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armstrong stripped of world titles


Active member
Nobody. All the runners up are/were convicted or suspected dopers too! LOL. In fact some "just convicted" dopers are some of the "star witnesses" against Lance. Funny how that works huh....now where have I seen that pattern before? It's a circus of hypocrisy, and yet another sad example of the police state in action. The web of lies and corruption that defines this country has all got to come crashing down some time. These fucking politicians are in no position to be passing moral judgment on Lance Armstrong.


He did test positive, more than once for ped's. Did anyone actually read the USADA finding? I did, all 200 pages.

The guy is a cheater, bottom line. He still rode up and over all those mountains, no doubt he suffered to the maximum, but he was the best at the game. The testimony from his former teammates, particularly Frankie and George is compelling. I always refused to believe the truth until this year, I was a full lance fan boy....

I have been a cyclist and a tour fan for a long time. I still like lance, but I know he just a man.....


Green lung

Active member
Lance Armstrong cheated in cycling like Arnold Swartzenegger cheated in bodybuilding. lol.

I thought the most fucked up thing was his teammates ratting on him. Landis got caught he should have taken his punishment like a man and shut his mouth. Sounded like he was jealous that lance got away with it and he got caught so he decided to spill the beans.



Active member
There needs to be a statute of limitations on this crap. Next thing you know they'll strip babe Ruth's title of "sultan of swat" cause DNA tests prove hes only the prince of pwn.


His very iffy biological passport samples were in 2009. Pretty sure that would qualify under any statute of limitations.



So.....what you're saying is George W Bush took steroids--drugs persecuted by Puritan hypocrites for immoral and stupid reasons--just like 90% of his competitors?

I don't get it.

You're really trying to compare the biggest shitbag President in U.S. history to the greatest, most gifted and accomplished athlete cycling has ever known?

His implication is that Bush, in order to achieve his goal to become president, cheated in that endeavor, as did Lance Armstrong in going after (and winning) the Tour de France title(s). He's alluding to the claims that have been made that the election was a fraud with the voting recount and the Bush administration rigged the votes, and comparing that with Armstrong's use of steroids.

Who gives a fuck? It's spectacle culture. It's about going big or going home. It's about looking good on the field, about that tenth of a second, about that extra calyx...

I guarantee over 75% of the performance of professional sports is enhanced.


A test from 2009 disqualifies him from a win in 2000?

Considering that his biological passport results in 2009 were right before his third place tour result and evidence of him doping back in 1996 via eye witness testimony, it is within the right of UCI to strip him of all titles between such offenses. The expert that determined his passport results indicated doping is the guy that designed the EPO test in the first place. During the 2009 tour, Lance's blood didn't thin normally as would be expected with prolonged exertion over three grueling weeks. Rather, his blood was packed with RBCs every day of the tour.

He gets to keep his 1993 road race world championship. The IOC was awaiting UCI's decision on USADA's report before deciding on whether to allow Lance to keep his 2000 Olympic bronze in road time trial. I suspect he won't.

The USADA's reasoned decision is right here for any that care to read it.

http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/spor...terprise docs/armstrong-reasoned-decision.pdf

He chose not go into arbitration when presented with the reasoned decision. Interestingly, he did the same thing in the Landis defamation suit. In both instances he chose to slander and defame his accusers to the public at large rather than pursue the legal recourse available to him.



Active member
He gets to keep his 1993 road race world championship. The IOC was awaiting UCI's decision on USADA's report before deciding on whether to allow Lance to keep his 2000 Olympic bronze in road time trial. I suspect he won't.

You don't get it. They can print out and sign all the paperwork they like. It doesn't change the fact that Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times.

The USADA's reasoned decision is right here for any that care to read it.

The USADA a political committee full of crooks. They can kiss my ass.

He chose not go into arbitration when presented with the reasoned decision.

That's because arbitration is for losers. Arbitration is specifically designed for corporations to stomp on the little guy. Only a fool would try to arbitrate against a bunch of suits who are out to fuck somebody over.

In both instances he chose to slander and defame his accusers to the public at large rather than pursue the legal recourse available to him.

If he is being falsely accused, how can you blame him? Why buy into a corrupt system?


Active member
Lance proabably did use "ped's".... so did all the other elite cyclists he beat...

I take testosterone and have been off and on for a few years.. its effects are astounding..
I workout once a week for an hour n I keep getting bigger/stronger/faster... no side effects at all (besides a crazy libido).. no plateaus.... easy gains.

but lets be real its not as though Lance was doing something that gave him an advantage it merely leveled the playing field.. if they are ALL doping its not cheating in my mind.
i could give a fuck about cycling or any sport where you need to wear tights..
but lance is one bad ass tough mofo.. nobody can take that from him.. fuck the usada, bunch of ignorant witch hunting assholes...
I think Lance mustve missed a payoff or two.. gotta keep those wheels greased..

What really burns me is that someone (taxpayers? i hope not) paid shit tons of money to "prove" lance's ped use... anyone with a fuckin brain knows he used ped's... I knew he did ten years ago... anyone who was winning or even in contention in those events was on test, epo and others... NO ONE not Lance not anyone is going to dominate a bunch of elite athletes on advanced PED programs without using themselves...
Its just common sense... who cares.. do what you gotta do to win... The American Way!


Active member
This is a slippery slope fallacy we find ourselves arguing about. Using newer tech to determine a race from a decade ago is rediculous. Babe Ruth and some of the old ball players admitted to playing while still drunk from the night before, does that make their win invalid? See where this is going, they've set up an argument that is impossible to logically win. Damned if you do, damned if u don't.


Gingerale, I get it just fine. Whether Lance won the tour seven times isn't debatable. He certainly did. The question is whether he was using PEDs during his wins and in the build up phase to achieving his wins. If you don't respect USADA, no worries. UCI was hyper-critical about the decision and USADA in general, until they read it, then upheld the decision. Your feelings on Lance declining arbitration was the reason I think he chose to try his case in public rather than legal avenues. He can say he's falsely accused and bow out with some grace. The problem is, that seems historically at odds with Lance's very well-documented competitive personality.

Sneaky, it's not that slippery of a slope. They aren't using new tech to determine a race from a decade ago. The biological passport results were from the 2009 tour. For the races a decade ago, there was plenty of witness testimony and over a million dollars in bank transfers to one of the dirtiest doctors in cycling, Michele Ferrari. The reasoned decision lays out the ongoing doping protocol between the years of 1996-2009. In no way is his 2009 biological passport results being used solely to retroactively strip him of titles.

As for the Babe Ruth analogy, it's doesn't take away from their wins. Sure drinking was federally illegal, but I have quite a hard time equating the positive effects of being hung over to the positive effects of EPO on endurance athletes. I don't really see that as a valid argument when the benefits of the two actions are so divergent.

YA......real depressing

YA......real depressing

I guess....I gave the guy the benefit of a doubt......and he was just so awesome in winning those yellow jerseys......some of the best tv sporting events I have ever watched......and now this......granted they all were cheating......but.....jeeze......not sure what to think right now.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
EPO ....That fool is a dirty ass punk...fucken cheater...he served his Masters quite well ...

What happend to all of his supporters? Some of you on here were riding his championships to the bank...Taking shortcuts in Life never gets to where you need to be

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
So, now he's confessed..... so much for it being a witch hunt eh.
Dirty cheating bastard, and a bullying lying prick.
People may point to the live strong charity as an example of him being wonderful, but Armstrong makes a lot of money from that charity. The live strong jet, doesn't belong to live strong, it belongs a private company who rent it to live strong. Guess who owns that company. Many other arrangements like this allow the siphoning of donated funds meant to help people with cancer into private pockets.

lost in a sea

seems they were all mostly doing it anyway so the whole thing is corrupt, he was just the king of corruption..

pretty much all the major charities you can think of are complete confidence scams anyway, all creamed off the top into swiss bank accounts..