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Ask Mr.Harper a question!!!!!!!!!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is what I am saying, it is not the man, that needs respect, it is the office he holds
That would be the office of a "prime minister" of the corporation CANADA which is a privately owned and fully registered corporation in the US. If his office was truly elected by the people of Canada, and if the person in that office would actually be a public servant looking out for the best interests of the population it would deserve ALL the respect in the world.
Lol, all while Harper is busy copying the US private prison system.


Active member
Cursing the PM doesn't bother me one bit, you reap what you sow. If he, or any other poli-tick wants :respect: , they can earn it by speaking up + standing for real truth and justice.

All he has earned is :cuss: and :mooning: !

IMO, his antics have earned him a lifetime of F.U.'s- so phuck him, he's a fascist. I have a question for Herr harper...

" If I buy you a sawed-off 12g with a mouthpiece on the end of the barrel, will you do the country a favour and use it immediately?"

:prettyplease: With sugar on top??

Regardless of how you feel about the guy personally

He is still the leader of Canada, and requires a certain level of respect, at least towards the office. Although I do not care about the man, it still offends me to see "F Harper", he does require our respect, while he is still in office

what... the.... fuck????
Keep in mind that 8 of the 10 questions voted on were pot related but he only got one to answer!

I have to say young children, I guess they’re now … Ben and Rachel are now getting pretty close to 14 and 11, but maybe they’re not that young, but they are at the age where, you know, they will increasingly come into contact with drug use, and I guess as a parent, you know, this is the last thing I want to see for my kids or anyone else’s children.

Mr Harper, you. Your father. Your Grandfather. And his father before that all proclaimed the same bullshit and when you in March of 2010 try to be cool and go on the internet to answer the nations questions what happens? You get bombarded with questions on legalizing pot. One can only hope your Ben. like many kids don't listen to your BS, and hopefully by the time he or his peers are ready for office they aren't repeating the same crap!

Now, I also want people to understand what we’re really talking about here when we’re talking about the drug trade. You know, when people say focus on violent crime instead of drugs, and yeah, you know, there’s lots of crimes a lot worse than, you know, casual use of marijuana. But when people are buying from the drug trade, they are not buying from their neighbour. They are buying from international cartels that are involved in unimaginable violence and intimidation and social disaster and catastrophe all across the world. All across the world.

Really Mr. Harper. And Mr Harper, which cartel sells a proven worse drug like Liquor in Canada? And Mr Harper, when your Ben and Rachel want to by booze from this cartel, who sells them that booze. You know the answer is no one sir. You know if a kid wants liquor in this country he has to steal it from daddy's liquor cabinet or get someone of age to go visit the cartel. But tell us Mr. Harper, which drug cartel tells the Ben and Rachel's of this world that they aren't old enough and refuse to sell them the drugs? And even with the Government run Liquor cartel Mr. Harper, and despite the fact that the Liquor stores are closed at this hour, If I choose to start drinking at the moment I can easily make a call and have it delivered to my door by more then one person!

Get out and vote people. It's the only reason idiots like this stay in power.
Harper will ruin this country, Get Jack Layton in there now!

I don't care about financial conservative bullshit, what did humans back in the day with no money? SOCIAL change is needed, people need to be happy.

Our generation does not know anything about politics, knowledge is power guys, start reading up on what party wants what and talk with others!
What has harper done for Alberta, or Canada? And what hasn't he done? I don't know myself. There doesn't seem to be much information on his successes and fails since he has become PM.

I know that he is stopping the movement of Cannabis, and he dropped the GST. Basically, all I have heard is the conservative party is keeping us afloat and making sure Canada doesn't see any deficit like what the United States has. If that's the case, shouldn't we just put him in charge of treasury and let the federal decisions be done by someone else?

Obviously he hasn't done anything spectacular or else I would have heard more about him, at the same time, nothing terrible.


What has harper done for Alberta, or Canada? And what hasn't he done? I don't know myself. There doesn't seem to be much information on his successes and fails since he has become PM.

I know that he is stopping the movement of Cannabis, and he dropped the GST. Basically, all I have heard is the conservative party is keeping us afloat and making sure Canada doesn't see any deficit like what the United States has. If that's the case, shouldn't we just put him in charge of treasury and let the federal decisions be done by someone else?

Obviously he hasn't done anything spectacular or else I would have heard more about him, at the same time, nothing terrible.

Ya he dropped the gst, which was one of the fairest of taxes. Think about it for a short while, people were taxed on what they consumed, the rich consume much more than the poor. I cant believe so many brainless people bought that one hook line and sinker.
Hes a disgrace to Canadians, he comes out with the grandiose statement that he plans to focus on women and children, but doesn't want to talk about making abortion freely available. What an idiot!!
Only in Alberta, land of the oil soaked mindless masses, ever talk about trade unions with a bunch of Albertans ? That will take you back a century.

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