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Ass Hole US Cop gives a German Tourist a Hard Time: "Why are you driving in my countr

"My country"?

Sad, but that redneck is the poster boy for what most of the world see as "Americans".

Isn't the anal rape threat sweet?

Leon Brooks

so sad for the piggy...cant make money off a foreigner so he couldnt give the ticket. guess he'll have to go harass some local citizens.


Overkill is under-rated.
Haha, fuck that cop, if I visit any other country I'm gonna speed like a motherfucker.

Maybe I should just move to Germany, preferably in the vicinity of the Nurburgring. :)


lives on planet 4:20
awesome video...glad that homie recorded it, for a second there
I thought he might slap the driver...because he hesitated and
didn't know what else to say...and then he said that shit about
the guy's ass hurting for a month bullshit...hahaha...what a loser!


Oh my what can I say about that piece of shit pig, There all pigs that think just cuz there cops they could break the law so fuck all the pigs, they want to break the law by harassing ill make sure to break the law too and speed btw I'll make sure to lead the pack LMAO.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
why did that cop bring up him getting raped in prison over a speeding violation? what is REALLY on that cops mind???


although one GOOD thing the police do is stop speeders, drunk drivers, etc...but out of that good, the 'power to do whatever you want without getting in trouble' seems to overcome most cops at some point in their career and this cops demeanor changed the second the cop picked up on his accent....clearly this idiot cop has no concept of the real world or how to be a cop, so he spews ethnic comments and threatens physical anal rape?

i have to say though on the highways where i drive SL is normally at the highest 65 that i remember...but you can clearly see 75% of the traffic going 70,75 while 20% is going 80 while 5% is going 50. lol...in other words, the majority of people break the rule and when there's so many doing it, clearly you have much less of a chance of getting pulled over. so flow of traffic and average speed will determine if you should let someone off etc...

but almost 100? way too fast he deserved to get popped....just not talked to like that.

1.) i agree what is truly on that cop's mind
2.) he should have been stern with the driver, in other words...sir, do you know why i stopped you? you were going 98 in a 70...those are extremely fast speeds and i'm not sure if you're just used to driving fast, but we know people get hurt a lot worse at higher speeds and you could truly hurt someone going that fast. i suggest you slow down immediately....and subsequently let him off with a warning.

cops have a very shitty job, and i'm sure the combination of it being a shitty job plus the ability to be a dick on a power trip is what makes 90% of officers assholes out to meet their quota. you can even watch cops...they get that chip on their shoulder thinking the law will back them regardless (and most of the time it will) until people started using cameras...bustin their ass with videotape evidence....and now because of it, they're trying to make it illegal to film a cop!