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Arrest Stories & Close Calls


Indicas make dreams happen
It's not what you know, its who.

It's not what you know, its who.

The summer I graduated high school, a friend who was soon to go off to college stopped by my place at night and asked if I wanted to get insanely stoned. How could I decline? So I grabbed a quarter ounce along with a pack of papers and hopped into his car. We drove to a nearby parking lot that was dimly lit (no other cars in it) and parked there. What seemed to be a great idea at the time, I look back on and realize how stupid we really were.

Car shut off, windows rolled down, we had already smoked 3 joints and were giggling like little girls catching up on old stories. Meanwhile, I had a pile of weed broken up on a notebook in my lap and was in the process of rolling another J when a cop car went cruising by. The car swung around and pulled into the parking lot abruptly. Heart racing, without thinking I shoved the half rolled doobie in my mouth but couldn't swallow it. The car quickly pulled up beside us and put a spotlight on both of our faces. The cop asked what we were doing... "Just getting high officer, how bout you?" NO... I sure as fuck wouldn't say that...

I told him briefly that my friend was leaving and we were trying to come up with a game plan of what to do for the night so we pulled over to try and figure out a place to go. It was all I could think of in the split second with a chipmunk cheek full of weed and a single rolling paper crammed in my mouth. The cop gave me a funny look and asked "do I know you?" With light in my face it was hard to see, but I could make out the cops face and it was a familiar one. It was one of the town cops I had become well acquainted with over the years (for good reasons.) I told him "yeah I know you, I'm ******, how've you been? The cop smiled and said "Oh hey, alright. How about you?" "Oh I've been great, just graduated actually" He just laughed and told us to have fun and be safe, turned his spotlight off and pulled away, leaving us damn near ghost white in the face.

I turned and looked at my friend, mouth full of weed, pot still laying on my lap. Neither of us could talk. He quickly started the car up and pulled out of the lot.

Not too long ago I ran into him at a friend's wedding and we went over the story again and had a good laugh. He was saying "I still have no idea how we got that lucky." Sometimes in life what saves your ass isn't what you know, it's who.


Well-known member
Damn I forgot about this thread.im sure I'll post some close calls when I remember them lol blast from the past


Driving down the road smoking the stinky
Got pulled over in Hurricane West Virginia 36 in 25. I could see the sign for the interstate, I was so close.
Had my wife, cousin, and my cousins ferret in the car. I didn't have a license. He got me out of the car. Said " we're going to sit in my car, but you have to be searched first, so just go ahead and give me the marijuana.".
I said I didn't have any. He stuck his hand out, and said "all I need is the marijuana". I pointed to my name tag I was still wearing, and told him that we were all coming from a family reunion and we didn't have any marijuana. My family reunion isn't the venue for marijuana.
So I get in his car. He's talking and all of a sudden he sees the ferret running loops in the back of my car.
He yelled "what are you carrying in there?". I mean he kinda screamed it like he was terrified. I told him and he calmed down.

Then it gets weird.

I think that he may have had a rubber band on his visor. And it must have broke. I don't really know what the noise was. But it freaked him out. He yelled "what the hell was that?". Tried to tell him my rubber band theory, but he insisted that there must be a snake in the backseat of his car. He wanted me to lean over the seat to look, and find the snake.
Now I'm starting to get weirded out.
I didn't want to bent over the seat in front of this weirdo. I thought he was some pervert. He insisted. So I turned my ass away from him and kept one eye on him and glanced back. No snake, of course.

So now he's fine again and starts writing me tickets. Tells me I get one for no proof of insurance, one for speeding, and one for driving without a license. While I'm trying to plead my case for not giving me the driving without license, apparently he hears a gunshot. I didn't hear a thing. He flipped out. Grabbed his hat to look for bullet holes, yet all windows were up and without bullet holes.
It was so weird. I calmed him down telling him that I didn't hear anything, and nothing was shattered or had bullet holes. He was rattled.
Then he gives me only two tickets, forgot the driving without license, in all his excitement. But then says he has to give my wife a ticket because the car was in her name.
On the back of his ticket clipboard was a sticker of a giant cannabis leaf.
She got a ticket for "allowing unlicensed driver to operate vehicle".

We left and went home, when I went to pay the tickets, the forgetful cop had remembered my driving without license, and I now had three tickets.

I don't know what his deal was. Alot of people say he was doing this to make me nervous and slip up. But I don't think so. You should have seen his eyes when he heard the noises.
He was full of anxiety.
I think he was on something, like acid or shrooms.

This was 20 years ago, but its hard to forget.

St. Phatty

Active member
The one time that the cop found me with a tuna can full of mersh.

Gave me a ticket & took away the weed.

Was he doing me a favor ? It was not high quality weed. Maybe he worked for the California FDA. :dance013:

Judge threw it out.

I think the cop was engaged in Racial Profiling of cars.

If someone has a green VW bug ...


Active member
I got pulled over on I-10 heading north bwtween Tucson and Phoenix with a 90 pound bale .Sweating bullets. The cop gets a call throes my license in my lap, and ran back to his cruiser I see him take off like a bat out of hell. I just sat there for a few minutes. Only made a couple more runs before I got out of that gig. 4500 bucks for a 90 minute drive, was great but, not worth it. My bright idea to replace that income, a half pound of coke. Yeah, that's not the best decision I've made in my life. Lol.


Well-known member
Chopping my outdoor on a shrubby hilltop at dusk, I'm listening to this terrible screaming from a peasant or something nearby. Sorry a pheasant nearby. I'm ignoring it's crys as Im cracking on, when I hear two voices. I look up, down the only path in, to see two silhouettes stood there, with one pointing to the ground saying it looks like tracks. The other doesn't seem to agree, but I'm stood face to face with them, boxed in, close enough to hear them. The only thing that saved me was the bushes behind me (and sensible clothes) as they were silhouettes with the night sky behind them, and I was.. well not hanging around. I had all the green and tools scooped into my bag, and was on my knees pushing through the dense spiky bushes in seconds. They seemed to go after the noise, then circle the hill because of all the noise I made. One walked past so close I had to cover my pink bits, but thankfully they didn't have a torch.

Same year my path crossed another, with walkers on it that were paying too much attention. So I did a vanishing act, which should of been fine. But these nosy buggers stood at the gate for a fair few minutes, talking about what I had been wearing, and where had I gone. One had forgot their glasses, and thought I had a tin army hat on. They really were just making shit up. As I crouched in the hedge bottom 20 feet away.

I have quite a story, involving arrest, dogs, the helicopter, misdirection and release hours later. Followed by months of planing to return on a night the copter couldn't fly, with radio's to secure the area. To find the whole lot seeded anyway. But the details would point right to me. It's nice to of put some of them very beans in coco today though. Even if they did literally have my pants (trousers) down over it.

We have all seen finger ponds left from graveling? I was at the end of one, on a site decades old, when some foreignski's come down it foraging. So there I am, surrounded by water in all directions except the bushes they are now trying to push through. Thankfully they failed before I got my waders on, or I would of been swimming.

Always keep your site tools and anything you have touched, in or by your go bag.


Indicas make dreams happen
Always keep your site tools and anything you have touched, in or by your go bag.

I totally agree with this. :good: I wear a small backpack and the only time it comes off is when I need to take something out or put it back in. In a moments notice I'm always ready to take off.

One time I was preparing to enter a creek at night that leads to a grow site. To save time I walked parallel to the creek with a box full of pot plants through an open field. There is a main road that intersects the creek in which turns into a bridge. I should've waded down the creek to be safe and to stay hidden, but I'm a lazy ass and wanted to walk up to the bridge and enter that way.

I was about 200 feet from the bridge when a cop goes rolling by, sees me, and throws his spotlight on me. There is no "oh fuck" moment like when a cop has you in his sights with plants out in the open. I quickly jumped through the brush, into the creek, and started heading towards where the cop was with my backpack and holding my box of MJ plants. A few reasons for this... I needed to get to the grow sight and sure as hell wasn't heading home with the plants, there wasn't anywhere else I could go that would offer an escape, and if I could go under the bridge and get behind him he wouldn't be able to catch me unless he wanted to get wet or go through thick woods in the dark while I moved quickly down the creek. :help:

I watched the beam of spotlight go right over my head as he circled the area and searched for me several times. He never thought to get out and look in the creek, else I would have been fucked. It was the best feeling slipping under that bridge and into the safe zone. :woohoo:

I made it to my grow site and planted my weed. Later that year I made it up the creek with a years supply of medicine in a garbage bag, then got it home without a hassle. :yay: For some reason all of my troubles have come when taking plants in, never out (knock on wood.)

Moral of the story, keep all of your gear close and never cut corners when it comes to safety and security. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cured. :plant grow:


Boreal Curing
A buddy used to live in bumfuck nowhere with a lot of off grid type people. He had a good patch every year. He's in the middle of nowhere so he doesn't care about paths and always walked them until he found a good spot to grow. One time he goes out to check on the crop because deer had been busting up shit. As he walks up to it, out of the corner of his eye, he catches a bear coming at him. He turns to run and it's on him before his first step. He's slammed on the ground and realizes it's the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police). He really did think it was a bear and pissed his pants. lol. He said "Oh god.... Thank you god. I thought you were the bear I was looking for." lol. He got off but only after spending time in court.

My own close call. A few years ago I was walking around the market area downtown with the wife enjoying the sights, cafes and such. We walked into a head shop to look around and she goes and buys a couple packages of seeds (Crop King). I have lots of seeds but.. hey.. she buys them anyway. I put the seeds in my shoulder pocket and zip it up. It's a tiny pocket that I never use. I start cooking a bit of soil and prepping my room for seed popping season when we return from our South American trip for 3 weeks (via USA, Panama and Ecuador). Our flights are the same coming back only it's through Columbia. I'm not the best traveler and get grumpy after 20-hrs in airports and shit. I'm throwing my shit in trays for security, pull out the laptop, empty my pockets, throw my coat in a bin, again and again and I was being an ass with everyone. not the best attitude to have in security. We get home and everything is cool.

Around mid April, I grabbed my coat to remove the liner because weather is getting warmer, and start emptying my pockets of garbage. I checked all the pockets and finally that little never used zippered pocket. Yup. Seeds in the Crop King package are sitting there. Mofo. Could have ended badly in any place.

I bring home seeds all the time, but they're mixed in with my granola bag, peanuts, cookies and a half eaten sandwich in my snack pouch on my back pack. They definitely are not sitting in a package that says "World Class Cannabis Seeds" on it. :crazy:

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I got pulled over in shamrock, Texas doing 82 in an 80. 4 assorted imported empties, 3 cold domestics, a packed bowl, a loose bubbler, a loose gram nugget, an improperly concealed and loaded .45 glock, spent .40 and .45 shells scattered all throughout my cab from taking pot shots in the desert all day.

Cop called 2 units for backup.. they walked me up the ditch on the side of the road to chastise me while cop number 1 continued to look through my vehicle.

Boom. White gmc with CA plates smashes into my open driver side door nearly leveling cop #1 at 90 mph.

Overwhelming shock. After an inordinate pause to gather their bearings, Cops 2-3 take off after the white truck, who failed to stop after nearly killing cop #1.

Cop number 1 tells me to get back into my truck and follow him. I just stared at him like an idiot for a few seconds before he shooed me back into my vehicle and told me again to tail him.

He took off doin 105-110. I had to follow him this way with a busted door for.. bout 5 miles before we caught up to the white CA truck.

Old dude said he “felt funny” after consuming a bag of Cheetos 30 minutes prior. They took him away in an ambulance, assumedly to search his little cavities.

Didn’t confiscate a god damn thing cept the bubbler. Let me off with a paraphernalia ticket. Left the packed bowl and the gram nugget in the center console and the cold beers behind my driver seat. Stowed my pistol nicely in the glove, and told me to ditch the empties at the next gas station. One of the most backwards places in all of Texas let me loose. (They felt bad for my truck).

True story.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I used to occasionally drive my friend out of town for pickups and he would give me some free weed in return. He went above and beyond to make sure it was smell proof and well hidden, so I never worried too much. One time, I remember specifically it was July 3rd and we were pulled over for a faulty head light with a QP in the car and me with a pocket full of adderall lol. Luckily I kept my cool and got away with a written warning. I never did risk doing that again. With weed legal now, it seems so dumb the risks I took.

The only time I have been arrested for weed is when I was 16 - two weeks before my 17th b-day, when I could have been charged as an adult. I went through a diversion program for 6 months and it was wiped off my record. It was actually a blessing in surprise because I had to work at a thrift shop where they were sympathetic to my situation, so they had no problem signing off on my embellished hours, which I also needed for graduation. I had to do therapy as well which was a joke. Therapist was cool, but I felt bad for wasting her time since she had patients who actually needed real help.

I keep a low profile nowadays and haven't had a run in with the law in a long time.


Seed Whore
Only got 1 weed conviction that stuck and that was in the late 90's because my stupid roommate hung
around a bunch of shifty kids who talked too much. I found out afterwards that one of them had just got
busted a few weeks before. So was probably ratted out by him or one of them. It's not like I sold. So it
had to be somebody who came in the place while I was gone. I moved away from them and have avoided
them ever since.

I had over 60 plants about a foot tall and received less 5 months free rent where I got to meet real drug dealers.

I got a manufacturing charge.

So when people ask me what I've done with my life I can say I owned and ran a manufacturing plant in the 90's. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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