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Arrest Stories & Close Calls

I got lucky...very lucky.

Sometime around 1 in the morning a while back my wife and I were having a heated argument. Nothing serious except that I wanted to get away from her and ran down the stairs a bit too fast. Skipped the last 4 steps and landed squarely on my right foot. My ankle gave out from underneath me snapped 90 degrees to the side. Blood started soaking my sock. Thinking I had a compound fracture I decided I needed to get to the hospital as quick as possible. My wife hysterical and slightly inebriated at the time decided to pickup the phone to call 911. I shouted as she was dialing to put the phone down as I had 48 plants near completion upstairs. She came to her senses and obliged me. But not before she somehow dialed long distance and got a hold of someone in another city. Well they apparently heard screaming and yelling on the phone and unbeknownst to us called the State Police.

So we all piled in the car; me in severe pain going into shock a little and raced the 15 minutes to the emergency room. They patched me up as best they could gave me some really nice morphine that made my world tons better and did some xrays. Turned out I broke my heal and just tore my ankle open. So we were done at the hospital several hours later and I was discharged despite needing surgery.

Upon pulling up to the intersection of my street guess who we found. The state drug task force just ripping the shit out of our house. Fuckers. So they found my 48 plant grow of course gaining entry to the home under the pretense that there was a domestic disturbance there even though no one was home. Had I been smart I would of locked my grow room before I left. However I was in no condition to worry about that. Anyways they took everything. About $3,000 worth of gear; but didn't find any baggies, no scale, nothing that would indicate distribution.

So me being in no shape to face cops and my courageous wife being as awesome as she is hopped out while I and a close friend layed low. She knew her rights. The cops tried interrogating her on the spot but she didn't say a word. Asked if she was under arrest and they said no. She then asked if she was free to go. They said yes. She called us up on her cell and met us a few blocks down the road. We picked her up and stayed in a hotel overnight.

Went home the next day. Cleaned up the house. And never heard anything about it. We immediately of course retained a lawyer. But no charges were ever filed.

48 plants and I got lucky. That event made me considerably more aware of security.

Don't want to jinx it though; hopefully the state prosecutors are too busy to prosecute little ol' me. Either way I had some good karma going that night as things could of turned out much much worse for me. What's funny is that the cops didn't find half of the shit they should have. Everything from E bomb to Salvinium to Shroom Spores. Guess they were lazy. I think it helped that my house was a mess. LOL. Oh they did take some prescription drugs that were totally legit as well as my handgun. Wife thinks I should try and get the shit back; but I think that's pushing my luck.


Shlomo said:
I had my apartment lock changed on me by the landlord, with my six, six to seven foot tall ISS mamas in there taking up the whole bedroom, four 1000W MH's, a chiller, and exhaust, black poly over the window with a flexi hose taped on.

The place was in my name.

I tried to get ahold of the landlord, hoping to bribe or something, but she was gone (she was never gone!), and there was a curious police presence around the corner near the train station - a Suburban and a squad.

So, long story short, since the unit was a corner suite on the second floor, I climbed a tree, falling once, then back up and drop-jumped onto the balcony with the assistance of a bendy branch (which shot up after I let go, swatting my face). I went in through the open balcony (it was very hot in there, the exhaust going into the living room). Some people saw me on the crowded street near a mall, but I yelled, "It's OK - I lost my key!"

I ran two plants down to the secluded back entrance - each must have weighed sixty pounds with the soil. I took one of the plants and tried to jam it into my Oldsmobile's trunk, but it wouldn't fit or bend, it was a tree. This wopuld have looked very comical, but anyone could have come out the backway just then. I ran back up, a giant plant in each hand, sweating like a motherfucker. I picked up all the stray leaves from the staircase, hearing voices in the 1st floor hall, and started making calls.

No one was willing to help.

So, and my heart drops as I write this, even seven years on... I chopped them up. I threw them into black garbage bags, and tossed them in the trash outside. God fucking damn it I just read that and I felt sick - I need a cigarette.

From the balcony climb to the garbagey end all took about thirty minutes, I was moving so fucking fast, it was like a Benny Hill sequence, except holding two pot plants taller than me and sweating profusely. Any moment I expected the cops to come, but I have heard from many of my peers that often times a manager will let them in to show the plants after snooping, then they get the warrant on concocted evidence, and later on... yadda yadda. The place may have been raided later that night, or not - they are very backlogged in my neck of the woods.

If they came, they found not one leaf or piece of equipment. After tossing the plants I packed up, cancelled all my rent cheques, and never looked back.

Good stuff,

How do people run 4 k,s of light in an apartment? What about power use, is that how she found out, electrical is paid by landlord, correct?


ExEcutioner said:
Good stuff,

How do people run 4 k,s of light in an apartment? What about power use, is that how she found out, electrical is paid by landlord, correct?

No - the electrical is in your name. There's a room full of meters in the building. Smart landlords read the meters, but most don't give a fuck.


New member
This is the latest I got.

Visiting friends place, had almost 100g of home grown with me. Friday evening and my friends girlfriend is popping the stereo on the balcony. Not too loud and since it wasn't even night, I didn't take any paranoid thoughts about it.

After smoking the place up I get this wierd feeling like I need to get out of this place, NOW. I say to my mates that let's roll a joint and go visit shop or something, atleast go outside.

5 minutes later we're outside and I'm holding a joint in my pocket as I see cop car there, right infront of us. I still had time to throw the joint away as my friends back's were covering my hand movement.

So they start asking questions like what apartment we're from. The owner of the place is being really stupid like: What apartment, what do you mean? Meanwhile I'm just thinking this can't be real. Eventually my friend said that he lives in X and cops said that's the address they got noise complaint from.

Cops became pretty suspicious as the owner of the place acted wierdly and they were like, "we'd like to check if there's any people there". At this point I'm thinking when and where should I start running. The whole place smelled really funky.

My friend said that it was her girlfriend that kept stereo too loud and he's gonna call her and to put the music off. Cops are still like "Are you sure there's no one else there?" By the tone of their voice I could sense that they weren't suspecting anything else and felt pretty relieved, trying to look like I understand why they are there.

Eventually they leave without visiting the apartment and I pick up the joint that I tossed away. Without us leaving the place to go to store and meet cops outside, it would have been sure bust pretty much as soon as the door would have been opened.


I was walking down the road to score some hash back in 1987, couldnt get from normal source so had to go to the street dealers.
Anyway just as i come on to the street they hung out on, i could see them in the distance, i got a real strong feeling of anxiety and decided to turn back. I never ignore instincts. So I turn back and start walking away just as a local bus stops at the stop near the dealers and about 20 old bill jump off, theres a helicopter above and i look to the top of the blocks and see them up there filming. Relieved at the close call but pissed off i wont have a smoke that night i head for home. Just as i get into the block i see a guy ive seen about and was on nodding terms with. I think to myself wtf ill ask him so i do and end up scoring some fantastic sensimelia in the elevator leading to the flat i was living in at the time.
To this day when i get that anxiety feeling in times of scoring or whatever i follow it and it has saved me a few more times since.


Active member
At Cheech and Chongs performance Sunday night ... they asked the audience who had ever been arrested for weed and a huge number raised their hand... but we have come a long way in my lifetime...a woman I knew once in Texas who recently died...did ten years in prison for less than an ounce...

But we need to finish the job guys...

My daughter in laws best friend is married to a cop of 30 years and she smokes pot..
What HYPOCRITS....to arrest people and then go home to a tokin' wife..
of course he can't wait to retire so he can toke again...

go figure!


livin my way the high way
how did you like the show they asked the same question when i saw em. lotsa people raised their hands then i yelled FUCK THE FEDS and tommy said hell yea i support whoever yelled that. made my night


livin my way the high way
alright i just caught this on another weed site and it had me laughing like a mofo.

The first time I was caught (which was not too long ago). I was really high and walked into a safeway. I was too high to go home cuz I knew my parents would know. So I call my mom on my cell phone asking if I can go to my friends house for the night. She asked me where I was and I told her I was at my friends house, and she's just like "no your not, I see you right now" and I turn around and my mom is in the store looking right at me.


Active member
Here's a fun one.Was working in leeds about six months ago and was stopping in alittle hotel out of the center.Anyway after tea i went for a joint.Rolled a nice fatty in my room grabed me mp3 and off i went,i got to the end of carpark witch led out on to main road and started to light my bifta, on doing so i looked up two see two coppers stood right in front of me 15feet away at the most.They were talking to a kid about something but i swear the cop looked straight at me,i imediatly turned on my heels and walked back throwing the bifta in to bushes thinking aww bollocks this is all i need.It gets better,for some un known reason i thought it would be less suspicious to go ask were the local shop was,my reason for this was,that they had both seen me and i thought it looked a bit riggy just turning back as soon as i saw them.So there my stoned ass was asking two cops were the shop was all the time thinking any minute now,been smoking anything tonight sir,i didnt have anything on me but the still smoldering joint was only feet away.Still don't know why i went and talked to them :muahaha:
Last edited:


Was in washington heights in NYC. Normal drop off/pick up spot plenty of people copping. So I walk up to the dude and buy a bag then go back to my car and drive. Pull onto the wst side highway and two detecs stop me right away. Turns out they were scoping the block from an avenue away with binos! Had to go to 3 different jails during the night so was wacksauce at least I got free with an acd the next day in court ;)


Active member
zingablack said:
how did you like the show they asked the same question when i saw em. lotsa people raised their hands then i yelled FUCK THE FEDS and tommy said hell yea i support whoever yelled that. made my night

Yes it was a blast as I am their age and have been a fan many years...I am now in love with Tommy Chong ...he is soooo fine...but alas his wife is fantastic...

But nice to be in an audience of like minded stoners from all segments of society...

I had to raise my hand when asked if ever busted for weed...1985...

but it was worth it....hopefully we will legalize it in my lifetime.


livin my way the high way
i saw one of my professors at the show and he was BLAZED, i laughed. and i mentioned that i saw him in the next class we had and he laughed in a worried voice.


Active member
zingablack said:
i saw one of my professors at the show and he was BLAZED, i laughed. and i mentioned that i saw him in the next class we had and he laughed in a worried voice.

Most professors are liberal anyway...I saw several nurses I knew at the performance...Full House!...and I am still licensned...but basically retired now...so no more DRUG TESTING!!!!!

I now speak out for reform on weed laws...
Some professionals need to speak out...especially after retirement...

When they can't take your retirement pensions or Social Security because you are a stoner...I hated having to break laws...but some laws are just plain STUPID!!!


And you Old Fart's also!!!!

Cheech and Chong inspire!


if you make a habit of carrying around bud and or smoking it in your car, then plan ahead and drill a one or two inch diameter hole in the floor of your car

a good position is where it's easy open the carpet, drop the stuff in the there with one arm without looking obvious...so don't drill it in an awkward position

you can also drill the hole with or without a container or catching bag attached to the underside of the car's floor.


livin my way the high way
the best thing ive ever seen was in a friends caddy. the trim around the radio would come off. then you could pull back part of the center console and hide about 2 pounds around the shifter. it was awesome. his car got hit by dogs and they never found his stash he just said he smoked in it a few days ago. but his brakes siezed up and he bought a new car.
I remember one night years ago i was in this pub in town.. You basically do not go there if you're white(i am), unless you know one of the regulars well.. My dealer at the time was one and i arranged to meet him there, after work one day.

So i'd just picked up this half ounce of prime buds, and wrapped it up, stuck it in my packed lunch box in my bag, still in my smart work clothes, etc and in burst like 8 pigs with sniffer dogs who immediately go nuts. So me and my buddy from work started talking work issues, about how its good to get a beer after a hard days work, etc

9 guys, 3 women got busted for posession, and none of them holding more than a couple of grams and the pigs never even gave me a second glance. :D
This past Saturday a buddy and I were taking a trip out to UTSA (In San Antonio) to visit another friend of mine out there. As we were about halfway and completely baked by this time we decided to pull off and get grub. As were getting back onto I-10 we some how manage to get turned around and lost off into a little ass town. Driving down this one way street we couldn't find a right way to turn probably because we smoked a little to much before and were smoking right before this little town. Well the next thing I know I see a cop sitting in a dark area where you can barely see him and I said "oh shit a cop man slow down" nope..too late cop flipped his lights on as we go past. So my friend starts freaking out never been pulled over with pot in his truck and on top of that he's paranoid from being high. As we start to pull over were finding out what to do with the five joints and few grams we had sitting in the cup holder. Well I didn't re-act fast enough cause I didn't want to start moving to much and this cop think something is up. Well the only thing my friend could think to do was throw everything in my lap lol....So right as this cop walks up to the window I throw it under my seat and step on it with my boots.(This was about 9 p.m. it was dark). Knowing that the truck smells like pot plus my friend and I both look high and we forgot clear eye's, well this just put's my friend into like instant panic and he start's saying were going to jail. I can't help but laugh a little then he start's doing it even worse, so now I know I have to calm him down or we are for sure going to go to jail. As the cop is coming back to the window my friend is more calm and the cop give's him a warning for doing 41 in a 30. My friend and I both saw that as a warning to just turn around and go back home so we did and got high all the way back and laughed about what had happened that night. :muahaha: