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armstrong stripped of world titles


So much typing and so little substance as usual.

1) "I know nothing about performance enhancing drugs." -Sundance That was obvious from the get go.

2) What bearing does one of the USADA's lawyers' proclivities have on Lance's guilt at all? Keep shifting the blame rather than putting it where it's due.

3) Lance and tri competitions. The only reason for the 'confession' is to get into 2013 tri competitions. He admitted doping from 2005 and is hoping that the possible reduced sentence would be eight years for admitting involvement. Said reduction is very unlikely due to his unwillingness to admit he headed a doping program that pressured other cyclists into doping as well. This wasn't a come to jesus moment. It's a PR blitz.

4) I was quite clear that drug testing is reactionary by nature. I bothered to actually educate myself about the subject, so my opinion wasn't a gut feeling. A gut feeling is looking up at a blue sky saying I think it's going to rain later. An educated opinion is looking up at a green sky, hearing tornado sirens and thinking it may just rain today. There's a difference.

5) I am pleased to see a person removed from the sport that was such a disgrace and drain on what remained of its' integrity.
Perhaps it was the way he systematically alienated, threatened, sued and ruined the careers of countless competitors, associates and team trainers that were merely speaking the truth. All while building himself up to be media darling and a champion of adversity. Of maybe it's because he did all the above while looking the American public in the eye countless times and saying he didn't dope.

As for the rest, nothing new that wasn't in your first 20 pm's.

Keep sounding childish. It suits you.


Woooo Weeeeeeee Asshole

You should not have kicked the bee hive

Sometimes in life - you get what you ask for

You are indeed " special "

1) WTF and why would I want to know anything about performance enhancing drugs ? schmuck

2) Uh - because the guy is a scumbag and a piece of shit who lost his fucking mind or what is left of it, plead guilty, and does not deserve to be, or belong in the position he is in with the usada.

As for shifting the blame - its kinda redundant me calling you an asshole repeatedly but so what ... you are an asshole ... I am not shifting the blame - just pointing out relevant facts ... I would NOT want a guy like that anywhere near me with a 10 foot pole

3) The only reason - Gee you understand, judge this so well. Your a fucking moron and an asshole

I am glad you wrote this shit - now we all can have a laugh at how fucking stupid you are

4) blah blah blah - you are still an asshole

5) More garbage - but in your favor - every asshole, including you, as stupid as you sound, and as obnoxious of a moron you may be - are entitled to an opinion ... I still think you are an asshole ... and it comes out in your item #5 as it does all though out everything you say

Like I said - ass-artes - your an asshole - and a complete waste of time

You dont know when to shut your mouth ... blah blah blah - moronic stupidity endlessly



Not wanting to get into the beef with sun dance and astartes, I personally think you both make some solid points and are actually speaking from the same side of the fence....

I am an age group triathlete now, and have been for the past few years. I watched that interview last night. I know what it is like to get caught up in a lie. That arrogant fucker was lying last night.

Astartes is right, that comment regarding 2005 being his last dirty year does not add up. Still in contact with Ferrari and worried about his hematocrit levels equates to me someone who is acting the same way as in the past. If taking a blood bag or a spot of epo worked in the past, why stop all of a sudden? Lances biological passport argument does not fly either. He beat almost all tests in the past, why would this be any different.

Lying sucks for all concerned....

That coach sun dance was talking about said lance had diamond legs.

After reading a couple of extra posts, I tend to put name callers in the same class as the bully we are talking about.

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Thanks for proving who's 'the fucking moron and asshole!' You do it with such ease!


Woooo Weeeeeeee Asshole

You should not have kicked the bee hive

Sometimes in life - you get what you ask for

You are indeed " special "

1) WTF and why would I want to know anything about performance enhancing drugs ? schmuck

2) Uh - because the guy is a scumbag and a piece of shit who lost his fucking mind or what is left of it, plead guilty, and does not deserve to be, or belong in the position he is in with the usada.

As for shifting the blame - its kinda redundant me calling you an asshole repeatedly but so what ... you are an asshole ... I am not shifting the blame - just pointing out relevant facts ... I would NOT want a guy like that anywhere near me with a 10 foot pole

3) The only reason - Gee you understand, judge this so well. Your a fucking moron and an asshole

I am glad you wrote this shit - now we all can have a laugh at how fucking stupid you are

4) blah blah blah - you are still an asshole

5) More garbage - but in your favor - every asshole, including you, and as stupid as you sound, and as obnoxious of a moron you may be - are entitled to an opinion ... I still think you are an asshole ... and it comes out in your item #5 as it does all though out everything you say

Like I said - ass-artes - your an asshole - and a complete waste of time

You dont know when to shut your mouth ... blah blah blah - moronic stupidity endlessly



Indeed - when it comes to you ... it is ... " easy "

I have wiped my ass with you

Your a complete loser and a waste of time


My mistake. The clip is from the 2004 Tour, not 2009. Much of Lance's timeline post first-retirement doesn't make sense. The only way I can figure is he's trying to get into tri races assuming Tygart reduces his ban from lifetime to eight years. Given the recent WSJ article published about a private meeting b/t the two, it seems quite unlikely imo.



Not wanting to get into the beef with sun dance and astartes, I personally think you both make some solid points and are actually speaking from the same side of the fence....

I am an age group triathlete now, and have been for the past few years. I watched that interview last night. I know what it is like to get caught up in a lie. That arrogant fucker was lying last night.

Astartes is right, that comment regarding 2005 being his last dirty year does not add up. Still in contact with Ferrari and worried about his hematocrit levels equates to me someone who is acting the same way as in the past. If taking a blood bag or a spot of epo worked in the past, why stop all of a sudden? Lances biological passport argument does not fly either. He beat almost all tests in the past, why would this be any different.

Lying sucks for all concerned....

That coach sun dance was talking about said lance had diamond legs.

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Not wanting to get into the beef with sundance and astartes, I personally think you both make some solid points and are actually speaking from the same side of the fence

That arrogant fucker was lying last night.

That coach sundance was talking about said lance had diamond legs.

After reading a couple of extra posts, I tend to put name callers in the same class as the bully we are talking about.



Last comments on this

ass-artes, and I are on the same side of the fence here - no place for liars and cheats in sport

However, our approach could not be more different

I admit I dont know anything - ass-artes is a scientist and an expert (or thinks he is) .. he talks and makes arguments like he knows everything

I waited for the truth to come out - before saying a single word about something I know nothing about ... again, ass-artes who knew nothing more than I did about Lance - has had plenty to say about scientific testing and Lance's guilt long before the usada brought their case and Lance came clean

Scientific testing did not bring Lance down - Lance brought Lance down

I only watched a few minutes of last night - I heard all I needed ... but in the little I heard last night - I agree ... he did not come 100 percent clean

Where is Coach Eddie B from ? ... he was one of the worlds great cycling coaches at that time

Lastly ... and this is a fair statement to make and comment on - I want to reply

After reading a couple of extra posts, I tend to put name callers in the same class as the bully we are talking about.

If, all you saw and knew about in regards to that statement - were the posts in this thread - you would indeed be correct ... However, ass-artes and I had a private exchange in PM that was not only moronic, and ridiculous beyond words - where he went on and on and on and on and on and on, ad-nausea. - he would not quit ... over the most stupid thing - this is what led me to talk like this ... and to publically beat the guy down ... I am a polite and very patient person ... beyond my own good ... but this asshole came at me - he would not back down and he does not know for the life of him when to quit and STFU

ass-artes just kicked the bee hive ... and called me out - NOT the other way around

Am I a bully - lets just say we all have our limits ... and in this case, my cup runneth over ... I simply told a fucking moron to go away - after already trying - unsuccessfully, to be polite

I am good with everything !



That polite and patient manner just shines right on through. The revisionist history of our PM exchange was a nice touch as well.

I do agree that there is no place for liars and cheaters in sports.



Last comments on this

ass-artes, and I are on the same side of the fence here - no place for liars and cheats in sport

However, our approach could not be more different

I admit I dont know anything - ass-artes is a scientist and an expert (or thinks he is) .. he talks and makes arguments like he knows everything

I waited for the truth to come out - before saying a single word about something I know nothing about ... again, ass-artes who knew nothing more than I did about Lance - has had plenty to say about scientific testing and Lance's guilt long before the usada brought their case and Lance came clean

Scientific testing did not bring Lance down - Lance brought Lance down

I only watched a few minutes of last night - I heard all I needed ... but in the little I heard last night - I agree ... he did not come 100 percent clean

Where is Coach Eddie B from ? ... he was one of the worlds great cycling coaches at that time

Lastly ... and this is a fair statement to make and comment on - I want to reply

If, all you saw and knew about in regards to that statement - were the posts in this thread - you would indeed be correct ... However, ass-artes and I had a private exchange in PM that was not only moronic, and ridiculous beyond words - where he went on and on and on and on and on and on, ad-nausea. - he would not quit ... over the most stupid thing - this is what led me to talk like this ... and to publically beat the guy down ... I am a polite and very patient person ... beyond my own good ... but this asshole came at me - he would not back down and he does not know for the life of him when to quit and STFU

ass-artes just kicked the bee hive ... and called me out - NOT the other way around

Am I a bully - lets just say we all have our limits ... and in this case, my cup runneth over ... I simply told a fucking moron to go away - after already trying - unsuccessfully, to be polite

I am good with everything !



That polite and patient manner just shines right on through. The revisionist history of our PM exchange was a nice touch as well.

I do agree that there is no place for liars and cheaters in sports.


I dont usually quote myself - but this is too good .. and is - exactly as I said

but this asshole came at me - he would not back down and he does not know for the life of him when to quit and STFU

Lets talk about one last thing

3) Lance and tri competitions. The only reason for the 'confession' is to get into 2013 tri competitions. He admitted doping from 2005 and is hoping that the possible reduced sentence would be eight years for admitting involvement. Said reduction is very unlikely due to his unwillingness to admit he headed a doping program that pressured other cyclists into doping as well. This wasn't a come to jesus moment. It's a PR blitz.

Only a complete idiot would say something like that.

Lance has far bigger problems than competing in a Triathlon at this moment

This guy is down on his knees - pretty much putting it all out there ... to be vilified for the rest of his living days ... and you kick him further down

WTF - that shows who you are and where your head is at ... its not up to you if Lance can compete in Triathlons, and no one cares about your opinion on Triathlon - especially, at a time like this

I point it for being so stupid, and showing your true character

I am done with this and you ass-artes


That's why I prefaced everything with I don't wanna get involved in the beef...

I just re-watched my dvr of the interview. The reality is that dude is damaged. He is one wicked cardio machine though.


Sativa Dragon

Active member
If growing cannabis was a sport we would not be allowed to use and store bought nutes or growth enhancers. The reason being not all that are worthy to participaite can afford the enhancments which always put the person with a small budget in second place... how fair is that... not really fair if you are always in second place cause you do things naturally.

Back to growing Cannabis... The fact you can see the limits of the strains by pushing them to the limits furthers our sport... The bottom line is that growers with a small budget benefit from big budget growers because the strains available have been pushed to the limits tested and retested in labs for content which essentially leads to a biography on every strain that is created. I like this for many reasons.

There are two perspectives, Lance is like a high budget grower who pushes his body to the limit, testing retesting etc etc. Somthing he has admitted to doing in the past. I think he has made great leaps and bounds in developing the science in human performance. However the second perspective is, it is very poor taste to enter yourself into a competition with others who all claim to be stright and I am sure some are. Much like going to the nederlands to the HighTimes cannabis cup and finding the best weed in some coffee shop and entering it into the competition as your own. It's wrong and unethical.

Lance Armstrong Cheated, He is a Cheater...
Lance Armstrong Claimed to be honest and denied everything, He is a Liar.
Lance Armstrong being in a position of leader to others encouraged others to lie and cheat.

Matthew 5:19
Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

I think this whole fiasco is trumped up to brain wash us into letting this guy off the hook when he should clearly just fade into history as a Bad example of a leader. W should all learn from his mistakes.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I appreciate you guys rippin' each other up, hell, I almost seem polite after reading through those posts.......



I dont usually quote myself - but this is too good .. and is - exactly as I said

Lets talk about one last thing

Only a complete idiot would say something like that.

Lance has far bigger problems than competing in a Triathlon at this moment

This guy is down on his knees - pretty much putting it all out there ... to be vilified for the rest of his living days ... and you kick him further down

WTF - that shows who you are and where your head is at ... its not up to you if Lance can compete in Triathlons, and no one cares about your opinion on Triathlon - especially, at a time like this

I point it for being so stupid, and showing your true character

I am done with this and you ass-artes

Many people lose their tempers merely from seeing you keep yours. ~ Frank Moore Colby

Keep beating that chest of yours big man.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Watched his "confession" on Oprah today.

He's a pure sociopath. Destroyed lots of lives protecting his lie so vehemently and arrogantly and still is putting on a dog and pony show.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I still respect the man. He didn't feel that he did anything wrong because everyone was using.
He sued people who said he was lying. Took their money. Shit on their lives and doesn't even remember because he sued so many people.

He's pathetic. Yeah everyone was using and it was a level playing field, but his conduct was unbecoming.

So we won a lot of races. He tried to destroy anyone who crossed him. In the end he's a loser. A rich loser no doubt laughing to the bank, but I have 0 respect for him.