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At bit personal but i need help


Hey all i am going through a divorce and am having some major problems with my wife as far a MMJ is concerned. Most everything she is saying has to do with my son. I was hoping that if anyone has gone through this they could let me know how they delt with the situation.
I am a MMJ patient in san diego county(of course) and i also have 2 personal tree's growing at my home.
My wife is concerned about me "medicating" when my son is around and that i wont be able to care for him when he is at my house. She also belives that it is a bad influence and that i am going to attract people to rob be for my stash and that puts my son in danger.
I have come close several times just chucking everything in the trash and saying yes dear yeas dear, just to get moving forward with seeing my son.
Our acctual court date is in 3 weeks anyone??
Please feel free to PM me as fairly sensitive info...




Well the only advice I can give you...

Find a middle ground. Grow in the garage, away from your kid. I don't know what the ailment you have is, so I don't know exact how hard it is for you to get around your house but there are plenty of ways to medicate with out "smoking". That takes care of the issue having to deal with your son and second hand smoke.

As for people robbing you, if you are being tight lipped about the grow and aren't being retarded and telling everyone (which in San Diego would be a HUGE mistake since the DEA raided a guy in OB with 2 personal plants.. San Diego is harsh on medicinal users I know I lived there for 15 years)

My person advice?

If you only have him for every other weekend then wait until she drops him off, eat some canna-butter toast or something after she leaves and don't smoke while he is there.


stone fool
You are fucked, accept it. If you want the ability to father your son you will have to kiss the bitches ass, and eat her crap like pudding, for the next decade. Anger will not serve you, change or lose.


Active member
This must be your first divorce. What you have to understand is that your wife is out to screw you any way she can. She'll get into court and lie and say all kinds of things just to try to make you look bad. One point in your favor is that you are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Personally, I'd discuss this with my attorney and have him/her object to any testimony about MMJ on the basis of the ADA. I really doubt that the judge wants to wade into that quagmire.

The biggest hurdle you have to jump, if the MMJ comes up, is to convince the judge that you don't medicate and drive. If you have a clean driving record, take a DMV report to court with you.

If you are lucky, your wife will accuse you of all kinds of dastardly deeds, to the extent that the judge thinks everything she says is BS. In my last divorce a couple years ago, my ex and her attorney accused me of being a really violent guy who had threatened her with guns and all kinds of crap. The judge thought their allegations were ridiculous and told them so - then ordered me to put my guns in storage for the duration of the divorce proceedings.

In San Bernardino County, the Court has a service where they require the parents and child(ren) to be interviewed by a child psychologist. They actually have the service in the basement of the court house. We went in for an interview and the child psychologist recommended to the court that we have joint custody. The judge went along with the recommendation. You should check to see if the San Diego Court has the same service.

I was really amazed at how fair the court was in my last divorce. It was a lot better than the other ones. LOL

If push comes to shove, you might consider quitting smoking. You just have to decide what is more import, the MJ or your son.

Good luck!



Active member
Just a thought along the lines of compromise, could you agree not to smoke in your son's presence or when you have your scheduled times with him? Just thinking out loud, the "robbery" thing is a little iffy imo because who is to say a woman on her own is less a target or that her having possibly new men in her life won't be a danger to your son? If she happens to have any history of being a victim or making bad choices, and I certainly hope she does not but, it would be just as relevant imo.


the biggest hurdle right now is you are in San Diego county, and if they bring up Cannabis you are foobar unless you get a really really really liberal judge. San Diego county HATES Medicinal Users and it and its local government are going to try as hard as they can to push/punish all growers and smokers out of the county.


just wanted to say that i know from personal exp how difficult a time you're going through. things will get better though. your son is more important than your stash, and once the court stuff is out of the way you can re-start your life, growing and seeing your son, and the mother doesn't need to know squat.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
In the county i live in if you have kids and dont keep your pot under lock and key they will charge you with "felony child endangerment" . Although it is just fine to keep your oxycontin on the shelf in the medicine cabinet. Becareful!!




Thanks for the info guys at this point its just "the point" of it all. I have 1 female plant i am flowering and 2 clones veging i took from this plant in a locked storage unit in a locked room. My son is here everyother weekend and once or twice a week 2 hours or so in the evening.
She has decided he cant come to my house until it is all gone....
I hope this doesn't seem like i choose weed over my son because that is far from the case. I just honestly belive that is rediculas and i shouldnt have to do that...

Thanks again for all the responces


Thanks for the info guys at this point its just "the point" of it all. I have 1 female plant i am flowering and 2 clones veging i took from this plant in a locked storage unit in a locked room. My son is here everyother weekend and once or twice a week 2 hours or so in the evening.
She has decided he cant come to my house until it is all gone....
I hope this doesn't seem like i choose weed over my son because that is far from the case. I just honestly belive that is rediculas and i shouldnt have to do that...

Thanks again for all the responces

you just need to remember its not your son's fault your wife is acting this way. By fighting her on this you are showing your son (regardless if its true or not) that you don't find him important enough to do what you have to do to be with him.

Remember he won't understand all this, all he sees is that he can't see daddy and mommy prolly telling him you are a drug addict.


How emotionly selfish and just plain evil some people are makes me want to throw up. It is so sad these days how many kids have to go threw this these days. The parents aren't that stupid, they know what they are putting there kids threw, they just care more about themselves, its fucking sick. Don't you know this is going to fudk your kid up for life, cause it is. I see it every day.

Don't have a kid if you arent ready to die a lonely painful death for your child.
Throw your plants out........get your shit together........you live in cali and have a med card.........go to a club and get your meds for a month or two..........go back on growing and living your life how you want. Can't you take a few months off of growing to make your childs life easyer. You think this is hard on you, how hard must it be to him, his whole reality destroyed.

/rant off
. What you have to understand is that your wife is out to screw you any way she can.

I have to agree with that. I have been through a divorce, and it's true, what ever she can do or say to get her way she prob will. Just be carefull and play it smart.


I have to go smoke a bowl now, this thread is a real downer.
Hope all is well for you pal, I feel your pain.:fsu:
In the county i live in if you have kids and dont keep your pot under lock and key they will charge you with "felony child endangerment" . Although it is just fine to keep your oxycontin on the shelf in the medicine cabinet. Becareful!!

Ain't that the cold-hearted truth. Oxycontin was, and is an epidemic where i used to live in the Bay. A true Vicious Cycle. :fsu:

To Darius: Making it through rough times only makes you tough, it makes you strong, it makes you a surviver. You just got keep your head up high and do WHATS RIGHT. It may seem like it's right to stand strong on YOUR legal right to medicate, but then on the other hand the right thing would also be to do what's right for your kid. Forgive me for sayin this, but f**k that bitch wife of yours and make your sacrafices to your kid. I know when i have a child, there would be nothing that i wouldn't give up for his/her well being...right now it's all about sacrafice. Sacrafice alot right now, but in the end, when this shit storm blows over, YOU will recieve SO MUCH MORE in the long run when it comes to a healthy and stable realationship with your son. Good luck bro, and i wish you nothing but the best in your upcoming ordeal. :joint:


master shake

Active member
why don't you just temporarily stop growing, and smoking if need be, and satisfy the bitch...then when the time is right, resume your personal activities and don't allow your ex-wife to enter your home.


I'm in your boat man, in SD, chick blames everything on MJ, I have a similar thread up, but haven't gotten to the divorce part yet...good luck!

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