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arrrgh, am i in for a hermie?

Well, i thought i was off to a good start ... can anyone tell me if i am screwed?

I have been running a 24 hour light cycle on 2 BigBud clones for the past 2/3 weeks. My plan was to put them into flower within the next week or so as i wanted to put on a bit o meat .. this morning i discovered that the lights were OFF since 1am!! .. (they are plugged into a digital timer set to manual) On the timer i noticed that the time had been set to 1am to turn off .. WTF???

I have put the lights back on them but will this hermie them, or mess them up?

I am not too worried, because this was a test run to see how the PC cab will run but i really don't want to start over again .. (little hiccups are good)


Active member
i would have to say your good to go...no shemale's...just dont give it a weird mixed up light time's over a period of time..
okwildfire said:
i would have to say your good to go...no shemale's...just dont give it a weird mixed up light time's over a period of time..

Hey thanks for the quick response! I figure that they are, in fact, ok .. but this has never happened to me before. I am going to keep them vegging for another solid two weeks before flipping the switch. Good idea? Should i keep them going a bit longer, say 3 weeks?

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated :)


those are some nice looking girls hopefully :) but ya shit happens. i recently had a light go on mid off time 6 weeks into flowering good thing my buddy went in and noticed :) <3 friends think it was only on for a couple minuts but plant was fine didnt herm. good luck


Was this just a one time incident or was the timer shutting off every day at 1?

If just one time, you are fine


i run my time by hand, i plants get somtimes erratic light schedules, missing out an hour or so in the light period, none has shown any signs of male balls
yamaha_1fan said:
Was this just a one time incident or was the timer shutting off every day at 1?

If just one time, you are fine

Yeah, it was this one time .. i have since removed the timer until i am ready to do the flip.

Thanks guys, again :)
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you'll be fine. Your plants may actually appreciate a little darkness every night

so totally did not want to abandon this thread ..


thanks guys, i really appreciate your feedback.. I am happy to report that the ladies are doing just fine :smile:

Here is a couple pics taken just moments ago



Active member
if you were running 24/0 then you started running a light/dark schedule... why do you think that would make your plants go hermie?
stihgnobevoli said:
if you were running 24/0 then you started running a light/dark schedule... why do you think that would make your plants go hermie?

thanks for asking! well, i haven't yet induced flowering (plan to in the next couple of days or so) the problem was that during the night the lights were turned off interrupting the light cycle for a brief period of time. My fear was that with the lights not scheduled to be off would harm or stress the grrlz out and result in a potential hermaphroditism. It was me being a tad paro .. all good now.


New member
Have you tried 20/4 for veg? My plants seemed to love it, and I've heard a bunch of veterans confirm it has the best light balance, 24 straight seems to make the plants a little crazy...


Active member
nah hermies is when you introduce light into the dark period. not the other way around. outdoors plants would go hermie everytime there was a cloudy day.
Orestes said:
Have you tried 20/4 for veg? My plants seemed to love it, and I've heard a bunch of veterans confirm it has the best light balance, 24 straight seems to make the plants a little crazy...

hey Orestes :wave: i have not tried 20/4 but will give it a shot in the future. thanks!!

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