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Are you happy where you live?


Active member
I also love the Bay Area. Oakland gets a bad rap, but the stellar weather, excellent park system, access to all kinds of amazing food, diverse people, politics, and cultural options, and many great neighborhoods aren't to be beat. The green scene ain't half bad either! Been here ten years and don't plan to leave. :blowbubbles:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Dude...I live on the coast in Northern Cali - Santa Cruz, pot headquarters and probably the MOST relaxed town for the blessed herb.....yeah you could say I am happy lol...kinda an understatement, been living here since 1984 and still sometimes say to myself "damn look where I live!"


in the thick of it
I live way out in the middle of nowhere....population 12.....30 minutes away from city lights. I love it, but it is certainly not for all. The drug laws here suck and are very stiff but hopefully we'll not have to worry about that trouble. I love living where I do. I hope one day you can too!

One Love 731

Senior Member
The best part is we are really never stuck, we might believe we are therefor we are. Ive lived all over the states, when a place looses its spark I move on. We succeed when we decide too. 1:ying:


Kiss My Ring
i still cannot believe the place i live...it is a park, not a public one, though our driveway offers entertainment to the neighborhood children, much to our delight.
it has more deck space than the last place i lived had square footage.
the soil is fertile, but the growing season is short, and it rains alot. we call rain washington sunshine, so i try to keep a sunny disposition.
the grounds are immaculate, and i am fortunate to have a large garden.
the dogs run and play all day while kids are in school.
we are ringed by tall pines, dogwoods, alders, rhodedendrons, huckleberry, and ferns...very nice with just one neighbor who shares many interests.

my only complaint is for a town of this size (11K), i hear sirens every day...interferes with my zen.

thanks for asking!


I love where I live,I can go to the snow in the winter and come home and go swimming.The winters are really nice!Summer is a tad warm.:hotbounce


Active member
my only complaint is for a town of this size (11K), i hear sirens every day...interferes with my zen.

thanks for asking!

i have something similar...been living near freeways my whole damn life getting real tired of hearing the drone of tires and the CHP on their damn loudspeakers at 2am screaming at people to pull over...

luckily i just got a new "part-time" spot way up north...plus side is that its got lots of nature, places to shoot, good spot to grow some OD, 5 minutes from a casino, 15 minutes from town which is populated by mostly tweakers and meth heads but i see the occasional hottie around....40 minutes to chico, ca so if im really in the mood to go catch the clap i can!

i say part time because i will only be spending a few days a week up there...even though il have my own bedroom and everything..


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I am happy where i live but i need more space and less people.
So as soon as my kid is grown up enough to make his own choices i will be leaving the lovely British country side behind in search of warmer and quieter pastures ;)

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
I live in a state of F.L.I.S.

I live in a state of F.L.I.S.

I moved to a different area because of a job opportunity and I live in a state of F.L.I.S. Not bliss but FLIS.

Full of shit

Most people are nice and polite, however all my local business dealings in this area have been full of unprofesional and incompetent people. The stories I could tell.

The state government is corrupt and impedes on my rights. And the local goverment are a bunch of morons.



I am in Wisconsin and love it but I think I want to move elsewhere in the near future. I want my seasons, but the winters here are too long. I don't mind the extreme temps it's simply long winters that bother me. The beer selection up here with the microbreweries are a blessing!

My wife is from S.F. and it's a cool city but way too much traffic for me. Too many people as well. Great food though. And Anchor Steam..mmmmm


i love the bay area. too fucking crowded though.

oakland is dope though...very relaxed and calm compared to the city and not nearly as messed up as the rep it gets. i havent been fucked with once while living here while you cant make it five minutes in the tenderloin SF without getting hassled.

im within 1hr of many world class surf spots that work all year round, and 3 hours from tahoe which gets some of the best snow in america! my two favorite sports pretty much as close as they get to eachother.

and of course the marijuana laws are great. however things are getting shitty with the gun laws...cell phone laws...and the fed crackdown

but best of all is the weather. i never use my heater and dont even have an a/c. ill never be able to live outside this climate again, thats for sure. i know that it will pretty much always be between 50-80 degrees F. :D :D :D

edit: i repeat...way to fucking crowded though. i hate waiting 30 minutes to cross a bridge that i have to pay 6$ toll on. and mid-day traffic. shitty drivers. lines at any store you go to. ahhhhhh.


Tropical Outcast
i love the bay area. too fucking crowded though.

oakland is dope though...


Saw a docu yesterday on History.

It was talking about the big one to come and the one from 1906 and how much worse it will be now compared to back then due to the bigger population and bridges gone.

I would not sleep @ night if I were to live there........


Active member
haha i live right near the san andreas fault.....even more reason to get out of here...just keep the growop here so teh earthquake might take out my plants....

and yea, they bay area will be utter chaos when the big one hits....i cant imagine what all those people packed like sardines into those big 40 unit apartments are gonna do, they will probably be buried alive in their buildings...better have some guns and supplies stashed away in case of that!

one reason i love my new spot in the mountains....if SHTF noones gonna be fucking with us...we got our own private gated driveway and plenty of nice vantage points to stick the ar15s out of....hamburger hill for rippers and looters..


Active member
I hate my shitty little city. I live in a small city with no jobs. Definitely on the decline. It was a booming city 100 years ago. lol

I just realized with a little money saved up, and my paid off car, I could just move anywhere.

It's not weird moving to a town/city , and not knowing anyone? Colorado seems nice.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I need to winter in warmer climes otherwise I'm fairly happy where I live now, I own my home & property outright so my monthly nut is low. Wherever I go locally I'm driving along roads w/pine and hardwood forests, rivers lakes and streams on either side of me, bald eagle, deer, fox, pheasant and grouse seen daily.

We rarely ever see or hear a passenger jet fly overhead and I can drive 35 miles going through 3 towns w/out hitting a traffic light 'cuz there ain't none, any closer to a real city and I might actually begin to losing my mind.......


Well-known member
I love where I live, although its a bit expensive, not California expensive though.

Funny thing, I just checked out rentals in the suburbs 30 mins from by spot and got sticker shock... people wanting 1st, last, plus 1k security deposit on a house up front!

Holy crap... my last deposit was just a few benjamins.


Well-known member
desperately want to move back to san francisco but the rent is so out of control, 2 grand a month for a tiny 1 bedroom and no parking space! SF has everything i need, lots of girls, good venues, good food, lots of nice open areas to hang out, the cops are pretty friendly about smoking and drinking in public.....the only downside is the parking and traffic SUCKS...i got two parking tickets in 2 hours the other weekend i was out there lol...

Was in a similar situation... city life = convenient, fun, but $$$$, tiny space, shitty parking, shitty traffic

Suburb life = Big space, small $$$$, good parking. Inconvenient; have to drive everywhere; town sucks; no one wants to go to your 'hood, have to drive 30 mins for decent food peeps or culture. Shitty traffic as well.


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