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Attic Grow For Real....


Okay so it’s been a while since I’ve done anything worth a damn. My 4k days are over. I’ve since been doing something with a 150w shoved in my closet. Its way to hot in there and a 150w just isn’t for me. So I want to set something else up. Thinking one 600w. There have been quite a lot of changes in my life which makes it only possibly to pull this off in the attic. I understand it’s going to be a bitch to pull off but I have the time and the will.

I’ve done my share of searching on this topic and have learned a lot. I’m still pretty confused, and when i think I have it figured out...I’m lost again.

I have my place picked out and it will be around 4.5'x4.5'. I know I need to build my box and insulate the crap out of it. What is the best kind of insulation for this job? I also know I will need a window AC and make a box around it. That is where the confusion kicks in. Can I just seal the room cut a hole in the wall and insert AC? I’m quite sure no, as its 120f up there. So I’m sure I will need to acquire fresh air for the ac intake. I am right next to my gable. Can I get my fresh air from there?

LOL basically I need help coming up with a plan to build and cool a 16 sqft box in a 120f attic.

B. Self Reliant

HoosierDaddy has a great thread on building an AC box. I'm too lazy to search for it, but I'm sure you'll be able to find it.

I'm assuming you want the front of the AC in the room and the back to be in the attic. The long & short of it is that you'll need a dual compartment box around the back of the AC unit. One side of the box will surround the inlet that the AC uses to cool itself off, and will need a fan pushing cool air to it. The other side of the box will be sealed around the exhaust on the back of the AC. This will need a fan exhausting it, as it's where the hot air comes out.

I don't know too much about it, but you may be able to skip the exhaust side and just vent into your attic since it's hot already. You'll definitely need a source of cool air for the inlet side of the box though or your AC will not function properly.

I'm sure that's clear as mud, so I'd suggest finding the thread I mentioned. . .

Good luck.


Hey thanks for the reply. I am very familiar with HoosierDaddy thread on AC boxes. I wondering if I can get my fresh-air supply from the gable vent on my house as it would be right next to my room.

And ideas on the best insulation to use for a project like this?

B. Self Reliant

I would say that a gable vent would be a great source of fresh air. You'll need fresh air for the back of your window AC and for your room, so if you can supply both or even one of those needs with the vent, that would be great. I would build a box around the vent and hook up your ducting to that though. I'm not sure simply placing an inlet duct near the gable vent would suffice when it gets hot in the attic space. Should be pretty simple though with tuff-r panels or plywood and a 2x4.

If a sucking or venting noise would be a security concern, you could also install a roof vent near the grow space and pull (or even vent) through that. It would be on the roof so the sound of rushing air would be no big deal.

memphis man

i think your gable end idea would work although keep in mind that your still cooling outside air. if temps are still to high in your cab try and pull the fresh air for your ac from inside your house somehow as it will already be cooled by your houses ac unit and might help ya drop a few more degrees if needed

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I'd recommend you first get a serious attic fan, a big one, to keep the attic as close to outside temps as possible. Then have an intake from an interior room to the cab, exhaust through a carbon filter>fan>hood>exhaust to a different interior room.

That space is too small to effectively use a window unit a/c.

This cab is going to need lots of insulation.(R value) Check out a product called prodex, its much easier work with than fiberglass insulation and doesnt' take up near as much room. Prodex is similar to reflectix, except prodex uses closed cell foam instead of bubble wrap. Prodex has a much higher R value than reflectix and its cheaper.

my 2 cent

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I had one set up in my attic and I thought it was broken because it wasn't cooling. I took it down and it works fine.

I don't know what the temps were up there, but I'm guessing over 120. It worked fine during winter and spring, but summer came and that was it.


Okay good info man!! Here is my new plan. I thinking of growing during the colder months in the attic. Im thinking a hydrohut with a 1000W. Once the attic temps get to a decent level Im going to set the hut up with a window AC. I did this years ago in a closet. I simply set the AC on the ground and opened a vent flap for the cold air to enter to hut. The closet was hot as hell but the hut was cool. I was thinking of actually cutting a hole for the AC this time and roll with that. I just need to come up with a good attic temp to try at. I mean its going to need to exhaust and get its fresh air from the attic. I was thinking 100F the AC would work just fine. I mean heck its gets to 105f outside here and there are plenty of windows AC working just fine. Is my plan flawed?


weed fiend
You'll probably get cooler air from the soffit vent(s). Either the shadiest end of the house or the point that gets the least direct sunlight. Even a gable vent in the shade is prolly drawing from soffit vents beneath.


Hmmmm thought why the hell not update this thread. Well curiosity killed the stoner. I got high last week and ended up at the window AC section in Lowes. Came home with a 6000btu AC.

Now for the stoned plan... which I think is rather good. My original plan was to setup my 4x4 tent and my 3x3 tent. From there I was going to put the 3x3 inside of the 4x4 and then put fiberglass insulations around in between the tents. Ac would then be fitted to the side of the hut. I had no plans of venting or drawing cool air for the ac as its 110f up there now. I was assured that the ac would operate in those temps fine.

What actually went down.... I setup the 4x4 hut in a 110f attic by myself. I only have 1 inch clearing in some spots due to my roof pitch. In a nut shell..... it sucked. After about 45 mins to an hour I came down stairs about to die. Smoked a bowl, drank something and then said fuck the 3x3. Cut a hole in the hut for the AC and plugged it in. Taped up all leaks in the hut and left it alone. Turns out the hut runs cool....too cool. With a 400w not vented burning 24/7 I get temps from 65-69. I have the AC set at 75 now and its 78 in there right now. Had a question about air circulation. Does a window AC circulate enough air for my hut? Since it has to be sealed I have no choice now or at least until it cools off.. I may have to look into a bottle.

So from here I am waiting for my new 1000w bulb to get here so I can crank up the light. My 4 Chronic ladies are 1 week from clone.


Okay well it's been a while and I am wanting to change a few things. I now have two 4x4 tents with two 6k btu windows shakers in each tent. Runs way to much power and still tends to get a tad hot during the hottest days. I also have had issues with humidity in the tents.

I am wanting to go ahead and build a 4x8 insulated room up there. I plan on using 2x4s to frame and using tuff foam board to act as walls for my room. I will then Insulate the room with fiberglass between the 2x4s. Was also thinking of using reflectix on the inside walls for further insulation and radiant barrier. With all that I should have a nice sealed room with proper insulation.

Now comes the mill dollar question. Cooling and ventilation. I would like to step up to one 12btu shaker but make it more efficient. I think I need to build a proper box around because now the hot side ambient temps get 120 during summer. So I have decided to make one fresh intake in a bedroom closet.

The way I see it I have two options.

One: use the fresh air vent to bring in fresh air to the room and fresh air to my window ac box. I would have to use a y split and a can fan to bring air to both.

Two: use the fresh air vent to bring fresh air to my window ac and just forget about venting my room. This would mean bringing in a bottle or generator though but C02 may just be what I need in my situation.

Any input would be great.

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