion is if things keep going the way they are...soon MMJ=THC pill= prop 215 GONE=back to black market=YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE!!!!!


the painting is on the wall yet you guys cant see it. MMJ is about to be a thing of the past.( I really really really hope I'm wrong) but if any of you stay up to date with whats happening nationally, with MMJ and pharma companies , and the fact that THC has been rescheduled to 2 from 1 meaning pharma's can legally produce and sell it, but not you or me. and now the feds and AG's are on yall's ass.....how do you not see what is happening?
So keep things the way you are? And, everything you said was an assumption/opinion....where's the facts that this will happen? Because if you didn't know....pharma's have the the patent for THC....my opinion is if things keep going the way they are...soon MMJ=THC pill= prop 215 GONE=back to black market=YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE!!!!!

Not keep it the same, but advance the medical movement. Keep it mom and pop and lessen the legal side. What I said was trends and facts. Ron Paul barely gets 10% of the vote against weak candidates. The Feds have said they won't support state legalization. To me legalization = big pharma they won't let a 30 billion$ business go away... Thats opinion


and btw, im not a ron paul fan, i never said to vote for him.


RMLW would be a good platform to start with. Have you read it?


Closet Growers on Staten Island

Closet Growers on Staten Island

Business as usual fellas...



they won't be cool with it, just like they have never been cool with MMJ(except for the brief year or 2 Holder gave it the okay)..for years they looked for legal loopholes, the point is...we need to keep progressing, getting new laws passed(voter approved especially)...always expanding always progressing. The second you do not progress is the second the government will take the carpet from underneath your feet.


also, if it was legalized, then the government is essentially saying there are more than just medical benefits to cannabis. How could a THC pill even exist in that type of market? A THC pill will only flourish and make money in the MMJ scene as "medicine". If its legalized then marijuana is accepted for recreational use and medical use. nobody drinks beer in pill form.

Ground Up

i heard berkeley is next on the chopping block, there are some massive grows there. legal ,well the city took money for the operations.... but who knows if it matters anymore. if the feds say shut it down ,,they will.........................after thr check clears!!


If you are worried pigs are going to be climbing on your roof, install several motion sensors and a video camera. Then have it wired to a cellular dialer. Better to know someones on your roof before you arrive at your warehouse. The motion sensors can trigger off all the power to the lights and turn off the exhaust fans. It might be a little too late. Had a couple buddies with a grow located in the middle of nowhere, I installed wireless driveway sensors and no one can come within 2 miles without them knowing.


The transmitter is powered by four AA batteries, but I replaced them with four D cells and increased the range for transmitting. The receiver has a relay output NO that will trigger all power off if the receiver detects multiple vehicles.
what about razorwire? Rolls and rolls of razorwire piled on top of your warehouse until the building looks like it has an afro made of razorwire.... THAT would keep 'em off your roof!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If you are worried pigs are going to be climbing on your roof, install several motion sensors and a video camera. Then have it wired to a cellular dialer. Better to know someones on your roof before you arrive at your warehouse. The motion sensors can trigger off all the power to the lights and turn off the exhaust fans. It might be a little too late. Had a couple buddies with a grow located in the middle of nowhere, I installed wireless driveway sensors and no one can come within 2 miles without them knowing.


The transmitter is powered by four AA batteries, but I replaced them with four D cells and increased the range for transmitting. The receiver has a relay output NO that will trigger all power off if the receiver detects multiple vehicles.

fuck ya dude.

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