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Art or Crime ?


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JUNE 12--A North Carolina man is facing criminal charges for creating an amusing piece of public art from construction barrels. Joseph Carnevale, 21, was nabbed Wednesday after a Raleigh Police Department investigation determined that he was responsible for the work (seen below) constructed May 31 on a roadway adjacent to North Carolina State University. Carnevale, pictured in the mug shot at right, was charged with misdemeanor larceny for allegedly building his orange monster from materials pilfered from a construction site. According to an arrest warrant, Carnevale "destroyed three road blocking barrels by cutting and screwing them together to form a statue." Police estimated that Carnevale's artwork caused $360 in damages to Hamlett Associates, the North Carolina construction company that owned the barrels. Carnevale is scheduled for a July 21 court appearance in Wake County. (2 pages)




here's the guy, he looks tired

360$ of damage ? big deal,
the guy is bringing beauty to an ugly place

the guy is a genius imo, they should be encouraging creativity like this
It causes a distraction more than damage to the barrels, people hit those all the time. I think his time should go lightly, he's a smart dude. If we had more of these, traffic could go to slow and that wouldn't be environmentally friendly.



I think that thing looks awesome and it would give me a smile if I drove past it. The problem is that it causes distractions and distractions on the road are very bad. Since we all seem to be in agreement that it looks impressive, it is safe to assume that most people who encounter this thing will feel the same way. Inevitably, someone might pull over to get a closer look and that's when public safety is put at risk. The guy who created the statue would be liable.

So the guy should be fined and then hired by some PR company, or art company, or whatever artists do to make money. :)


Active member
Hamlett associates aint filin charges are they? Theyd be fukkin nutts if they did. They autta get the guy to make another one so they got one for each side of theyr driveway.


The Tri Guy
He should send them a bill for $360, for time and global advertising, then add a note saying, "call it quits?"


Active member
Could ya magine bein the first one on the site in the mornin? I was usually still drunk. I had the uncanny ability to work still dusted. Now THAT woulda been a good mornin! Woulda made for a good bar story.


hell yeah thats what i call Modern art!!!! we shall be seeing many of them around, just make sure you leave the 360$ under it :) that should be a fine only... f that


Just because it is art doesnt mean he didnt steal the materials. That's such an awesome sculpture though! Wish I could see something like that in my area pop up.


This is art!!!

This is art!!!

Roadside distraction???

What about all the billboards that line the roads, are they a distraction? How many billboards featuring barely clothed hotties have caused an accident? I bet the advertising companies aren't liable for them!:rant:

Anything that makes someone smile instead of angry is good for the roads.:2cents:
Distraction yes, awesome absolutely...pay the fine, and hope the publicity brings you some business... That's the thing w/artists...any attention is good attention. I'll bet you this guy will profit from the incedent. More power to him!! That's a great picture!!...right click save as...

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