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Are you ready for the truth?...thread


lives on planet 4:20
Just something I wanted to share with the icmag community!

Please keep in mind that this material will only make sense if you
do not filter it through your opinions, beliefs, and convictions that
are spinning in your mind.

You have to put your "internal dialogue" aside for a few moments,
before you step in through this door. Smoking a good sativa joint
will make the experience a lot more intersting...lol

Before commenting, please read the whole article, because it is
quite long, and does take "suspending" your ego for the duration
of the reading...in order to grasp the PRIMARY MESSAGE.

I do want to say that 99.999% of the people that read this article
will say that it's BS, and it is not for these people that I'm posting
this information. But, if you are one of the 0.001% that has been
searching for the TRUTH, well then today is your lucky day, and the
Universe has chosen to reveal itself to you!

...Good luck to you, here's the article and look forward to your comments!


...Here's an audio for anyone that wants to listen to "additional" information,
that was not covered in the article (it is 85 minutes long).


...and listen to what Bob Marley says in the beginning of this video,
sounds like he just read this article himself...lol!


THE TRUTH EXISTS, untruth does not.
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''99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong. They are wrong for one simple reason, they are not enlightened, they don’t know what's going on''


sunshine in a bag
can't be bothered to read that shit.

life changing my ass.
i was amused at the dvd selection, though.


lives on planet 4:20
99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong. They are wrong for one simple reason… they are not enlightened. They don't know what's going on.

So in order to keep the illusion of personality, of the idea that there is something or someone, they invent stories, or theories, or ideas, wear special clothes, perform certain rituals, and so on. They teach this stuff. But the truth is so simple, it is laughable.

Now let me make a clear distinction on one point:

Mystical experience is not enlightenment.

You may have mystical experiences, see God, get abducted by aliens, receive messages from an angel, contact your spirit guides… the list could go on. But always and forever, no matter what is going on, the truth is that every experience, mystical or ordinary, is a happening of Universe/Consciousness.

If I could teach the world a lesson, it would be this - no matter what you experience, always remind yourself,

“There is no experiencer. There is no observer.”

...this is from the essay itself, just in case someone thinks that tonto
wrote a post. He simply quoted a small part of what was written in the essay.


I clicked on this thread and lost interest in the article roughly 8 seconds after it loaded.

Sorry dude, you may be attempting to be all philosophical here but the bottom line marijuana is illegal:

Hemp was poised to take over the paper/pulp/timber industries, and businessmen Andrew Mellon, Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family didn't like that. They lobbied against it and with Harry J. Anslinger assisting them, a propaganda war began using racism to convince the American public that marijuana was the "Devil's weed" and made white women sleep with black jazz musicians. They also associated it's use with illegal mexicans, which, at that time, was a heavily talked about thing and everyone was against illegal immigration.

Wikipedia (Marijuana Tax Act):

The bill was passed over the last-minute objections of the American Medical Association. Dr. William Woodward, legislative counsel for the A.M.A. objected to the bill on the grounds that the bill had been prepared in secret without giving proper time to prepare their opposition to the bill.[5] He doubted their claims about marijuana addiction, violence, and overdosage; he further asserted that because the word Marijuana was largely unknown at the time, the medical profession did not realize they were losing cannabis.

"Marijuana is not the correct term... Yet the burden of this bill is placed heavily on the doctors and pharmacists of this country." [5]
The bill was passed on the grounds of different reports[6] and hearings [7]. Anslinger also referred to the International Opium Convention that from 1928 included cannabis as a drug, and that all states had some kind of laws against improper use of cannabis. Today, it is generally accepted that the hearings included incorrect, excessive or unfounded arguments.[8] By 1951, however, new justifications had emerged, and the Boggs Act that superseded the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed.[citation needed] See History of United States drug prohibition.

It's all because of a hindrance on profit for certain industries. Now with the grade of pot that is available, Big Alcohol, Big Pharma and the families from the above still lobby to this day to keep it illegal as they know the profound effect marijuana legalization would have on Alcohol and Drug industries...because they know a simple seed thrown in dirt can fix and replace what Big Alcohol and Big Pharma make. Call it "enlightenment" or what you will, I call it reading...knowing history...and critical thinking.


lives on planet 4:20
I clicked on this thread and lost interest in the article roughly 8 seconds after it loaded.

Sorry dude, you may be attempting to be all philosophical here but the bottom line marijuana is illegal:

Hemp was poised to take over the paper/pulp/timber industries, and businessmen Andrew Mellon, Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family didn't like that. They lobbied against it and with Harry J. Anslinger assisting them, a propaganda war began using racism to convince the American public that marijuana was the "Devil's weed" and made white women sleep with black jazz musicians. They also associated it's use with illegal mexicans, which, at that time, was a heavily talked about thing and everyone was against illegal immigration.

Wikipedia (Marijuana Tax Act):

It's all because of a hindrance on profit for certain industries. Now with the grade of pot that is available, Big Alcohol, Big Pharma and the families from the above still lobby to this day to keep it illegal as they know the profound effect marijuana legalization would have on Alcohol and Drug industries...because they know a simple seed thrown in dirt can fix and replace what Big Alcohol and Big Pharma make. Call it "enlightenment" or what you will, I call it reading...knowing history...and critical thinking.

...I heard about this, and also thought so, but in the end everything
happens to hide the truth. I'm not saying that this is why marijuana
is illegal, what I'm saying is that the root of the problem is truth.

...If the truth was displayed as the reason, everyone would know,
so it has to be hidden using other reasons, more or less the way
politicians and other forces do everything else.

Nobody comes out and tells us the truth, they use a little BS and
manipulation, so that we can all sleep well at night and continue
to believe that our lives are real, when in reality, the truth is quite
shocking. Enlightnment is not what everyone thinks. It actually will
send shivers down your spine. But, the majority of folks will just
wave this off as BS, and will not spend a few minutes to actually
read the whole article and actually ask themselves the question...
"Can this really be the truth?" and if the answer is yes, this means
that you have been living in a lie, and this is not something most
folks are comfortable with admitting to themselves!

sac beh

I'm pretty sure tonto quoted that exactly because it was from the article and ends up making the guy sound like an ego-tripping guru wannabe. If not, then I would like my Rep back, tonto :)


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
The truth isn't really all that exciting one you find it, its kind of depressing actually.


Well-known member
What an amazing read. I have been enlightened for a long time without knowing it. Long ago I came to terms that none of us matter, there is no grand scheme, we are basically just living to die. I've also had profound psychedelic experiences that confirmed this for me. I sometimes wonder why bother living in this world?

I had a hard time dealing with these realizations. It is very depressing, and personally caused me to have a few anxiety attacks, and then spiral down into opiate abuse. I don't take anything in life serious, as the author says, I have to pretend, to interact in society.

I have to put up living in a world with people who think they somehow matter.
Well I'm all for a mind opening experience, even a life changing one. Unfortunately I can't just place any faith(read: blind submission) to this "essay". Especially when it's followed by a link at the bottom of the page where you can buy this guy's book.

Please excuse my naivete...but who is this guy?? Why are his credentials not posted with his essay? What makes Steven Norquist the authority on enlightenment for me?? This essay raised more questions then it answered, or provided me with any enlightenment. I know I haven't, but I feel like I've seen it all. Everything from Zeitgeist, to the Esoteric Agenda flicks, The Secret, all the What the Bleep flicks, so on and so forth. If there is ANYTHING that I have gained from these publications...whether written or video media...is check your resources. EVERYONE has an agenda, and to me it seems like this guy wants to sell books. He might think he found enlightenment...and who knows...maybe he did. But what makes his essay and book for sale any good to me.

I'm not trying to bash on you or your post SF, really I'm not. I just want to raise some questions. No I don't think it's BS either. I'm sure what he has done really worked...for him. I just really want to know about this guy and why he thinks he's right...out of the other many publications that have come out on self enlightenment. There are many things he states in this essay as fact. How does he know they're fact????? It is all too easy in this day and age to post a writing on the internet with a pic (maybe it's Steven, maybe it's not...you'll never know!) that sounds somewhat intelligible and then provide a link to sell something. Ya I could Google him, find out his facts if any. But why should I spend my time validating him...he needs to validate himself.

It boils down to one thing...self enlightenment. SELF enlightenment. No one can enlighten you but you. IMHO if you need to read a book, essay, watch a documentary, etc..., on SELF enlightenment...then you're not ready. It has to come from you, by you, and for you, with your own reason, reasoning, and self experiences. To me, anyone looking for this and thinks they've found it in someone's lecture, book, writing, or movie...has only found THAT person's enlightenment, not their own. Which is even more sad because then they go around spouting someone else's enlightenment as their own.

There's my take on this matter. Hopefully it raised more questions than pulses.


Edit: Sorry..have to add one more thing. Let's return to the first quote:

"99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong. They are wrong for one simple reason, they are not enlightened, they don’t know what's going on"

This somewhat proves my point. How can he claim that over 99% of publications on this subject are completely wrong? How can he claim that these teachers, that are teaching enlightenment just like him, are in fact NOT enlightened? But he is??? It's like me sitting here saying that Buddhism is right but Christianity is wrong. Nobody can prove this statement true or false...but there are those that believe one to be true. There is no right, no wrong, just what works for you. This guy either found a way to live his life peacefully and is now preaching his thoughts as fact, or found a niche that people want to buy into.


Well-known member
I too thought the guy was just going on and on about pointless shit at first, but he simply took a long time to get to the point. He acknowledges that he is nothing, and that even writing it was pretty pointless.

I will not be buying his book, and I could care less who he is, or what else he has to say, but I respect him for publishing that essay online.

For those that don't want to read his essay, it's all about how we perceive "reality". We are not what we think we are, we are just a very very small part of the universe. conciousness is what fools us into thinking that we are ourselves.


Well-known member
it does take a profound experience to come to enlightenment. for instance, surviving a car crash recently was an elightment for me. It happened so fast, there would have been no time to collect my thoughts if I were to have died. it made me realize how quick what I perceive as me, would be no more. And it wouldn't even matter in the universe.


I hold El Roacho's

I have seen many of my family and close friends die and have asked myself wtf is the reason I even get up with so many people gone that made my life worth living and to be honest if I died tomorrow the sun will rise again and the birds will sing and the grass will grow so what does it all mean > I have no Clue.


Active member
I sometimes wonder why bother living in this world?

Because of the possibility that what we experience and gather from this stay might be what we take with us later on, the list could go on, most dreams construct of things were familiar with, at least the ones i have had. Who knows but it seems logical that thats what the after life just might be like, all our experiences for us to live through for an eternity, imo. Fill the mind with all things possible just to be safe :)


that essay was long winded and uninteresting, a lot of fluff written by a guy that must like to hear himself talk.


sunshine in a bag
anyone who says reading this article changed their life is a dork.

don't read some turd's essay about his opinion on what enlightenment is and then go, oh shit! i think that too! i'm enlightened now!

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