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are you a "conspiracy theorist"?

are you a "conspiracy theorist"?

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Active member
They use science to create their dictatorship. GMO, geoengineering, vaccines, smartmeters and wifi - all designed to kill us.
Agenda 21 - you need to know about it.


I love my life
14. Politics/Religion: Threads or posts pertaining to political and religious discussions, by their very sensitive nature, can incite or flame others due to the wide and varying personal beliefs that naturally exist in a global community and will be deleted. ICMag is an international site attracting members from a multitude of religious and political backgrounds. We do this in favor of harmony and unity, rather than the divisions created by permitting open discussions of politics and religion requiring an opinion from such a global community. Political discussions pertaining specifically to cannabis laws/legalization are only accepted in the appropriate forum.

for this very reason ..... thread closed

As the thread appears not to be closed. I would like to point out that religion has to do with the spiritual (I see none of that here), and politics has to do with the laws and regulations of a society (I see none of that here).

What is being discussed is the intentional misinformation and attempted control of peoples' minds.

Didn't you start the thread about Joseph Kony and surrender talks with a regional government? That is much more political than if I believe in Roswell aliens!



when the fable put out by lamestream media is full of holes...

keep in mind at one time the mafia, asbestos, operation paperclip, northwoods, mk ultra, watergate, american gov running drugs, op snow white, op ajax, gulf tonkin false flag... where all considered CT.


Active member
The FEMA camps will be overflowing before people get it, the government is run by sociopaths who will do whatever it can to control the resources and people in its jurisdiction and to expand it ,it is not our friend its a extortion racket.

Council on Foreign Relations: America's Ruling Class Establishment

David Icke Problem Reaction Solution (not a fan but this is relevant )

Supreme Court justice predicts internment camps in America’s future

"You are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again," said Justice Scalia.

A distinguished member of the U.S. Supreme Court gave a sobering reminder of how history can and likely will repeat itself when the conditions are right. Justice Antonin Scalia said that he would not be surprised if Americans were once again imprisoned in concentration camps by the federal government.

The 77-year-old justice was answering questions after giving a classroom lecture to a group of law students in Honolulu. One student asked about the deplorable 1944 Korematsu v. United States decision, in which the U.S. Supreme Court verified the constitutionality of the president ordering the mass-imprisonment of Americans in the name of national security.

Scalia cited the wartime “panic” as a reason Americans accepted President Franklin Roosevelt’s hostile treatment of citizens of his own country.

As the Associated Press reported:
“Well of course Korematsu was wrong. And I think we have repudiated in a later case. But you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,” Scalia told students and faculty during a lunchtime Q-and-A session.

Scalia cited a Latin expression meaning, “In times of war, the laws fall silent.”

“That’s what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot. That’s what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It’s no justification, but it is the reality,” he said.

The Korematsu case stemmed from President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, which divided the country into “Military Areas” and in a real sense instituted martial law in the United States. Control of civilian territory was granted to to military commanders and the Secretary of War, who were authorized to take any freedom-restricting actions they deemed necessary to secure the homeland.

In enactment of the order, several segments of the U.S. population were labeled as “enemies” or “enemy aliens.” They were: (1) people suspected of “subversive activities” (which included speaking against the war); (2) Japanese aliens; (3) American-born Japanese; (4) German aliens; and (5) Italian aliens.

These so-called enemy groups were ordered to report to military prison camps for an indefinite sentence — a process that was dubiously referred to as “relocation” or “evacuation.” The reality was that the targeted individuals were stripped from their homes, their lives, their jobs, their families, and their freedom and placed into cages surrounded by barbed wire and U.S. soldiers who were prepared to shoot them.

Fred Korematsu was born in the United States, and as such was considered a naturally-born U.S. citizen who had two parents who were from Japan. Even though his loyalty to the USA was not questioned, the President had labeled him (and 120,000 others) as an enemy. Korematsu, who resided in Military Area No. 1 (California), was one of the few who did not report to the prison camp to which he was assigned. The government’s response was to have Korematsu hunted down, arrested and convicted of disobeying military authorities.

The Supreme Court upheld his conviction, ruling that the 5th Amendment guarantee of “due process” did not apply, and that his conviction was allowed to stand. The needs of homeland security were considered to be preeminent over individual rights. To date, the decision has never been explicitly overturned.

Scalia’s statements would suggest that its legal precedence matters less than many would think. The Latin phrase he quoted, “Inter arma enim silent leges,“ dates back over 2,000 years and has been proven true in every culture since. During times of crisis — especially during great wars — people are naturally prone to embrace government efforts to empower itself in the name of security and order. Americans have proven this maxim to be true many times over, notably with the mass roundup of political prisoners during the American Civil War, World War 1, and World War 2.

“The reality,” as Scalia pointed out, is that the next time Americans feel great fear of a foreign threat or a terrorist, they will not only accept the destruction of civil rights — they will demand it.


A crowd sings praises to the government after locking down Watertown, MA, during a 2013 manhunt. (Source: Julio Cortez, AP


I love my life
when the fable put out by lamestream media is full of holes...

keep in mind at one time the mafia, asbestos, operation paperclip, northwoods, mk ultra, watergate, american gov running drugs, op snow white, op ajax, gulf tonkin false flag... where all considered CT.

Fast and Furious for the WIN!!!!! USS Maine almost as good.


people need to consider that man is naturally prone to conspiring with other men for their mutual benefit. it's totally natural to us to use our connections for our mutual benefit. so we agree with others on a plan of action that will profit us. thats all it takes to have a conspiracy after all. so now you want me to believe the rich and powerful don't do it? that would be highly illogical and when they get together and conspire for their benefit, it can effect the well being of the whole planet. so yeah i believe there are millions of conspiracy's out there. some of them tiny and irrelevant and some of them earth shattering in consequence, like 911.


Kiss My Ring
like any of us have never conspired anything...

this website seems like a conspiracy at times, so much so that threads are closed.

DARPA want to master the art of propaganda.


Added: Oct 07, 2011 1:11 pm
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the areas of (1) quantitative analysis of narratives, (2) understanding the effects narratives have on human psychology and its affiliated neurobiology, and (3) modeling, simulating, and sensing-especially in stand-off modalities-these narrative influences. Proposers to this effort will be expected to revolutionize the study of narratives and narrative influence by advancing narrative analysis and neuroscience so as to create new narrative influence sensors, doubling status quo capacity to forecast narrative influence.

...which makes propaganda weaponized, as if we didn't already know.
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For the FEMA camps this is my fav video clip.

Obama talks about the FEMA camps and explains their purposes. "Prolonged Detention" is the term being used.


Active member
I wish there was a better term.
I agree that it's human nature to conspire with like minded people to cooperate for their mutual benefit.

Then there are those in another category.

There are those that believe that any major event that happens, is never what it appears to be.

A mass shooting can never just be a mass shooting. It's has to be a false flag contrived by the government in order to snatch guns.

After every mass shooting, gun sales go through the roof.

If the government really wanted your guns, they would make gun ownership mandatory.


just a quick note concerning a closed thread.

these kind of threads have in the past very quickly descended to the level of rep and dem bashing each other. so sometimes we mods just decide to nip it in the bud, but we are all human and can rethink things, no conspiracy needed to explain matters. such decisions can be made by any section mod in their section and any super mod all over.

anyway it looks like we are letting it go till it actually does go off the rails, so i for one will enjoy that fact, not waste my time moaning about it being closed in the first place.



Kiss My Ring
piss on the fire and call in the dogs.

I appreciate your predicament gaius, I said it 'seemed as if' so whatever. I can take it...ain't the first time I've been clipped.

strange that what is everyday concerns are restricted because of 'political' content, which eventually affect most people who visit this site.

isn't it also strange that cannabis use heightens awareness of the discrepencies in the availability of factual information.

censorship facilitates disinformation, so many here are science-based and require the facts, but are not allowed it.
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