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Argentina Decriminalizes Marijuana Use!


Active member


Herbal relaxation...
Yeah :woohoo: I literally dropped my mouth when I woke and opened telly right at the morning news time and saw clip about this :yoinks:

Great news for the cause, first Mexico and now Argentina :yes: Hope the whole Latin America would kick against USA mj -prohibition on one front, but I think it´s too much to ask at the mo.. Well one step at the time and our cause fly´:rasta:

Moldy Dreads

Active member
A little late there bud lol
Yeah, but in practice, not much changes. In Brazil they supposedly did the same, but nothing has changed really..

At least it educates society and makes it a bit less of an evil weed in people's eyes..and gets them thinking.
Some dumbass oponents were saying in a manifestation in front of the govt. building
"This is terrible, it will take us back to the dark ages, millions will die because of this!"

So ridiculous, the lady was clearly lying and misinformed, after all no one has died from Cannabis.
WTF was she talking about, if anything it will encourage people to grow their own and rely less on criminal organizations, who are the real danger to society..


Active member
You're right Moldy. Many people assume that since something is illegal it's bad. Sometimes it's just the laws themselves that are bad. This is one of those times.


Princess Maxima can now smoke a joint in their own country without the fear of getting caught by the press.:D

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:




(CNN) -- The Argentina Supreme Court ruled Tuesday it is unconstitutional to punish an adult for private use of marijuana as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

Argentina becomes the second Latin American country in the past four days to allow personal use of a formerly illegal drug.

The seven-member Argentina Supreme Court decision was unanimous, the court's Web site said.

The case in question involved five young men who were arrested for having a few marijuana cigarettes in their pockets.

Supreme Court Justice Carlos Fayt, who at one time supported laws that make personal use of marijuana illegal, told the state-run Telam news agency that "reality" changed his mind.

Argentina's action came amid growing momentum in Latin America toward decriminalization.

Mexico enacted a law Friday that decriminalizes possessing low quantities of most drugs, including marijuana, heroin, cocaine and LSD.

Earlier this year, a Brazilian appeals court ruled that possession of drugs for personal use is not illegal.

Peter Hakim, president of the Inter-American Dialogue policy institute in Washington, sees the shift in attitude toward drugs as recognition that current policy is not working.

"It's all part of a harm-reduction approach," Hakim said, noting that policy is shifting toward figuring out how to reduce harm to the users and to society.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
It is equally unconstitutional by French law to criminalize the use of Cannabis.

The Human Rights declaration, made by the National Assembly in 1789, clearly states:

"Liberty consists in being able to do anything that does not hurt others, thereby exercising your human rights is only limited by its effects on other members of society",

And that country has one of the strictest Cannabis legislations in the Western World,

Way to go Argentina, your country's government respects its own constitution!

May you win the Word Cup in 2010. I'm officially for you now. There will be an Argentina Fan Club here in ICmag's Word Cup forum. :D


all praises are due to the Most High
Way to go Argentina, your country's government respects its own constitution!

May you win the Word Cup in 2010. I'm officially for you now.
There will be an Argentina Fan Club here in ICmag's Word Cup forum. :D

you make it so difficult to not love you brother Cheeks :biglaugh:




follow your heart
ICMag Donor
beautiful, congrats, and soon the system will fall as it always does given the time
Of course we will be last in line for this one. Almost everyday i hear a story on the news trying to associate marijuana to some crime that was commited. The person has used it at one time or anouther or it was found somewhere associated to the "criminal". Reefer madness continues.


Supreme Court Justice Carlos Fayt, who at one time supported laws that make personal use of marijuana illegal, told the state-run Telam news agency that "reality" changed his mind.[/B

another one has seen reality. good news keep em coming.
Hopefully by the time I'm 50 we'll be looking back and referring to the past few decades as the 'time of prohibition' and worldwide, decriminalisation will have prevailed. One more step in the right direction, congratulations Argentina.