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Arrest Stories & Close Calls

Shlomo said:
I had my apartment lock changed on me by the landlord, with my six, six to seven foot tall ISS mamas in there taking up the whole bedroom, four 1000W MH's, a chiller, and exhaust, black poly over the window with a flexi hose taped on.

The place was in my name.

I tried to get ahold of the landlord, hoping to bribe or something, but she was gone (she was never gone!), and there was a curious police presence around the corner near the train station - a Suburban and a squad.

So, long story short, since the unit was a corner suite on the second floor, I climbed a tree, falling once, then back up and drop-jumped onto the balcony with the assistance of a bendy branch (which shot up after I let go, swatting my face). I went in through the open balcony (it was very hot in there, the exhaust going into the living room). Some people saw me on the crowded street near a mall, but I yelled, "It's OK - I lost my key!"

I ran two plants down to the secluded back entrance - each must have weighed sixty pounds with the soil. I took one of the plants and tried to jam it into my Oldsmobile's trunk, but it wouldn't fit or bend, it was a tree. This wopuld have looked very comical, but anyone could have come out the backway just then. I ran back up, a giant plant in each hand, sweating like a motherfucker. I picked up all the stray leaves from the staircase, hearing voices in the 1st floor hall, and started making calls.

No one was willing to help.

So, and my heart drops as I write this, even seven years on... I chopped them up. I threw them into black garbage bags, and tossed them in the trash outside. God fucking damn it I just read that and I felt sick - I need a cigarette.

From the balcony climb to the garbagey end all took about thirty minutes, I was moving so fucking fast, it was like a Benny Hill sequence, except holding two pot plants taller than me and sweating profusely. Any moment I expected the cops to come, but I have heard from many of my peers that often times a manager will let them in to show the plants after snooping, then they get the warrant on concocted evidence, and later on... yadda yadda. The place may have been raided later that night, or not - they are very backlogged in my neck of the woods.

If they came, they found not one leaf or piece of equipment. After tossing the plants I packed up, cancelled all my rent cheques, and never looked back.

My landlord changed the locks on me once, before my time had run out at my apartment. I was in the middle of moving, and about 90% of my furniture was still in the unit. I think what had happened is that management had failed to communicate the correct check-out date to their maintenance crew. It was after hours, so I couldn't call them. I was faced with the prospect of not having a bed to sleep on that night. Now can you imagine an amoeba without a bed to sleep on? My cytoplasm would get all out of shape and shit.

I kicked the damn door open, destroying the lock. Then I took a screwdriver and removed the entire lock, including the strike from the door and threw it in the dumpster. I was going to be nice and leave in an orderly fashion, but after getting provoked I changed these plans. Basically we trashed the apartment. I mean just leaving trash and junk all over the floor, pouring juice from a sardine can on the carpet, spilling cologne, etc. I also took the fork and spoon rack from the dishwasher. It's a bitch replacing those things. Then I decided to recover all the top soil from the garden in front of the apartment. That top soil had been put there by me, because they had shitty soil full of pebbles and sand to begin with. So I came after dark and by the light of the street lamp, dug up every square foot of top soil, placed it in my truck and kept coming back until it was all gone. What was left was a hole.

They wrote me a nastygram saying "Due to abuse of the apartment and rampant destruction, your $200 deposit will not be refunded."

I had already written off the deposit. It was worth $200 to me to get even with these pricks, I bet it cost them more than that to clean up that shithole.

btw this was years before I resumed smoking bud. I was drinking back then and had limited patience with fools. I'm more mellow now under the influence of Mary Jane....


zeeba amoeba said:
My landlord changed the locks on me once... SNIP

Yeah, I considered busting the door off too, but I decided to keep it cool. As for the drinking, I did a shitload of it that night. Damn near cried, I tell ya!

Oh, to keep the theme, here's an arrest story.

I was with a friend, just after grabbing a meal with him and shooting the shit, when he got a call and, after some yelling, said, "I have to make a stop."

It was raining like hell when we pulled into a deserted parking lot behind a small warehouse near a commercial district and a woman ran up to the car, and as soon as buddy saw her, he was like, "What the fuck? I don't know her..."

Now you can imagine my friend's line of business. She runs up to the window, looks about thirty-five and cracked out, stonewashed jeans, and starts waving money at the window talking about "an eighty of up!" and she's nervous as fuck.

My buddy goes "fuck this" and we drive off, but not twenty feet away a Suburban busts around the corner of the building we're behind, and a shitload of oinks come running, guns drawn. Buddy hits the reverse full speed, almost mowing down the narc, then busts the wheel hard to the right while hitting the E and the car does a 180 on the wet ground. He flips off the E and hits the gas, and as soon as we exit the lot BOOM we get rammed by ANOTHER FUCKING SUBURBAN and the engine flips off. My friend tries to start the engine while we're still getting pushed, but we're surrounded and I slap my hands on the ceiling faster than a French soldier. I urge buddy to do the same and we get yanked out at multiple gun point, the cops yakking like, "Just fucking shoot them. Let me squeeeeeze on this motherfucker."

Long story short, buddy went to jail (again) and I got off after a bit of work by my lawyer.


New member
Well for my first post I guess I will post my past ill fortune.

I was in grade 9 at the time (1999-2000) and had been smoking for around a year or half a year and had brought a roach to school to smoke during the lunch break and maybe skip a few classes and stop by a local pizza shop. Well two friends and I went to a local Wal-Mart and were just wasting time or so I thought. Turned out that my friends were stealing and I didn't know about it, so I was about to exit the store when a hand grabs my shoulder and says come with me. Being young and wasn't causing any trouble I complied and later found out in a back room my friend stole some hair dye so they searched us in front of a cop that came to take us to the station and they found the roach. It was a decent sized roach as I remember it (long time ago so a bit fuzzy in my memory). Well after all the police bullshit I had a court date and had to read a stupid book on making right decisions and write a 1000 word essay and go to AADAC (Alcohol Addiction Drug Abuse Center) 4 times which was really strange because i was like 12 or 13 at the time and was in the meetings with 25+ crack and cocaine abusers, I got a lot of strange faces but on the bright side I didn't get fined and was a minor so I could not be charged and get a criminal record.

That was the only time I have ever been caught and I now have been living next to a cop for 4 years and smoke in the garage weekly (weekend toker) and when I open the garage after a good hour of hookah smoking and a lot of bong hits there is clouds billowing out of the garage. Also the same cop from next door was chatting with me in the garage and there were pipes and a bong on the shelf with torches and he didn't say anything but he did get a bit agitated when I was smoking the hookah on our deck in the backyard while having a camp fire at 2am.

stay safe guys and lets end the marijuana prohibition!!!


Active member
I was in the U.S. Army stationed in Germany. I was hitchhiking with a friend to go to a club in a nearby village and we got picked up by a clean cut dude in a Mercedes. My friend always offered to smoke with people which drove me nuts because he asked almost everybody we met. We were driving along with this guy and my friend asked him if he wanted to smoke some hash, this guys english wasn't that great and it took a while for him to get it. I said dude...if he doesn't understand hash, keifer, hashish, weed grass or whatever he is probably not a toker, after all he was super clean cut and wearing a SWEATER VEST! Finally he figured out what he was talking about and say "aahhh, wait a minute". We thoguht ok whatever. We come into the villag and see a cop car sitting by the road in fron t of a store. The guy PULLS INNEXT TO THE POLIZIE CAR!!!!!!!!! They start talking in German... no idea what they are saying, I hear the word for "smoke"...uh, oh... we start to think he is telling the German Police on us, we were literally feeling for the door handles to runoff into the woods to get out of there........then all of a sudden they say "tchuss"(goodbye) to each other, the guy pulls on to the road AND SAYS>>>" that was my father(the German Police man), he said we can go smoke joint by the river"....wow! close one ...kind of, LOL

Raistlin Majere

post #335 no need to post twice my friend we read them all :joint:

spainmedman said:
I was stationed in Germany with the Army. A friend and I were hitchiking to night club 20 minutes away from post. A young clean cut German guy picked us up, my friend offered to smoke a joint with the guy, he spoke english but didnt understand what he was talking about. I figured he didnt look like a smoker so maybe he didnt know the slang words for stuff. After my friend pulls out the joint the guy realizes what he was talking about and says "wait a minute", and it got kind of quiet and we kept driving.
I always got mad at my friend for offering to smoke with everybody, he was not very careful at times, and this guy did not look like a smoker in his sweater vest.
....anyways we get into town and there is a German police car (Polizei) sitting in front of a store. The driver without saying a word pulls over and starts talking to the greman policeman, I dont speak german but I understand the words for smoke and weed and hash and stuff. They talk back and forth and the policeman kind of gave us a funny look, no smile on his face at all. My friend and I looked at each other and we were scared, we thought this guy was turning us in, we were about to fly out of the car and run into the woods, we were literally feeling around for the door handles..then all of a sudden the guy says "goodbye" to the cop and drives away. We get on the road and the guy turns to me and my friend and says "that was my father, he said we can go smoke the joint down by the river". Too close for me, but turned out ok, a free ride and a new friend.


When in high school I would often hang out with my older brother and his friends from uni. We would go to the computer room on campus at night - free internet and air conditioning. We would spend hours there, playing online games etc.
You always had to have your student ID on you, which I obviously didn't have.
I brought along a small amount of buds in a little jar and we all shared a joint on the walk to the uni.
After a while, the fat night security guard knocks on the door, checks id and kicks everyone out because I had no ID, and they let me in. Not the first time, or the last...didn't bother to argue about their right to be there etc., just decided to leave.
I forgot that I had stashed my jar in some bushes outside, and as it was a nice one (not to mention nice weed), I say "Wait, I forgot something" and go over to pull the jar out of the bushes. The guard comes over to watch. Sheer arrogance, lack of respect and the need for weed made it so I didn't care if he saw the weed or not.
So, we all walk off campus, there's only one exit route, and we see 3 cop cars pulled up blocking the exit off. Luckily there was a bridge we had to cross before we got to the cops, and I pulled out jar and just threw it off the bridge with about 5 cops watching me, from about 20m away. lol.

Cop A: "Having a little smoko, are we?"
Me: "What?"
Cop A: "Don't get smart. What did you just throw off the bridge?"
Me: "Oh, that? Empty jar."
Cop A: (Shines flashlight right into my eyes) To the other cops: "Yeah, this ones got really red eyes, but still got some pupil contraction happening."
Cop A really wanted to bust me and continued to be a cockhead for quite a while.

He tried every trick in the book to get me to admit to having had weed, pretty much entrapment actually, telling me I stink of it, its obvious, you're not helping yourself, blah blah blah and I'm proud to say that even though I was stoned and had dumped a jar of bud off a bridge in front of them, I kept straight up denying it. I even got a little cocky once I realised they weren't even going to take me to the station.
"Yeah, you can get me for littering, sorry about that."
"There was nothing in the jar, you'll have to dredge the river to recover it though."
"Can I go now? Are you charging me with something? Are you going to arrest me? Its getting late and I'd like to go home. Can you keep me here without any reason?"

They took my name and address, standard procedure, and I was let go. Felt so fucking good.
Before that, I had been stopped a few times while walking by the police (I must look suspicious) but never properly questioned like that. I was quite surprised that I didn't get intimidated and just confess.

Lesson I learned: NEVER NEVER NEVER admit anything, even if the cops are going to find out anyway. Use your right to remain silent. Fuck the cops, don't make their job easier by showing them where the weed is hidden, or confessing. Ever. Don't be violent, let them get angry, not you.
I have no respect for police, the profession ime just attracts bullies, tough guys, jocks etc and while I have met some cops and ex-cops in social situations, I have never known a single straight cop, they are just as bad as the crims.
Getting off easy

Getting off easy

There was a full moon party at this abandoned park, called The Bulb because of it's shape. It's a man made peninsula into the bay made from the debris of the freeway that collapsed in the '89 earthquake. Hippies & bums had turned it into a compound at one point, and later it had been renovated as a recycled art park of sorts.

Since my car was in the shop we took my dad's old Ford truck. I picked up my friends Jo and Alex and parked at the entrance. We hiked up in the dark along the gravel path, it eventually split off, the low road went along the water and was usually flooded at night when the tide came in. We took the high road which turned into a narrow dirt path with overgrown bushes and plants on either side, making it tunnel like. We walked one by one and stumbled most of they way because path was riddled with ditches & huge rocks sticking out. It always proved a challenge on the hazey walk back.

Eventually we got to the fire pit. It's a large clearing almost like an alcove, with steep hill on one side that provided a break from the wind, and a little craggy ditch on the other. They had built a small wall out hubcaps above the ditch, and a huge wire angel sculpture overlooked the whole place. There were at least 2 or 3 different groups of people there, punks, teens, stoners, what have you. Everyone drank and smoked, and played music, the bums would come chill, and it went on into the night. We knew we were safe here because it was so remote and huge, the cops never came out because they could be lost for hours before they found anyone.

Must've been around 1 when we hiked back to the truck, I drove my friends back to their place and that's when I discovered I had lost my purse. Of course it had my wallet, phone, id, and my meds with my pipe. It was a little stone amber colored pipe my friend had brought back from Mexico. It was more sentimental than of any use because it was a lip burner, and only about 2 inches long. But it was my first pipe, first I had ever smoked out of, and I had lots of memories with it. We searched the car and sat there exhausted and intoxicated, with the looming realization that is was somewhere back in the park.

My friends agreed to go back with me because we had heard some messed up stories about mean bums out there. We drove back, Alex stayed in the truck while Jo & I hiked back up, again. We searched and it was nowhere to be found so we made our way back.

As we got closer to the truck we could see red & blue lights through the trees. We came down the path with a huge spot light on us. Our hearts started pounding and we struggled to stay composed and walk up calmly. Of course we were in the park after hours and the tags had been scratched off the plates, & I knew the truck wasn't current on registration. Alex was sitting in the truck still and the cops had parked me in, both standing behind the truck. The cops told us to stand near the back of the truck. I told them I had lost my purse here earlier and we came back to look for it. He called in the plates, and then asked me who it was registered to, I gave them my dad's name. I thought for sure we were at least gonna be towed. The radio called back my dad's name and address, which was a town in the suburbs from when he had last registered it. They said I was alright to go and my eyes got wide and I almost gasped, "Really?", but thought not to question it. They hadn't asked for my license or checked my pupils or even given us a warning.

We got in the car and found out Alex had been questioned and told them the same story, which we realized may have been our saving grace. We all went home.

The next day I called my phone and some guy answered who couldn't speak english, so he handed it to a lady who told me he had found it and would return it. He showed up later that day and I gave him $20 for reward, but opened it up when he left and everything was there except for my pipe and weed!
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i got busted for growing pot, they made me take an alcohol abuse class. they kept insisting denial was the first sign...


Active member
this was my 1st summer after graduating high school...1971. friends and i drove off to an alice cooper, brownsville station and reo concert at indiana beach and had a fine time toking and tripping, taking in the amusement park rides and then the concert. we were halfway back home to fort wayne when we decided to pull into a waffle house for a bite to eat but ended up sitting in the car spacing out for who-knows-how-long when the cops from peru, in showed up and caught me sitting in the passenger seat holding a bag i was rolling out of. needless to say we all got busted but because i was a couple weeks shy of 18 i got off easy while my buds had to spend 10 concescutive weekends in jail...same one that john dillinger raided in the 30's and stole most of their arsenal, which the cops were very proud of! fortunately the 10+ sheets of 'love saves' blotter stashed in the trunk wasn't found


Well-known member
About a year ago, I was driving about 15 km. over posted speed smoking a joint, when out of nowhere pops a cop waving me down. I put out the joint, stop, roll down the window, the cop leans in and out goes the smoke like a cloud right in his face. He wrote up the ticket as if nothing was wrong while I pretty well shit my pants. Went to court to fight ticket, cop was there, he gave me a smile and that was that. Fine was reduced, and if I smoke now when driving I obey all speed signs, stop signs, etc.
I was in freeport IL, and i was in the left lane. First at the light, couple people behind me and no one next to me..While waiting for the light to change I have my gauge cluster trim removed, exposing my stash of roller, paper, glass jar and a glass pipe. I have a nug in my left hand and I am breaking it up.. I look over to my right and a STATE TROOPER is staring at me! :eek:
The light turns green and I know i can't make the left hand turn legally and not make it to clear i am running from the cop.. He pulls off slowly and i go slower.. I get behind him and make the next turn right turn in to a WENDY parking lot. He goes about 400 yds and pulls into a gas station parking lot.. I grab ALL my shit and walked inside.. I waited about 3 minutes, looking out the windows trying to locate the Trooper. I bought a frosty and got a bag and went to my car.. I put everything in it and crumpled it up.. I used the rear exit and used the "bat cave"
exit and bypassed where the cop was. I saw him leaving the gas station parking lot and going to the Wendys lot.. I hauled ass out of Freeport and never looked back..

heres a rough sketch of the scene..



ICMag Donor
i was setting up a big job a while ago.....on the 3rd day of solid work and no sleep i crashed on the floor of one of the rooms

i woke up to....alo alo.....your in alot of trouble young man

the entire residence was kited up...but no ganja in sight

i didnt say anything....

they had me in a cell for nearly 2 days

when it came to my interview...i explaind that i was employed by a 3rd party to install hydro equipment....and i was not doing anything iliegal

they showed me recipts in an evidence bag...claiming i had purchaced the equipment....and intended to use it for iligal purposes

i agreed the materials were mine and i sent the police to my accountant....lol...id just done my tax and all the recipts were acounted for as a business and infact the recipts were part and parcle of my tax rebate

they had no choice but to let me go....

the next day i rang up asking for my propperty to be retuned...the told me it had been distroyed....ohh that pised me off

i recived a nice check for my loss not so long ago....lol

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Last year, one friday night, I came home from work late. Got in my house, made a call, walked down my street to meet my dealer on the next road along, got bud, went home, dropped it off, got ready to go out clubbing, and left, back down my street. Met my old friend halfway down, shot the shit for 10min, went to the bus stop. I'll point out now i'm in the UK.

So i'm waiting for my bus, and up pulls a cop car across the road. I ignored them completely until it was obvious they were coming for me. "We've had a report that someone is messing around in people's back gardens sir, we have reason to believe it is yourself, we need a word."

At this point, i'm absolutely shitting myself as i had an 8th of speed in my wallet, a 1/4 of STINKY weed in my tobacco pouch, and my little (2inch) lock knife in my pocket. So they run my details, and ask me to turn out my pockets. So i did, leaving the knife in there. Fortunately baggy jeans covered that up.. They never checked for the weed or opened my wallet.

during the course of this, My bus had gone past, the last that would get me there before the club started charging mad amounts to get in. so i was like 'that's my bus and i really need to catch it.. can't get where i'm going if i don't"

So they take me to the car.. as we're crossing the (busy) road, the cop stopped right in front of me and i walked into him, nearly (accidentally) knocking him into the path of an oncoming car (lmao) All apologies of course "oh shit sorry mate" etc

So they get me into the car and start chatting about the call they'd got. I explain, in my usual very pleasant and articulate manner how i live there, have never been in trouble with the police, work for a major, good reputation company, am responsible member of the community, etc, answering all their questions, basically.

So they say that because they've caused me to miss my bus, they'll try to catch it up and stop it for me.. while they were doing that, they smelled the weed, and asked about it..

'yes, i had a little joint before i came out, helps the club night go smoother, know what i mean?'

They accepted this, and because they couldnt catch the bus, gave me a lift TO THE DOOR of the club, in a marked squad car, lights on.. doing mental speeds while they were doing it.. let me out in front of all my friends..

So that's the story of how i blagged a lift to the club, with enough on me to get me 7-10 in prison..

Turned out to be one of the best nights ever, although it was a VERY close call.. i was buzzing so hard about blagging the cops like that lmao :D

EDIT: just to add, i knew who it was who called the cops on me cuz he'd kept coming out and looking at me and my friend while we wre talking on the sidewalk, away from his house..

I was a bit more confrontational than i am now, and felt VERY aggreived.. so every time i went past his house, after that, i gave a look that promised death to anyone in or around it i could see.. or at least gave that look through the front window.. a month later, he moved out. :muahaha:
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I turned 17 a few years back and was finally eligible to get a drivers license. In my state new drivers have certain rules imposed on them. New drivers cannot have more than one passenger, for instance.
Well I decided to disregard the passenger rule given the fact I didn't plan on getting pulled over. Four friends and I hopped into my car with a fresh rolled blunt and decided to go for a ride.
We lit up the blunt and smoke about a quarter of it when I see the flashing blue lights behind me. Hoping to god the cop is just trying to pass me, I start pulling off the road into a neighborhood. He follows me and pulls up behind me.
One of the guys in my car lights up a cigarette, while my passenger carefully slips the blunt out of the crack in his window.
The cop gets out of his car and bad news: all of my friends know him as officer "so and so" and tell me he's a total dick.
So he comes up to my cracked window and asks me for my license, registration, insurance.. you know the standard procedure
I pull on my glove box to get my info and my bowl falls to the floor. I am frantically searching for my documents (which I can't find) while hoping he did not see the multi-colored glass fall out.
More bad news: I do not have my registration, insurance card, or drivers license on me.
While I'm searching for my papers he tells me the reason he pulled me over is because my exhaust is too loud and violates noise ordinances
I finally explain to him I don't have my papers on me, and that I live right down the block. I ask him if he can look up the information and he simply tells me that he'll let me go this time, but to get my muffler fixed. I don't even think he reprimanded me for having no documents, and he said absolutely nothing about the passenger limit. What a lucky break!!
He drives away and as soon as he's out of sight, my buddy opens up his door, picks up the still-lit blunt, and we continue our ride :rasta:
There are some pretty cool stories on in this thread here's one of mine

The Arrest Story

It was about 9pm and me and three of my friends were looking for somewhere to roll up and smoke a few spliffs, we decided to go to the local industrial estate as it was deserted at that time of night, we parked up and as I used to regularly smoke in my car I had 4 or 5 MacDonalds trays which we used as a steady surface to roll up on, so we broke out the trays and commenced skinning up.

About half way through my rolling my first spliff we see two headlights appear and low and behold it was two traffic cops, one young lady and one old guy. I grabbed my half built spliff, screwed it up and stuffed it the gap inbetween the seat and the handbrake, I had a bag of some skunk that I was saving for later which I stuffed in my sock under my sole, after pocketing as much skinning up stuff off the tray as possible I stuffed my tray under my seat, my buddies had stashed all their gear in a similar way (some deciding to eat their weed). At this point they had reached the window they had seen us hiding stuff and moving around franticly but we thought we had hidden it well enough to avoid getting busted.

They made us get out of the car and searched us all and and didn't find a thing. Then they decided to search the car, soon enough the old cop found my half built spliff and put it to one side as evidence, as he carried on searching, he found the trays under my seat pulled them out but he didn't notice an chunk of hash on one of the trays because it was dark and the hash was the same colour brown as the tray (me and one of my buddies see the chunk and my heart starts pounding), so he puts the tray on the floor just to the side of the door and continues his search to come up empty handed. All the while his partner is watching us like a hawk, as he is putting my stuff back in the car he kneels on the trays and sends the chunk of hash flying, his eagle eyed partner spots it and starts yelling "who threw that" my buddy and I are staring at each other like WTF should we do?

They said they would lock us all up if someone didn't own up, so I owned up (It was my chunk of hash) and I got taken to the police station (my friends had to walk home) with the all the hassle I forgot that I had a bag of skunk shoved down my sock! They booked me in, took my prints and made me take my belt and laces off, the shoe laces were all knotted up so I had to take my shoe off, hoping they wouldn't notice the bag of skunk in my sock! I managed to get my laces out without them seeing it. After being locked up for an hour, given a caution, then released, I got my car and went home and smoked the whole bag of skunk to myself.


Dr.Dutch said:
Ok so i have a close call story. I pick my friend up and he insists we roll the blunt in my car not in his house for some reason. I said whatever and I told him i really didn't like the idea. So I asked him where we should roll it and he told me in the corner of this parking lot of this church. There are houses near by and instantly i was sketched out. So i begun cracking the blunt and and everything while he broke up the weed. When i look up some house i could see this person looking at me. This freaked me out so i hurried up and then the person came outside and was walking around with a flashlight in his yard peering at my direction a few times. I was sketched out by this point and was like lets roll. The kid was like no man its fine. I was like whatever just hurry it up. Then i was like fuck this im not getting arrested so i rolled out and drove past the guys house and where we would turn to go to my friends house he would see where he lived so i drove all the down the road and decided to turnout and come from a different direction. As i pulled into his driveway i saw 2 cop cars making there way into the church parking lot. SKETCH!! Yeah and from that point on I'm never rolling a blunt in my car, make sure its pre rolled and make sure you have a straight route to drive and smoke...and the whole time right when we went in the parking lot i knew it was sketchy. Its weird because whenever i have close calls, something just comes over me and something doesnt feel right and thats the point when i roll out.

Hmmmm relax a bit..... dont pre roll the bunt- if you get pulled over, its easier to eat the bud. just roll up where you are going to smoke.

My friend rides around all the time with about a 4th on his lap.


bluberryjohn420 said:
my freind in shotgun starts pointing left and saying get in the right lane get in the right lane so i was like wtf which way and he says sry man get in the right lane.now with just my luck when i merge into the right lane theres a cop behind me who then proceeds to pull us over.

Is it just me, or does almost no one on this thread see the cops till they are on their ass.

Practice awareness, I see the boys well well before they are close to the car.