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Arjans Haze # 2 x Kalimist



Here is my Arjans haze #2 x Kalimist from MOD, which I finished outdoors this year. Has been curing for around 3 or 4 months.

- Appearance - 8/10

The buds are a dark green color, with a coating of trichomes outside and inside. It does not glisten with frost, but if you look at it under the light, it really shines. The buds are not extrmley thick, and kinda leafy. But they were grown outdoors here, and were cut down around October 20th. They had all ready surivied a couple frosts, and could have gone in to November. I think it would get thicker inside, but might be hard to handle as she can get BIG.

-Smell- 8/10

Here is where it gets kind of hard to describe. Funky. One of my freinds swears it smells like freshly picked carrots. I don't know if thats how I'd describe the smell. Definatley something diffrent, which only gets stronger when it is broken up. Little or no skunk in the smell. When I harvested her, it actually irritated my eyes from the smell, if you've ever had that happen you know what I mean.

-Taste- 7/10

The taste is very similar to the smell. Not overpowering or remarkable, but still a pleasure to smoke.

-High- 8/10

The high of this weed is all in the head. Excellent day-time smoke. It won't leave you incappacitated in a daze on the floor, but it gets you happily stoned. It's easy to smoke some of this weed and not realize how stoned you are untill you are done. Makes excellent hash...

Over all, an excellent smoke. Definatley not bad at all, especially for a freebie. Conviced me enough to snag a pack of Kali-Dream on seedbay.

Some pics during/right after drying:

And some from today:



Carrots ? stuff kinda looks and sounds not that great . I have a pack also from 06 . So what is the verdict on mod seeds ? most of the grows look super lanky and hardly any trichomes /resin .I understand sativas are taller and thinner but these look crazy .


New member
Not that great :nono:
I thought that shit was killer, but that's just me... (I'm pez btw)

Ok, this was a grow from 2 years ago, so lets see what I remember...

Carrots was what my friend said, and I didn't really come to that conclusion, so maybe I should have left it out. I was just trying to point out it had a really unique smell, not like the typical smell associated with marijuana.

And no resin? I see resin?




Tall and lanky? Hell yea, she got taaaallll!




^^^^ That's over eight feet. Of course she got blown over in a wind storm, and was laying sideways for a week or two before I could staked her up.



This plant was started outside in April, grew to over eight feet in five months (on her own for the most part), got knocked down in a wind storm, went through 2-3 frosts, got chopped perhaps 2-3 weeks early because of weather (so these buds weren't even at their prime yet), and still yielded nearly a pound of weed that got me blazed as hell. And all this from a FREE PACK OF SEEDS.

The worst you can do is try em out. I bet with a dialed in indoor setup with enough time, they could do really well. I dunno though, maybe sativas just aren't for everyone?



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That looks pretty good dude :) I like that shot in front of your computer, good stuff. Looks like a decent amount of resin too, nice looking nugs. Shame it was so leafy, but who cares all useful for making bubble :p

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