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Asking for help from the older users.


when you said you had no money the first words out of your mouth were no smokes beer or weed... Maybe take a look at that first... You got you and that's it! Now reach into your pants and tell the boys lets fucking do this...


who is yummybud and what is wrong with him? why do people keep mentioning yummybud and the fact he still lives with his mum? yes living with ur parents at 24 is far from ideal but its not the end of the world. you could be homeless/living in totally shit accomodation and not having enough for food . theres alot of worse places than mummy and daddys house. is not good for your pride but theres worse things that could happen regards your accomodation
forgot to add im 24 and in a similarish position in my life.
forget about the girl. only option is to love yourself in this screwed up violent world

rick shaw

who is yummybud and what is wrong with him? why do people keep mentioning yummybud and the fact he still lives with his mum? yes living with ur parents at 24 is far from ideal but its not the end of the world. you could be homeless/living in totally shit accomodation and not having enough for food . theres alot of worse places than mummy and daddys house. is not good for your pride but theres worse things that could happen regards your accomodation
forgot to add im 24 and in a similarish position in my life.
forget about the girl. only option is to love yourself in this screwed up violent world
:laughing: FOFLMAO Having a meltdown in the middle of somebody else's meltdown is yummybudish,but you will not get the title that easily.
You have to earn it.:wave:


It took me 45 years to find the right woman. There out there just keep looking.
As for a job, hit the streets and take what you can find. It may not be what you want but you can at least have some kind of income while trying to find the work you would like to do.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Hey Norther Greens, sorry to hear your in such a sore spot. I hope you've learned where you f'ed up so you don't do it again.

Sounds like your the perfect candidate for working on a cruise boat as a cook/chief(sp?). Work on a cruise boat for a while and save up some money while your trying to get a job locally in your field, then once you get on locally, you'll have a lot of money saved up for a decent place and furnishings. Plus working on a cruise boat would be an interesting experience.

Hope things come around for you, don't worry about finding a girlfriend right now, she will show up when your ready.


Yo bud!! feel your pain. Life sucks..Its the struggle that make it all worthwhile. Some good folks hav offered up some damn good advice. Use it!!
& hey could you slide me her nums?? Sounds like my kind o Witch. Sadly. Hug your Mom..


Old School Cottonmouth
who is yummybud and what is wrong with him?

yummy bud was a character who was twenty I guess. Asked a LOT of questions but never cared about answers. He had no self confidence.

Constantly asked questions about how to approach girls, a girl talked to him what should he do?, etc.

He was eventually banned for the better IMO because he had no interest in growing. He had randomly decided on an internet forum of pot growers to vent his questions of teenage angst on. Pretty odd choice if you ask me. Boys town hotline was more up his alley I think. Even they might've told him to piss off and get a life with some of the dumb and mundane questions he asked.

His threads used to gather a lot of replies and insults, and required constant modding. Which ultimately got him banned I believe.


Active member
nothing about your situation is going to change as long as you sit around feeling sorry for yourself. nothing is worse in life than someone who mopes around and complains about there situation without ever trying to change it.

i also don't believe you can't find a low-level job to help pay the bills. its the people with university degrees that are having trouble finding jobs in there field. go around to a bunch of restaurants and start filling out applications. these jobs have a high turnover rate so i find it hard to believe you can't find a job waiting tables or cooking in the kitchen. when i was unemployed i was literally handing in 20-25 job applications a day, and i was following up on every single one of them until i found something. i didn't sit around and wait for it to come to me i went out and found it! that is what you need to do.

your 24 years old. so what if you were in a relationship for 8 years? you are both still very young. look at all the good things the relationship brought you instead of focusing on all the bad stuff that's happened lately. look at it as a learning experience for future relationships. its one girl. its not the end of the world. also -- how are you going to blame her for wanting to move out and keep her car when her parents said she could come stay with them? what logic are you using? sounds a little selfish to me.


god damn you youngin's these days are a sad lot.

The getting a job in a restaurant around here is hard, the ones I did my apprenticeship at don't have anywhere for me and the other ones I am over qualified for. I know it sounds dumb, but I am a red seal chef (means I'm a professional in Canada) and chains don't like to hire us for some reason, except of the top 2-3 positions
if those type of things hurt you from getting a job why in the hell are you still putting them on your application? don't you know how to bullshit? i dropped out of school in 10th grade (years later went back and finished school) but when i was young and filling out applications i always said i graduated school so people would actually consider me. well in this case down play your qualifications so you can get a job. DUH!
ALSO -- restaurants have some of the highest turnover rates i've ever seen. i don't believe it for a second when you say you can't find a job. honestly i don't think you are trying hard enough and now your using these things as an excuse.

i dont think i am being harsh either. life is a harsh. giving you pity ain't helping your situation. its sounds like that's all you do for yourself, and all anyone has ever done for you. at least your parents let you move back. when i was 24 my parents would of told me to figure it out on my own because at 24 your a grown man. time to act like it.

pine boy

Since you can't grow at mom's ,look for a job in the morning and digg some holes in afternoon for this season.Your next yob is probibly not going to pay so well since you dont know what to do.
Every morning before you do your thing,ask for a" perfect job with perfect pay" and manifest this...then dig & plant some seed .
Good luck man


Active member
also sounds like your dependent on bud, booze, and cigs. you don't need these things to live. yes, having bud around is nice but learn to get through life without it. being dependent on bud is just as bad as being dependent on anything else. find other things to occupy your mind for a while. don't worry you will be able to smoke again. so i don't see what the big deal is.
Wow lots of replies to this. Thanks everyone I have taken some of the better pieces of advice to heart. I have been hitting it hard working it all out. The last few days I have been getting up early and starting the day off with a run. It;s only 4 laps at 5.5 mph I think, but we have to start somewhere eh? I am doing it twice a day until my wind comes back, then I am going to push myself as hard as I can with it. I have also stopped smoking, which I'm not sure if it is a good or bad idea yet, It's good for my health but bad for my mood/everyone else. I am also doing a bunch of push ups and crunches everyday. I have free weights but I don't think I'm ready to have the commitment for them yet. I had a job interview this morning as well, only halfway between pt & ft but the pay is o.k not great and it gives me a chance to make some cash and still have time to be working on myself consistently. Also it was at a breakfast and lunch restaurant, so it fits with the theme of getting up early and haveing a "normal" people schedule.

Rudolph: Dude, it is harsh but your right. 100% right. And sadly the truth hurts....ALOT....as I am finding out.

On a semi-shitty note. She found out my new cell # (one of my dumbass friends gave it to her I guess) and left me a massive voicemail. Checking to see if I am o.k., asking if we can still be friends, saying she misses me, things like that. It hurt, not really sure what to do about it. I got it yesterday morning and I still have not replied, not sure if I even should.

So back to positive. I am really suprised and happy at the ammount and quality of responses. I would love to keep this thread alive as long as possible just so I can update and keep getting advice on progress. Also because my 1st post made me feel so yummybudish that now I need to prove to myself and you guys I am not EVER going to be like that. You guys are better than a therapist, simply because you are 100% anonymous and removed from the situation. Like I have had less than 200 posts in 4 years on this site, so not too much has been revealed about me. And I see it as a good thing, you don't take sides etc. Anyways thanks for the support and help, I will keep coming back. The Toker's Den and the Soil forums were my main hangouts.

Goddammit, I love you guys here. I feel like I could go fight a bear right now.


you sound like you got the spring back in your step, good one mate.


Active member
well sometimes tough love is the best love. to reach your full potential you have to struggle a little bit and often times you have to do it on your own. you might be down now but things can turn around a lot faster than you think. i fully believe people are capable of doing 100x more than they think. you just have to push yourself to do it. its good to be hungry and struggle every now and then. it should give you the motivation to pull yourself out and be as successful as you can. every successful person i know was down just like you were, but they had the hunger to use it as a learning experience and change there situation.

keep working out it and use this time to grow. try doing something new you never thought you could do or just do something you have always wanted to do. i know its hard to kick substances. i know it sucks not having a job. just remember things can change in a flash if you work for it.

good luck, dude.


doing the fitness and weights training is the best thing you could do in all likelihood

not knowing what to do with your life is more common than you think

but id trust your own instinct on what you decide to do as a lifestyle/job not anyone else


Old School Cottonmouth
I personally would not call her back.

Other people may disagree, and all relationships are different, but I never wanted to be "friends" with someone I was involved with.

Especially her with how you explained her to be. Girls will use that "friends" line to get a lot of the same shit they are used to but without sleeping with you. Attention, affection, compliments, food, dates, etc. She probably is missing you, and that is a good thing. As I said before time to sit and think isn't a bad thing. For either of you.

My opinion is that its always tempting to fall back into what you know. But what you know is that she is no good. So don't fall back into that. Get a new one.
Fuck.....I just lost a HUGE post I was typing....I hate laptops..
The spring is coming back, just like the hunger I wouldn't say that they are all the way there yet. I am still having problems with the motivation to get up and do it, but I am pushing myself and hopefully will form habit out of it.The exercise helps, it makes me feel good afterwards like I have accomplished something. It's not that I don't know what I want to do either, it's that what I was working towards is no longer really an option. But I really have nothing but time to figure it out. I am a certified chef, but I am going to university in the fall (something i have always wanted to do), college just really didn't do it for me.

APOLOGIES TO THE WOMEN IN THIS THREAD BUT YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ PAST THIS POINT. GUYS HAVE FUN WITH THIS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is for the guys around my age that have been saying they are/were in similar situations, also for anyone that might end up here one day or just for a good/funny discusion. So I have this family friend who is a nurse, and I had a good but akward talk with her. IT was about motivation and things you can physically do to help with it. Jerking off was the first topic that came up. It makes crazy sense and results are almost instantanious (a day or two). It has to do with the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. I will try and say it how she did so it makes the most sense. " If you are constantly stimulating the receptors for pleasure and reward, then your body thinks that whatever you are doing is right or good as it is always being rewarded. It will slowly sap your motivation, energry, libido and apparently has something to do with skin and breaking out (didn't really understand the last part.) And its not even to the guys that do it religiously like 10 times a day, its for everyone. She suggested going every other day, two or three days in between. I dunno I thought it was a decent little nugget of advice. Have fun with it.


Cannabrex Formulator
Northern Greens.....you say you are a Red Seal chef......I have a suggestion for yas....

Find work in either a mining/treeplanting camp or even better, on an oil rig or crab boat.

The work is crazy hard, the hours are brutal, yes.

But the pay is killer ($250-300 per day cash in a tree planting camp) and it's the kind of thing you can do intensively 6-8 months a yea for a couple years and finish with a really nice down payment on a house/piece of land.

If yer young, single and qualified for it, chef work way out in the bush is the way to go...


Cannabrex Formulator
ge that have been saying they are/were in similar situations, also for anyone that might end up here one day or just for a good/funny discusion. So I have this family friend who is a nurse, and I had a good but akward talk with her. IT was about motivation and things you can physically do to help with it. Jerking off was the first topic that came up. It makes crazy sense and results are almost instantanious (a day or two). It has to do with the pleasure and reward centers of the brain. I will try and say it how she did so it makes the most sense. " If you are constantly stimulating the receptors for pleasure and reward, then your body thinks that whatever you are doing is right or good as it is always being rewarded. It will slowly sap your motivation, energry, libido and apparently has something to do with skin and breaking out (didn't really understand the last part.) And its not even to the guys that do it religiously like 10 times a day, its for everyone. She suggested going every other day, two or three days in between. I dunno I thought it was a decent little nugget of advice. Have fun with it.

The only motivation I would get get if I was not beating off three times a day is the motivation to climb tall structures with a high powered rifle.......


jacking off is important every few days at least if your not shagging though

but you do lose motivation if your doing it 6 or 7 times a day which i have in the past

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