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Arjans Haze 3

Hello, hope someone here can help


How long has this problem been going on?
indefinitely. Less during summer months.
What STRAIN are you growing? Arjans Haze #3 (13wk+ sat)
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) clone
What is the age of your plants? 8-10 weeks
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?3 weeks
How Tall are the plants? 3ft
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Flower (2 weeks)
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) Perpetual mixed SOG?
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 3g, have also used 5g with same result
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) 50% FFOF; 25% EWC; 25% Pumice (used perlite in past)
What Nutrient's are you using? 1tbs Alfalfa, 1tbs Kelp; 1tbs Bone Meal; 1tbs dolomite lime PER GALLON. (has been twice as strong and included guano with same result)
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding?
rarely. some mollasses + water. (have fed heavily with SBG/Bat Guano's in past)
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? havent added anything to the soil mix until today (see below)
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? unknown
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
How often are you watering?
atm every 3 days approx
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
What size bulb are you using?
What is the distance to the canopy? 12" minimum
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) unknown
What is the canopy temperature? 75-80F
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) 65-85/45-60 (indoor)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) unknown - open window/bedroom door
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? no
Is your water HARD or SOFT? soft - very
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? 24hr old tap
Are you using water from a water softener? no
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? no
Are plant's infected with pest's? semi-persistant spider mite issues (seem unrelated)

My AH3's always get nasty brown spots on them after 3 weeks of flowering. Atm its 2 weeks in and i can see 2-3 tiny spots arriving already which will no doubt spread. They start on the oldest/biggest fan leaves in between the viens and worsen with age.

Ive tried a few things to fix it, kelp meal at about 2 weeks in appeared to do something at one point, but i think it may have been more summer temp increase related? This time i looked through the sticky thread and thought that calcium def looked the most likely atm, but it starts to look more like the manganese pics the longer it goes on. So ive given it 1 tsp of bone meal and a cup of EWC on top of that to try and boost the calcium and possibly raise the PH in case its below 6.5 and stopped calcium uptake.

This plant arrived in flowering full of life, looking really well, and its just started to pump out pistils so the logical answer would be a P deficiency because thats what flowering takes up? but adding P in the past has never helped.

Hope someone can assist


Pics or it didnt happen! But probably you've overnuted your plant(s).


Dr. Doolittle
Most definatly agree with cyber, sounds like you are bunring them; using all those on a plant 3 weeks old; not to mention the mixture they are in is rich..... I am sure they are getting burned..... pictures would help out a ton.

If I were you I would stop using all those, you should not put plants in a rich mixture they are from seedlings..... and the mixture you use you should not have to feed before 25 days..... when you do you over do it......

You could overdo it with just one feeding if it's too strong and combined with a rich mixture it is a recipe for burning.
over nuted?

they've barely had anything. those figures were per gallon of SOIL not per gallon of water or anything.

they're not 3 weeks old either.


Weed Robot
i've grown arjan's #3 and she did the same to me at flowering she doesnt like much nutes high ph levels.she will do that with the best of growers leaves tips burn its normal and leaves dry and curl later in flower but not all.she does produce good hazey fruity smoke very incense smell.just keep her well watered and you'll do fine and check out your ph levels as i remember in soil see didnt like 6.5 so do 6.2 but i did also have problems with fox farm soil so double check if your useing foxfarm soil.
go to the greenhouse web site and look at the bud pic they have it has the same leaf tip burns thats when it made sense to me that she does that.
yes i'm using FoxFarmOceanForrest... its too strong for the AH3?

sorry what is the ph issue? needs to be above or below 6.2-6.5 in soil?

thanks for tips, i'll go and check the webpage.


Active member
I don't know why you would think that Ca gets locked out at 6.5 and below. 6.5 is as close to too high as I'd want to get.

Nobody here really knows what a Ca def looks like. If you see pics of Old fan leaves with a def it can't be Ca, because Ca is immobile and cannot be translocated. It tries and may redirect from edges of older leaves to new growth.
But the Ca def has to show on new growth first just like the other immobile elements like Fe.

I'm no organic guy, but I'm with the 'you overnuted' crowd.
I'm just not sure how much less i can give them without just adding nothing?!

50% Fox Farm Ocean Forest
25% Pumice
25% Earth Worm Castings
1tsp lime per/g
1tsp kelp per/g
1tsp alfalfa per/g
1tsp bone per/g

+ straight water (occasional molasses)

how much barer can it get?

(i got the Ca info from the sticky thread on nute + pest problems)

This thread here is suggesting its a P/K deficiency. (and thats from the franco chap) so maybe i should go back to blasting them with P/K - it would make sense for it to occur at pistil formation? I have one a week and 2 weeks behind so can try it.

edit> shit, i realise i put down 1tbs of additions per/g in the orig post.i meant 1tsp.


Give it a flush then 25% nutes for a week.

Do you have enough drainage holes? Often you can get dry spots in soil.
Give it a flush then 25% nutes for a week.

Do you have enough drainage holes? Often you can get dry spots in soil.

not a great deal of drainage in this particular pot compared to some of my others...and when i tilted today to decide if to water it was lighter than i expected.

3-6g of water thru this 3g pot? i havent done that in ages...its feels like a recipe for soil compaction/damage. but imwilling to give anything a shot once.


Weed Robot
Ph her at 6.2-6.4 in soil.test your run off water for ph and ppm.run off is water comeing out the bottom of pots .then i will tell you what you can do.some pics would be great help.also if i think you said your useing tap water let it sit for 24h so clorine can evaperate.


I have been working with the AH#3 for several years now off and on, and I have found it to be very nutrient sensitive and requires a very low pH during early veg and early flowering, as low as 5.8 in soil. GH recommends from that point going up in pH to 6.3-5 at the end of flowering.
I also use coco coir to lighten up my pro-mix and held with water compaction.
They require allot of trimming of lower branches in early bloom if you want a large cola.
Unless you get a really early pheno they can take up to 13 weeks so fertilize accordingly.
The flavor will only be nice with a long bloom and low fert. Otherwise it kinda bland.
I will buy some ph strips next week. I had been fed the 'ph doesn't matter in organics' line but ive long fancied that should be qualified with 'ph doesnt matter in perfect organic gardens'.
I have been working with the AH#3 for several years now off and on, and I have found it to be very nutrient sensitive and requires a very low pH during early veg and early flowering, as low as 5.8 in soil. GH recommends from that point going up in pH to 6.3-5 at the end of flowering.
I also use coco coir to lighten up my pro-mix and held with water compaction.
They require allot of trimming of lower branches in early bloom if you want a large cola.
Unless you get a really early pheno they can take up to 13 weeks so fertilize accordingly.
The flavor will only be nice with a long bloom and low fert. Otherwise it kinda bland.

yeah the low nutes was the plan with this soil mix. i thought it was low nutes anyway. wasnt planning on adding too much, but the franco comments suggesting it needs a push in week 3-4-5 of flowering is making me think i need to add something now and then let it run until harvest.

i've let it go wellpast 13weeks....it was still pumping out pistills on the top bud at 15weeks (no added N since veg/all HPS). I've just learnt to live with an immature tip.

Ive heard it likes 13hours of dark too but thats not practical with other geno's in there is it? would i gain more by going 13 hours dark for all iyo?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi geoff. whilst i know that you arent supposed to worry about pH in organics, from my experience with AH3 - it needs quite a low pH and will suffer if it doesnt get it.
you have lime in the soil yes? - so what you need to do is lower the pH of your watering water to about 5.5. try this for a few waterings - i found it helped. also AH3 doesnt like to be too wet so let it dry out a bit inbetween waterings.

cheers VG. was hoping you'd pop in. saw your AH3 scrog. very nice job.

i will cut out the lime entirely next time. FFOF prob has some anyway. the missing metals/nutes from the lime are in mollases anyway i think.

how can i easily lower my water ph without any ph down or testing apparatus? lol any easy ways? > i'm thinking guano. that should acid it up nicely and test franco's theory that it needs some P/K.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hmmm household items to try would be lemon juice or vineger but i would try to get something to test pH first. i also wouldnt recommend miising out the lime from the mix - especially if your water is soft and lacking in cal/mag. but watering at a lower pH and letting the lime neutralise it over a few hours works very well for me. you could also try lightening the soil mix with 20%coco or more perlite - sativas like a fluffy soil.
AH3 is a nice smoke - hazy yet fairly mellow - worth persevering with but it is a little finicky


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