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ATTN: WareHouse Growers In The East Bay, Cali....


Well on a much smaller side note. People in the 619 got to watch out for SDG&E replacing the natural gas meters. They set up an appointment that way you will be home to turn off the pilot lights to the hot water heater and heater furnace. After install is finished they want to be the one to re-light the pilot light.

Getting mine done next week.

Good luck to you guys in NorCal

Edit: Well once again a customer service rep says one thing and a field tech doing another thing. The tech had me sign a paper saying I declined his help relighting the pilot lights and he said I didn't have to be home to wait for him. Thanks once again to the 99% of all customer service reps that are worthless pay check collectors that do not deserve to be employed.


Its sickening to know that our tax money is being wasted in funding these operations. And I think of it as, okay, say they legalize marijuana.. Well I will bet my life that these raids WILL continue and they will get these "criminals" on other charges (money laundering, tax evasion, etc)

OKAY OKAY, I am not one for theft so I do understand there concern for people stealing power. But all in all, they are wasting millions and millions of dollars with these new "jump team squads" and all this bullshit when they should have these programs CUT as it is a HUGE waste of money!!!

Seriously, go after the meth labs, go after the drug cartel smuggling in cocaine, heroin, etc., GO AFTER THE DOCTORS, OVER PRESCRIBING PAIN KILLERS TO PEOPLE IN THERE TEENS & TWENTIES! God damn this gets my blood boiling.


Well on a much smaller side note. People in the 619 got to watch out for SDG&E replacing the natural gas meters. They set up an appointment that way you will be home to turn off the pilot lights to the hot water heater and heater furnace. After install is finished they want to be the one to re-light the pilot light.

Getting mine done next week.

Good luck to you guys in NorCal

Edit; I'm just going to turn the pilot lights off and bail and leave a note for the guy saying "it's off and I had to go and to go about his business and I'll re-light the pilot myself, thank you".

That is complete bullshit if they are doing it that way. I watched the PGE guy install my smart meter last spring. He carried a bottle of natural gas that gets connected to the gas line in such a way that they can change the meter out with the gas off and never have your pilot lights go out. I know because I saw it done. Furthermore, newer heaters and hot water heaters do not have pilot lights.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Just came back from my boys warehouse that just got busted...

Apparently, Alameda County Sheriffs now have a "ROOF JUMP TEAM"...

They go on warehouse rooftops, at night, to look for exhaust systems, exhausting at night....

They are also now checking warehouse against business licences! if you have a warehouse and no business licence, it is a red flag to check it out for a grow, sending in the "ROOF JUMP TEAM"....

The Sheriffs said that they don't really care about grows under 500 plants, there looking for sales, money, stealing power and guns...

im hoping this WILL save a few warehouse and a few of us ICMAGGERS from getting busted....

wow thank you Krunch.....in Santa Cruz I had a friend who had a friend....who was a county sheriff, he actually HELPED HIM set up his little warehouse, but they kept it on the down lo of course and he was legal and NOT stealing power....but great info...thank you for the heads up!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor

the SAME block, an OWNER from a VALLEJO club, had his warehouse checked out by the Sheriff's, and it WAS NOT BUSTED!!!!

that's where the under 500 plant info came from!!!!! that kat talked to my boy about it....

Fuck I sold my my med's to that guy right when he started.....nice guy...one of the few that we're....that so sucks.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
anybody that suports prohibition should not be suprised when the dea starts dropping in on them..


Active member
damn that sucks...fuckin ACS are a bunch of wannabe cowboy prick cops...their traffic enforcement division gave me a parking ticket in front of my own god damn house!

fuckin hate those pricks...

what areas are these going down in....oakland? east oakland? hayward? or everywhere.....

ACS mostly operates in san leandro, hayward, castro valley.....but most oakland is under OPD jurisdiction dont see how ACS could be hitting main warehouses in oakland...unless they got the feds with them..

and the worst part about this shit...is that we have MORE risk and the prices keep getting lower...


Cannabis 101
Thanks krunch ! That's wild!! Another reason to run a sealed room!! No in's and outs.. outs and in's :)


vote no on rmlw!!!! we like being busted!!!!! we like our friends and family to go to jail so we can make some money and can forget about the problems prohibition causes(sarcasm)

Krunch, how do you sleep at night? You sleep on a bed made of money?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
vote no on rmlw!!!! we like being busted!!!!! we like our friends and family to go to jail so we can make some money and can forget about the problems prohibition causes(sarcasm)

Krunch, how do you sleep at night? You sleep on a bed made of money?

DIAMOND dust stuffed comforter, skin of the 99% for my sheets and shredded 100 dollar bills in my pillow....


tell how it is krunch, your a bad ass!!!! ignore common sense and morality....let money be your motivation....see where it will lead you. If you really gave a shit about people's grows being busted you wouldn't believe in prohibition.


althought i hate your gutts, i would still be down with a smoke session with you...
This legalizing argument is getting old. 1.) Ron Paul will not be the next president. Even if every stoner and person who supports him voted it would not be enough. He can't even beat Newt or christ Mcsweater vest Rick santorum. 2.) if Cali or Colorado votes in legalization the Feds won't allow it. 3.) if it is legalized it will be corporate controlled and they will bust us for growing weed because they'll want to keep corporate profits up.

I hate to see people getting busted and I don't think they should so I can make more money, I just don't think the grass is greener on the other side nor do I think it's gonna happen...legalization that is.