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Arrest Stories & Close Calls



you lucky bastard....and...your lady's friend may not be psychotic...but just really smart...she got teh cops away didnt she?

o and...fuckin pigs..

'When we start the revolution all they probably do is squeal'



This happened about 15 years ago. A guy I used to buy weed from occasionally had called me up out of the blue and asked if he could use my scale, in return for which he'd give me all of his trim. Since I no longer needed it, I convinced him to also trade me an oz. of some premium weed (best stuff I've ever smoked, to this day) for the scale, so I walked out of there with and ounce plus of well-trimmed bud and a huge bag of nice trim for a scale I didn't even use :)

I hooked up with my buddies that night and couldn't resist bragging about the deal I got. Feeling magnanimous, I busted the shit up into bags and hooked up three of my buddies with some fat sacks, and we smoked a few bowls in celebration. Not long after, we decided that it would be fun to drive down to a local waterfront park that was almost always completely empty, and do our best to recreate a scene from a Cheech and Chong movie. Well, it sounded like a good idea at the time, anyways...

So we packed up our smoke, grabbed some bongs and pipes, and piled into my buddy's small Hyundai and headed out to the park. There was nobody there as usual, so we just kind of parked in the middle with the car pointed toward the only entrance so we would be sure to see anybody else who entered the area. Feeling all kinds of clever, we busted out the bongs and hookah and started smoking like there was no tomorrow.

At some point, we'd decided that we were quite high enough, and it was probably time to start heading home. Ten or fifteen minutes later we were still sitting there not moving, having apparently forgotten that we'd even decided to go, and too stoned to move. The car was so full of smoke that we couldn't see out the windows at all, and it never occurred to us that this might be a problem until we saw a pair of headlights turn on right in front of our car! Sure enough, park security had done his best ninja stealth move and snuck up on us by driving with his headlights off straight toward the dumb motherfuckers who couldn't even see out the front windshield.

Of course, the lights turning on suddenly woke us all up immediately, so the first thing we do is all four of us panic and in unison start rolling down the windows. Apparently, this was funny as hell to the park security, who was laughing about the thick column of smoke rolling out the windows as he walked up to the driver side window, changed his mind, and walked around to the other side of the vehicle to stick his head in my window, while the smoke was still pouring out.

"What are you guys doing in here?" he asked, "You guys smoking some hooch?"

He takes a peek around the vehicle with his flashlight, and notices that we were too stoned to think about putting anything away or hiding it. I still have a bong in my lap, my buddy is holding his pipe in his right hand (had to use the left to unroll the window), and there's bags of weed laying around.

"Holy shit," he says "you guys are smoking it like it's in bales." He gets on the radio and reports "an illegal drug situation" in the park, tells us to stay put, and walks back to his vehicle.

At this point, I'm freaking out and worrying about what everyone is going to say when they are questioned, so I whisper to everyone "just tell them it's mine. All of it is mine, this was my idea, etc." just so that everyone would have a consistent story.

When the cop gets there, he pulls us one by one into his vehicle for questioning, with the park security watching the other three while he's questioning me. "This is all yours? Where did you get it?" he asks. I told him that I just got this kickass new job making more money than I've ever made before, and I really wanted to impress my buddies, who had never seen a whole ounce of weed in once place before (not true, but...) so I went from one bar to another, downtown, everywhere I could think of to score a bag from complete strangers. I explained that this is why it was all bagged up, and nobody here was selling it, that's just how we got it, officer. I'm completely polite and as coherent as can be.

He has us all step out of the car so he can search it, and finds several baggies of weed, three bongs, a hookah, and a couple of pipes. At one point, I'm freezing my ass off, so I ask the cop if I can grab my windbreaker out of the car, offer to let him search it first, etc. He gives it a pat-down and hands it to me.

After talking to the cop for a while, the four of us manage to convince him that we don't know any dealers, I had just bought this stuff from strangers and we really just intended to smoke the entire amount right then and there. I guess he believed us, since he made us throw the pipes in the water, break all the bongs, and stuff the weed down a storm drain.

Then he tells me "You guys are fucking stupid."

"Yes, officer." I reply.

"You guys should be doing this shit at home, not in a public park, dumbass." he says.

"Yes sir. You're absolutely right sir."

He asks if I'm okay to drive, since the guy that drove us there is obviously way too high, and I assure him that I am. He tell us to take off and he never wants to see us again, and that he's going to follow us for a few miles to make sure I'm driving safely. We drive away cautiously, with the kind of attention that only a person who knows the cop following him already has enough to arrest him on can have, and after a few miles he pulls away and goes on with his business.

We made it home just fine before noticing that he never checked the ashtray, which is completely full of pipe bowls that had been pre-packed by my buddy so he could just swap bowls in the dark rather than have to grind the shit up in a dark car, and one of the guys still had a bag in his jean pocket. Driving home the next day, I noticed my jacket crinkling, and checked the pocket, and there's still a baggy in there that the cop hadn't noticed, so I headed straight over to my friends house and shared it with them in celebration.

That was over a decade ago, and I've never smoked out in a public place since. I got off easy, with a lesson learned and a tale to tell :)


Not exactly an arrest story,
but one i was cutting 5 pounds with a few mates.
A cop car pulled out in front with a full load of 5 officers.
Apparently the house opposite did something


Well-known member
this is my close call true story.

2 weeks ago I was on my way home with 2 buddies and we saw the red & blue lights comming for us I said hurry up and eat the few grams U have on u right now befor we pull over the car. so when we did pull over the cop came over I roled down the window and the pig said the usule stuff then when he came back to the car he said to get out of the car so we did and by this poing all the few grams we had left had been eaten all up and was all gone.

so then he dug around the car for a few minuts and found nothing so he said yall can go but I am for sure yall had weed in the car some with in the last 24 hours cur ur car reeks of marijuana.

so then we drove home and were very gratefull the we had eaten all the weed which was only 2 grams a peace.

mannn the risks I take....

so rember when being pulled over U can eat ur weed if there is enough time to. cuz I did and got off scot free.:dance013:


Riding my unregistered Yamaha DT-250 with traffic warrants, on California freeway (8), I had about 6 stuffed full ziplock bags of weed under my shirt. Cop pulled me over for the no registration, found out I had 13 previous warrants for my arrest on previous tickets. The whole time I'm standing there in a thin dress shirt filled with weed.

I told him I knew about the warrants and had a court date set on them for the next week (a lie). He handed me a ticket and sent me on my way. Perhaps my freakishly disproportionate stomach threw him off his game, I don't know.

This was 20 years ago, they probably changed the way they do things since then. :)
Oh, and my drivers license was revoked at the time. Not suspended, revoked. :)
Crap...forgot about another one.

Driving from Atlanta to Athens, Georgia where I lived at the time, I had a bag of some dirt weed, absolute brown seedy crap, and was driving on hwy 316 when I saw a sign that said "Drug Detection Check. Canine on duty" or something like that. Tried to dump the weed out the window stealthily and it all blew back into the car.


Drove a little further and realized they weren't actually stopping the cars on the hwy, just the cars that tried to turn off on the side road.

I had moved from California and never seen a sign like that before...what the hell is up with GA anyway? FBI, GBI, cops everywhere doing random stops and it still had more crime than anywhere else I've lived.

Cone Head

This one happened to a guy I knew. All I can say is police corruption is still very evident in Australia, no matter how much they try and say its a thing of the past.

This guy, sort of a friend of mine was delivering a pound to a dealers house. He got pulled over for having a faulty brake light and the cops said they could smell it the second they got near his car. They searched his car and of course found the pound which was in the boot. In my state they have decriminalization for less than 50g or something which is dealt with with a "cannabis expiation notice" basically an "on the spot" fine. A pound is a traffic-able amount though. One of the cops took the pound and put it in their car, and came back to him some minutes later with an expiation notice for $150 that read cannabis possession, less than 50g!! The cops told him to enjoy his day and to stay out of trouble and left. They stole his pound and still had the gall to book him :eek:


Over 35 years of kicking the gong and I have had a few close calls. Luck really, a handful of incidents over a lifetime of breaking the law. So here are two stories that happened in the same bodega.

I used to go to a bodega in the ABCs that had great bud, fair prices and was always cool. Until that DA presidential wanna be became mayor. You know the one, he ran for president.
Anyway, I'm waiting in line at the back glass and off in the corner of my mind I hear something that sounds like a loud horn. WOW, a horn in the big city.
A moment later everyone in the place (about a dozen overall) turn on their heels and make for the exit. I mosey on out and there are about a zillion blues with all the frills filling the street.
Some detective type grabs me and pushed me againt the building.
"Didn't you hear shithead?" He says.
"What? No I didn't." I say.
"What the fuck's wrong with you?", He says. "When we blast the buzzer you get out. Do you think we want some asshole like you getting killed?" He's screaming in my face looking kind of frothy.
"I didn't, I'm sorry,man." I say.
"Give me your stash." He says.
" No." I say. I realize this is a huge mistake. The NYPD don't take kindly to being told no.
The guy's head expands twice it's size and turn tomato red. This is going to cost me, in money and blood.
Then his radio goes off with some clackity clack chick barking out what sounded like Chinese. He looks over to the cruisers and tightens his grip on me.
"Listen asshole, if I ever see you here again I'll bust your head. Disappear scumbag." He says and rushes into the bodega.
I scuttled away and spent the afternoon drinking at McSorely's.

Story two

Same bodega about a month later. The new mayor is putting on the heat. A lot of my regular shops are closed or hiding. I go to my bodega and get a couple of bags of buddha and split.
An hour later some hotrod detective decides he's going to bust the bodega single handed. He goes in without warning the customers and gets his head blow off by a guy with a shotgun hiding behind the potato chip rack.
Fuck! An hour is an eternity but it left a deep impression on me.
I still shopped at bodegas and boutiques after that but I must admit I was edgy for a while.

Ciao DA

Purp Kush

Ugh... so i recently got Busted because of my license plate light being out. I just lit a :joint: and me and my friend were toking it, and all the sudden i seen a cop car like 8- 10 cars back i was like that isn't for us. well.. it was so as soon i saw all the car's pulled over but me i knew i was done.. my friend threw the j so the officer couldn't see him.. meanwhile im getting all my info license etc... and all but my driver side windows were up.. he hits the glass with the light and i put my window down and all.. gave him my information, went form there. meanwhile after its all said and done. i got a duwi? possession and paraphernalia not sure very recent. grinder paraphernalia..possession with a joint. they didn't find they rest tho.=]. my friend got possession and paraphernalia because they found the j after looking for 45 mins around the grass and back up the road till they finally realized it was under my car... He said, they told him quote on quote that he got possession for the weed in the paper. and paraphernalia for the paper around it... hes now on a program that will be 2-3 months.. me im looking at 1 years probation and a 1-2 year suspension on license, because when i was a kid i got a underage.. therefor i am still available to apply for the "bread and butter license". so i can drive to and from school and work.


Ok first let me explain this story is not about me but one of a friend he wont post it himself as he rarely posts but I will post it for him as its truely unbelievable.

He was going to visit his GF out of state and had a little nuggy in his truck he had lost a few months back. We joked several times that if he didnt find it the cops would. Anyhow he was driving in a cold snap and the roads was slightly icy. He said that he got behind a truck hauling a trailer going 45 in the 70mph 2 lane highway. He decided to go around. As he made his pass his truck flipped a couple times and rolled into a field... This severely dmged this truck he had just purchased recently.

Now he says he tossed what he had quickly and people pulled over shortly after the wreck. He told them he was fine and the truck was sitting on the wheels but before he could get them to go the locals(cops) pulled onto the scene. The locals went through the typical process of insurance , title ect. He said they was fixing to just let him go when the DPS pulled onto the scene. They questioned him then proceeded to search his truck where they found this tiny amount. It was the partial bud he had lost months ago.

They arrested him for possession of a 'green substance' lol. They gave him a ticket for reckless driving...

Now a couple weeks of him talking about hiring a lawyer. I keep telling him that Ive always negotiated for myself and never hired a lawyer. The lawyer says because its out of town he will charge 1800 bucks to cover the case, to wich I gasp.

He finally decides to take my advice somewhat. My advice had been for him to show up at arraignment and bargain with the assistant DA. He instead decided to do something even smarter. He called the DA's office to see what he could expect if he negotiated himself. The first thing the secretary says is 'have you hired a lawyer, because if you have hired a lawyer he wont talk to you'. My buddy says no hes consulted one but not hired. She says hes busy at the moment but to call back shortly.

When he calls back and gets through to this small town DA. The DA says 'are you there?'
My friend responded yes.

The DA then proceeds to sing:
I smoke two joints in the morning
I smoke two joints at night
I smoke two joints in the afternoon it makes me feel alright
I smoke two joints in time of war and two in time of peace
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints and then I smoke two more.

Now me and my friend are both huge sublime fans so this is very strange.

The DA then says 'sorry about that just a little joke we have around here'. Looks like you have had some rough times. He cites my buddies record wich ironically seems to have alot of activity about every 10 yrs... He says 'I tell you what man looks like you just had a bad day I dont see any reason to make it worse.'

The DA says Ill make you a offer I normally wouldnt with your record. He offers him a pretrial diversion. Tells him 'if you pay 400 dollars over 6 months to the local cemetary fund wich I run' and work 4 days over 4 months one weekend day a month on the cemetary I will drop the charges after 6 months as long as you dont get into any new trouble.

I was watching him talk to the guy its truely hard to believe but its true. I wouldnt really believe it had I not been watching him talk to the guy.


About two years ago, I was driving my Volvo through a hilly highway in NC. I had a freshly purchased egg of some reggie in the vehicle, and to my dismay, I came over the peak of a hill to see a roadblock/license check about a quarter of a mile ahead. With a taillight out, no inspection sticker in the window, and a lack of order with other vital information, I realized I might as well have been wearing a pickle suit. Instinct switched on and I threw the car in neutral, took the key out of the ignition, retrieved my vehicle owner's pack, locked the egg in the glovebox, and re-ignited my engine. I plead with the officer about the lack of disposable income i had seen recently and my constant effort to remedy the problems with my registration, insurance, and inspection. They told me to move along. I guess there were bigger fish that night. Lucky me.


A few months after my first near miss, I was driving with another fresh oz., this time with a buddy in the car. We had just lit the blunt when i saw those familiar headlights in my mirror(I can spot them a mile away). I told my buddy to put the blunt out and hold it. I know cigarettes are bad for you, but maaaan they have saved me in times when I needed my pot smoke filled car not to smell like pot smoke. We were within a mile of my neighborhood and I was expected the average dickhead back country cops from my area. Much to my suprise and relief, he had nothing to say about any smell, the glaze on my eyes or the smile im sure was on my face. Not even anything about the tail light or the still problematic registration. It's always been my motto that the most important thing is not to get caught in the act(with anything you do). If you aren't committing the act, the situation is yours to shape.


New member
I love this thread! It took me about 3 months but I read it all.

Thirty three years ago when I was young and stupid, I’d hang with my friends and frequent the local movie theatre which was a few towns over from my hometown. The weed we had back then was either mexi ditch weed at $20 a Z or decent bud with a few seeds for $40 a Z. It was a special occasion when we scored the good bud and we celebrated with beers and bowls on the way to the theatre. This night we were seeing a popular new release and the early show was sold out. We bought our tickets for the late show and retired to the back of the parking lot to continue toking and tossing back beers until show time.

I’m in the passenger seat and there are maybe five guys in the car altogether. They are passing bowls and I have a full Z in my lap on a tray rolling joints. All of a sudden a car with lights out pulls up in front of us. The cop hits the lights and we basically shit our pants right there. Out steps Officer McCarthy.

Officer McCarthy was the cop on my part of town where I grew up. He was one grade A asshole. Everybody was afraid of this guy even my old man who didn’t take shit from anyone. He had a walking beat in my hometown and wouldn’t hesitate to step into the road and pull over cars for minor little violations. Everybody hated this guy.

As soon as I see Officer McCarthy I dump the tray of our Z of prime bud upside down onto the floor. The bag contents go everywhere. Everyone else stashes the bowls and beers. My buddy the driver rolls down the window and a cloud of smoke wafts out into Officer McCarthy’s face. He turns red and pops a vein and says “You’re all going to jail!” and he means it. He takes one look at me and recognizes me instantly from our hometown and says, “And I finally got you!” Me and Officer McCarthy didn’t get along. You could say we had a failure to communicate on a regular basis.

Officer McCarthy starts taking names and asking questions. He asks, “What are you doing in this parking lot?” We reply that we all have tickets to see the late show. McCarthy’s face drops and he starts mumbling under his breath. It seems that Officer McCarthy is on private detail tonight and is hired by the theatre operator to keep the peace not to roust paying customers. It’s a good paying gig and he doesn’t want to lose the job. So, he makes us wait, confiscates some of our weed and beers and we leave the car to go see the show. The movie was some sort of new sci-fi pic called “Star Wars”.

We were amazed that we didn’t spend the night in jail. We learned a lesson that night about smoking in public. Only bring as much weed as you intend to smoke that trip. Use joints – no pipes that contain evidence or are themselves evidence of a crime. Have each of your buddies roll a joint and carry it. Eat the joints if confronted.

This lesson came in handy about fifteen years later. My wife, sister-in-law and myself were attending a laser light show at the Hayden Planetarium featuring the music of Pink Floyd and we had every intention of seeing the show stoned. We purchased our tickets and headed down to the river behind the planetarium. I had my one joint and they had none with them. We lit up and enjoyed the fine smoke under a dark warm summer evening sky. Just as we were finishing I spotted a dark figure approaching us and just assumed it was a cop. I tossed the nearly finished roach in the river. It was a cop and he saw me ditch the roach in the river. He also saw the telltale sign of a glowing joint being passed between stoners. But we knew we were clean. He threatened to search the girl’s purses. I told him that we were just waiting for the show and we have our tickets and are we free to go to the show. He was a city cop but on a private detail. I kept stressing that we have our tickets and would like to see the show all the time admitting to nothing. We saw the show and it was awesome.

Nowadays we use edibles for concerts and such as it’s more convenient and doesn’t leave any evidence. Smoking is not good for you anyway.


sitting outside in my buddys car at 3am. we were listening to music way too loud (with the windows up) while smoking a bowl before going up to our rooms.
*flashlight turns on*
"Hand me the beer and step out of the car" (we were drinking)

he didnt notice that we were smoking at that point. he start to write us up for underage possesion of alchol. the cop was cool. the know the students are smarter than them, so if you don't give them a hard time they will be nice. he didnt want to get us for weed, but backup showed up and looked through the window of the car and saw a bowl.

ended up finding a vaporizer, two bowls, less than an eighth of weed, a ton of baggies with weed reside (the used some NiPk+?? test), and a box with my buddies initials carved into it with a very small amount of weed in it.

I CLAIMED EVERYTHING in my buddies car. i sat there and said "yes that is mine officer", "yes that is also mine officer", "yes i carved his initials into that box officer", "yes....". didn't want two people to go down for something one person would just get misdemeanor for.

there were now three cops at the scene. two were cool, one was being an ass and saying "wow this is enough to be a felony". i just kept claiming shit.

we never got handcuffed. i was the only one who got issued a ticket for possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia, and minor in possession of alcohol. our school issued both of us to go to one therapy session thing. court ended up just charging me $150 for the whole ordeal.

lessoned learned. DON'T BLAZE IN YOUR CAR!

Damn a blast from the past. I've kept my record clean since then. Still good buddies with my friend that I took the rap for.

Only one person should go down for a minor stash.


This is now bookmarked, great crazy stories here, and I wanna read them all.
Have a few as well, but that might be for later


Thank god i got off but it hassled the shit out of me. Heres what happened.

I was leaving my spot after picking some fresh sample nugs off some branches on one of my outdoor plots. I put them in my backpack, threw it in the trunk and got in my car. Just as i was backing out i saw a cop pulling into the parking lot. (Its a remote parking at a train station in the middle of the woods.) So i drove past him and i saw him turn around and he was right on my ass. I had the windows rolled down in my small car and it didnt stink really because it was nicely aired out. So i get like 4 mins down the road and i see lights. im like FUCK. He pulls me over and come to my window...

He said he pulled me over because my tag lights were out. ok. He asked me what i was doing in that random lot at the time. I had a book on the seat next to me, showed it to him and said i as reading on this gorgeous day. Ok. So he asked me if i was stoned or if i had been drinking. I was neither, so i said no. He asked me for my license and registration, so i gave him both. He went back to his car.

Everything was going alright, i dont think he smelled the weed. But he was in his car for about 5 mins, which was enough time for the weed to seep through the seats and fill up my small car. When he came back he gave me my repair ticket for my tags lights for be fixed. Though i was home free.

Then he said "ok thats that, Now what about this marijuana im smelling. Did you just burn something or have any marijuana on you?"

No i do not have any of that stuff in the car.

"Ok so its alright if i search it then?"

No its not alright.

"Please step out of the car."

So i rolled all my windows up, locked the doors, stepped out and shut the door behind me. (*** This is what saved my ass, EVERYONE must do this if they are ever in a situation like this)

So he asks "Do you have any drugs knifes or weapons on you?"

I said no, he asked if he could search me, i said no.

"Do you think this is a game? I smell marijuana"

I dont have any on me.

Then he goes to the drivers door and tries to open it, locked.. Then same with the passenger, locked. Then he spends about 4 minutes with his flashlight shining it through my windows and evrywhere around my car. and BTW every since he asked me if i had weed i was scared as FUCK. I felt like i was shaking and everything. But i stood firm like a rock, didnt shake, didnt mumble my woods. Looked straight into his eyes with everything i had to say.

SO at this point he comes over...

"I see marijuana in the car, give me your keys"

I said i wasnt giving him my keys.

He said again, this isnt a joke. im not stupid. i smell weed and i see weed in your car.

I know the weeds in the trunk and there is nothing visible to him. So i say, show me where the weed is and i will get it and give it to you to look at. He said no that he was going to get it. I said once again, "im not giving you my keys and you are not going in my car without a warrant or calling the drug dogs." then said "show me where the marijuana is"

He showed me with his flashlight on my seat some like fuzz shit from my pockets. I was like im not giving you my keys to search for some pocket fuzz. (At this point the officer was getting mad) He started raising his voice. "GIVE me your keys now! What pocket are then in??" Hes getting pissed, hes slamming his flashlight on his hood and throwing the ticket book down with it. He was really intimidating, but there was no fucking way i was going to just let him in my car. I thought i was going to get busted, but i was not going to give in consent to enter, i would have waiting until drug dogs came.

He told me to lift up my shirt, so i did. He hit my pockets and felt my keys in there and proceeded to go in there. I took a step back and he was gabbing my shirt asking where i was going. I said once again, you cannot have my keys nor go in my car without a warrant or getting the drug dogs here.

He said "I smelled weed, i can enter the car on that alone. If you dont give me your keys i will tackle you to the ground, handcuff you and take them from you. We are in the middle of no where"

I said "middle of no where? whats that supposed to mean, is that a threat?"

He kept saying over and over "This is not a game! you obviously have something in the car, now give me the keys. Im not stupid i can smell it" I just kept resisting.

For a good 7 minutes this went on back and forth. Him asking and demanding me for my keys, and me telling him to show me a warrant or call the drug dogs. He said he didnt want to wait all night for the drug dogs blah blah. I was SCARED. 7 minutes felt like HOURS to me.

He finally said, "OK your free to go, im calling the drug dogs" which didnt make any sense to me, i thought he was just telling me i could go then he was going to jump in the car. And i also didnt want him anywhere near the car because i knew when i opened it mad weed was going to smell out. So i walked toward his car, he kind of followed. I said "are you calling the drug dogs or can i go?" He said i can go but hes calling the drug dogs. Then as i was stepping into my car he got on his radio and said some stuff, but i didnt hear, as i was already in my car. I drove off thinking im FREE! Then he was right on my ass. followed me to 10 minutes then turned away.

I got so lucky. But im so proud of myself for how i handled the situation. Woo.

I watched a youtube video on how to act when u get pulled over by the police. I found it on this site. It helped me alot and i basically followed everything it told me to do. I will try and find a link and post it.

Anyway everyone stay safe and never allow them to go in your car.



So a few weeks ago, me and snype went on a double date with a friend and a girl he works with, and the 3 of us were on our way to pick up the girl. Well me and snype made about 50 jello shots which were sitting on the back seat next to our friend in a box.I also had a little bud on me. Not to mention snype's laptop, containing a LOT of information was in the back seat. Oh. And no one in the car can legally drive (i was the closest, i have my permit). So we're driving trying to get to this girls house (we were a bit late) and snype was speeding. As he's changing lanes, our friend says there's a cop so Snype slows down. Come to realize, snype pulled right in front of the cop and hit his brakes, so the cop deff. knew we were speeding. We are all internally bugging out and as snype is telling our friend to take the battery out of his laptop, the cop puts on his lights! We switch lanes to the right just as he did this, and he speeds right by us! PHEW!

About a year ago, me, my friend, snype, and his (at the time) friend, are sitting in a park. Snype has a blown glass jar containing about a quarter. He has it out on his lap and starts packing my friends bowl. So i'm keeping an eye out, like always, and see 2 bike cops coming our way. it all happened so fast. i just remember seeing the two friends out of my peripheral vision also saw the cops. The only one who didn't (oddly) was snype. so the first cop goes by, no problem. Second one goes by and spots the bud. which is when snype sees him. They took the weed, and gave snype back his jar and my friend back her bowl! pretty nice of them huh? i mean, usually cops would want to fuck with snype (him and his friend are in there 30's, me and my friend are 18). But it all worked out!

About 3 years ago before i knew snype, me, my best friend, and my girlfriend at the time were hanging out. My friend was trying to roll a blunt when 2 bike cops (again with the bikes!) roll up. My friend was being an idiot and mad obvious with what he was doing. So the cops make him throw the blunt on the ground and grind it into the pavement! it was a horrible sight! So they let us go and i'm like, i'm going to get our fucking weed. My friend and my girl were to scared so i went alone. As i'm walking up to the spot, 2 guys are standing there smoking a blunt! lucky ducks. i told them what happened (they asked what i was doing on the ground) and so they gave me a third of there blunt. Plus, i found most of my blunt!