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Arkansas: Dead birds falling from the sky and dead fish clogging up the river...


Active member
My personal conspiracy theory:

There is an undetermined number of undiscovered species in the deep ground layers of the ocean. Bacterias and single cell organisms and the like...billions of them, living without light

Release them with high pressure spray into new ecosystems, and there is no telling what levels of food chain are effected, for example, feeding algea that creates toxins that kill fish.

Oil was not the only molecule blown from that BP spill. It's effecting local areas hardest, and further areas that are in the wrong tidal flow are seeing it next. That's why the map trends twords coastal areas.

Basically, there is no way to prove this and no way to stop it since the harm is done. All we can do is watch patiently and hope the world can correct itself, or perhaps it will all end in the next year.


The Gulf Oil Spill is the only thing I could think of, but I think that is a stretch. All species would have gotten killed I would think, not just one type of fish/bird/etc.. who knows right !!!

there have been documented cases of lethal gas clouds released from underground... sometimes beneath lakes, sometimes not. there is all manner of crazy unknowns out there. i just hope if it IS aliens, they are vegetarian...:shark:

Perhaps perhaps, very strange occurrence. Its like the movie "The Happening" with Mark Wahlberg HAHA

IF the Earth is going to kill is off in an act of self preservation, hopefully our cannabis plants will put in a good word for us ?! :canabis:


The Gulf Oil Spill is the only thing I could think of, but I think that is a stretch. All species would have gotten killed I would think, not just one type of fish/bird/etc.. who knows right !!! :

Don't speak too soon! It's not oil killing anything! It's changes to the ecosystem. The food web crashes quickly when one element is increased or removed. There's bacteria dispersed thru our oceans that is supposed to be trapped in the lower layers of the ocean, and there's no way to track it or the effects it causes locally
Balance Disturbed :ying:

Just kidding, kinda....


Active member
heres my two cents on this matter, it has to do with genetically modified foods. if you look at hte crows in louisiana their migration path puts them coming through the wheat belt. There have been many instances (not reported in the US of course) about animals grazing on genetically modified food and dying within a week. There was a case in asia where Monsanto introduced genetically modified cotton, and a villages water buffalo herd grazed on them and within 3 days EVERY buffalo was dead from bt toxin. Side by side comparisions of growth rates of lab mice being fed genetically modified soy vs real soy show a VAST gap in growth and health. It makes complete sense to me how an entire flock of birds could drop from the sky because if that flock grazed on genetically modified foods the symptoms are clear across the board, death.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well the stories I've seen here in the US say that along with the unusual fact it happened late at night when this species of bird doesn't fly, the birds all showed signs of blunt force trauma that happened from something other then the ground. That's why the fireworks theory made sense. An initial firework could have scarred them into flight and then subsequent fireworks could have caused the trauma.

The problem with the fireworks theory is that it only possibly explains the Arkansas incident but not the other incidents in America and around the world.


Active member
Don't speak too soon! It's not oil killing anything! It's changes to the ecosystem. The food web crashes quickly when one element is increased or removed. There's bacteria dispersed thru our oceans that is supposed to be trapped in the lower layers of the ocean, and there's no way to track it or the effects it causes locally
Balance Disturbed :ying:

Just kidding, kinda....

True true, its possible, I'm no biologist though :)

heres my two cents on this matter, it has to do with genetically modified foods. if you look at hte crows in louisiana their migration path puts them coming through the wheat belt. There have been many instances (not reported in the US of course) about animals grazing on genetically modified food and dying within a week. There was a case in asia where Monsanto introduced genetically modified cotton, and a villages water buffalo herd grazed on them and within 3 days EVERY buffalo was dead from bt toxin. Side by side comparisions of growth rates of lab mice being fed genetically modified soy vs real soy show a VAST gap in growth and health. It makes complete sense to me how an entire flock of birds could drop from the sky because if that flock grazed on genetically modified foods the symptoms are clear across the board, death.

Nice, makes sense to me. How do you explain the fish though ?!?! got em.....:wave:

O yeah, The Mississippi runs right by all those deaths. Oil Spill ? oil/acidic rain in that area, poisons crops that the birds eat =mass bird death. Could explain the fish too, Oil Spill has my vote
My theory is that might have to do with radiation bursts given off by the sun. Or this might happen all the time, and we are just being paranoid.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My theory is that might have to do with radiation bursts given off by the sun. Or this might happen all the time, and we are just being paranoid.

Bird deaths happen all the time but 1000's dying simultaneously for no obvious reason is actually quite rare. That's what makes this story news worthy, not that birds died but that 1000's did so at the same time and with the same signs of trauma and that it happened at a time these birds usually aren't flying.

Also the fact they died at the same time would suggest poison isn't as likely, at least not from something they ate. Unless they all ate exactly the same thing at exactly the same time with exactly the same concentration of toxin and they all have exactly the same metabolic system such that they all digested the poison at exactly the same time.

sac beh

FACT CHECK: Mass bird, fish deaths occur regularly

The reality, say biologists, is that these mass die-offs happen all the time and usually are unrelated.

Since the 1970s, the U.S. Geological Survey's National Wildlife Health Center in Wisconsin has tracked mass deaths among birds, fish and other critters, said wildlife disease specialist LeAnn White. At times the sky and the streams just turn deadly. Sometimes it's disease, sometimes pollution. Other times it's just a mystery.

In the past eight months, the USGS has logged 95 mass wildlife die-offs in North America and that's probably a dramatic undercount, White said. The list includes 900 some turkey vultures that seemed to drown and starve in the Florida Keys, 4,300 ducks killed by parasites in Minnesota, 1,500 salamanders done in by a virus in Idaho, 2,000 bats that died of rabies in Texas, and the still mysterious death of 2,750 sea birds in California.

On average, 163 such events are reported to the federal government each year, according to USGS records. And there have been much larger die-offs than the 3,000 blackbirds in Arkansas. Twice in the summer of 1996, more than 100,000 ducks died of botulism in Canada.

So what's different this time? This is exactly my theory:

Blame technology, says famed Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson. With the Internet, cell phones and worldwide communications, people are noticing events, connecting the dots more.

"This instant and global communication, it's just a human instinct to read mystery and portents of dangers and wondrous things in events that are unusual," Wilson told The Associated Press on Thursday. "Not to worry, these are not portents that the world is about to come to an end."



Active member
WishDoctor;4130726 The birds in the USA were killed by FIREWORKS. proven. nuff said FACT. [/QUOTE said:
Sorry bud it has not been PROVEN its still theory,meteorite frags are being found in the US areas,experts are saying this may be cause,
"Believe it or not"


It also helps drive conspiracy theories because this happened on New Years.

Anyhow, I am sorely disappointed in everyone. Four pages and not one mention of the most obvious suspect.




Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Definitely aliens. They are fucking pissed at us I think. :crazy:


really man? I was afraid to mention our Overlord Cthulu here because I thought people would think I was more nuts than I actually was before!


Active member
too bad its not happening to people...sounds fucked up but there are way too many people on this planet.
One species has me concerned.

One species has me concerned.


They seem to be dying all over the place in great numbers due to unnatural causes. Mass graves in Serbia, The Ivory Coast, and Iraq have been discovered recently. These have me quite concerned.

Birds falling out of the sky? I have read the information out there and I don't think that any foul play is involved.


Are any of these species proported to be dieing mysteriously endangered??
Doesn't look like it, so to hell with them it's just a population cull either by nature or by the hand of man or by god or whatever.

Whens the last time someone started a thread about animals on the brink of extinction?
They are the one's i'll worry about not starlings or fish of plenty.
I read in one of the Brit papers that it's due to global warming. Sounds good, except that it's been the coldest winter here since people started keeping records.