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At it again...Widow and Skunk...which shall be victorious?

Just a real quick update everything looks dank except for the crispy leaves on the clone but there isnt anything I can do about that now. I meants to post more pics but my experiment of taking pics without the hps on didnt yield very good pics so as soon as I can Im putting some more pics up. And I retract previous statements about not stretching as they just stretched about 6 inches and were at day 9 of flower. Pics coming in a minute.
Ok so I have officially lunched out and forgot to do everything. It's amazing I even make it to work or manage to even wake up for that matter. Here are the promised update pix, everything is looking beautiful. The widow have definitely stretched alot, not to worried still got 2 feet of vertical movement left. They are at day 8 of flower so theyve started to take on that look. I cant freaking wait...





So thats pretty much it for now but as soon as they really start poppin hairs Ill get more pics. Happy smoke trails IC...
Well...I have been procastinating this post for a few days now as the post is affirmation of the crappy circumstances. A security issue has come up and i was forced with a difficult decision of scrapping the project or risking to much. The project was scrapped monday and the best genetics went to a friend for safegaurd until i can get into a more secure location. This is the second time this has happened so at this point im sort of fed up. This bullshit "war on drugs" is making life as hard as possible. Brwndirt said it best, the hell with this phony war and the pain it brings. Hopefully I will be able to reset soon. Definitely will post if that occurs but in the meantime peace all and happy growin...


That sucks :(
Sorry to hear man. Glad you've got your good genetics backed up though
People going out of their way to make growers miserable...
leave us alone, fuck with someone else.
@greenwich pope - yea man I was sorta thinkin the same thing but unfortunately the area that I live in is to well developed to really find any more than like 5 feet patches of trees. The woods pretty much doesnt exist here so thats not really an option. Basically SOL.

@Potentgreen - you have no idea man i was really lookin forward to some goodness, but people who have far to much malice in their hearts had other plans. Now no one has anything, they're pissed and in jail, still with no tree, and I'm ass out on the grow. I hate that its come to this because its pathetic how far shady people take things, but I talked to the cops and the sheriff basically told me I was within my rights to blow the top half of their heads across the room if someone came in by force. Just sucks because that doesnt bring back the months of hard work and money invested. Oh well i guess. Oh and to any would be raiders looking for easy targets on IC, wouldnt do it bro...next time Im just gonna aim and fire. Its sad when you have to fight to protect MEDICINE from your fellow man. How fucked up is that? I dont even know IC...this is just bullshit.


What a joke. oh and to those... "raiders" fuck off.
Stealing medicine, yeah, all those lumberjacks deserve a hot one in the head.
Don't need a cop to tell ME whether or not I'm within my rights... someones' coming in "by force" and they are getting lit up. Go grow you own ganja, right?