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Are these temps too high?


Well, i bought a thermometer, because i am planning a small grown in my current living quarters and i know they are quite warm.

90 fucking degrees.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, my ambient temperature is 90 degrees. I do have A/C but as to not raise neighbor/owner's suspicions, i could only run it when i'm there, ie, at night, so that takes care of the light cycle...

But fact remains, it's 90 fucking degrees, and that's RIGHT NOW at 9 at night mid april.

If i'm going to run led's, would this be ok? I'm guessing hydro is out of the question due to growths in the water, right?

how would an indica like LUI13(my intended strain) fare with these temperatures?

I'm very much bummed :-(


Active member
Whats the temp outside if it's 90* inside?

I don't understand how it can be that hot for just room temp in April.

You live on the equator or something?


i'm not in the US bro, i won't say lat, but suffice it to say we have a thriving tourist industry.

also, my house is cement and the roof is shot, so basically no insulation right now, no windows, closed room.

Funny thing is... to me it feels "normal". I never realized i had such high temps until today.


i basically know this is too high. i just... wish i was wrong.

I know i can go higher with CO2... but can i use co2 in a grow tent in the same space i'm living in safely?

Am i gonna have to buy a small portable ac to hook directly to the tent??


Active member
Wow, how do you sleep in that?

I wouldn't worry about alerting the neighbors by running your AC, they ask why it's on all the time, you tell them because it's 90 in my apartment.

That's pretty hot for growing, 90 and up is where I start to see signs of heat stress


but fact is i've grown outdoors here and i know for a fact my plants have been more than happy with 115 summer heat. and that's just ambient. direct sunlight will give you that warm skin feeling in a couple minutes.

As to how i sleep? like taffy.... sticky and salty :-/. Jungle rot is a very real risk if you don't maintain proper hygiene down here. Funny thing, our european colonizers were shocked we bathed so fucking much all the time when they first arrived. There's a reason tropical cultures the world over love spicy food, sweat=nature's A/C

oh, and i thought most of this time that your pug was a guinea pig, sorry!


Active member
but fact is i've grown outdoors here and i know for a fact my plants have been more than happy with 115 summer heat. and that's just ambient.

As to how i sleep? like taffy.... sticky and salty :-/. Jungle rot is a very real risk if you don't maintain proper hygiene down here. Funny thing, our european colonizers were shocked we bathed so fucking much all the time when they first arrived. There's a reason tropical cultures the world over love spicy food, sweat=nature's A/C
I can't tell you why because I'm not an OD guy, but I've heard OD plants can take much higher temps then indoors.

115* will kill pretty much any strain I can think of indoors, or make it complete hay crap at the very least.


nah, i'm conscious that indoors that will obliterate much anything, jaja, i'm not daft, but... like i said in the edit earlier... i just WISHED i was wrong about 90 being too much.... i've always read 75-85, i guess i'll find a way.

you guys think maybe a couple freezer packs in the intake would make a difference???


i should point out, i've helped out indoors, but places with central air or the budget to run an AC all the time.

I can't run my mini split all the time because the electricity is included in my rent, if i run it too much i risk the landlord bitching, ya dig?

I can get away with a portable, because i told him i have recording equipment so that accounts for the usage and it's in my apt completely so he can't see if the compressor on the roof is running all the time.


You can get a heat exchanger and a water chiller.

meaning having a reservoir outside the tent with the chiller and a water cooled heat exchanger fed by that reservoir in the intake, right?

i'm stuck back in the days of krusty and NGB, not really up to par on tech. I'm still AMAZED by the progress led's are having, i had the idea a loooong time ago, just lacked the wherewithal to dive into it.


Active member
LED's still have some time to go before they are good for gardening. It seems good in veg, but not in flower. Small airy buds is all I have seen. HPS is the way to go IMO. Just keep it cool. Although it might not be worth it to you to do everything that is required to cool an HPS.


honestly, i want something that will pay back for itself within the first round(in savings, not commercial of course), and i'm willing to spend around 1200 so... giving about four months, and an ounce and quarter a month habit, a crop of around 4 oz.

doable by LED's, i have faith in them, verdant green has demonstrated quite a lot, but, if i'm going to spend the extra money on a cooler, what's the point of spending 900 dollars on a damn light, ya know?

How hard of a time would i have achieving this with either CFL, LED or HPS with my temps???

Am i better off going back to shrooms and trading for weed? thing about shrooms is they aren't a steady market :p


two reasons:

my landlord pays the power bill, as it's included in the rent, if it's too high he'll come and bitch, and start asking questions, ya know?

AAAAND... there's a stupid ass campaign "recognize the signs of drug dealing"....

they got sneakers on electric cables as markers of drug houses and air conditioning on all the time as a grow. it's stupid, seriously, but people call in aaaaall the time. my current neighbors are all straight edge old folks. i can't risk having the main compressor running all the time.

I should mention i'm an unemployed college student who keeps weird hours, so... i gotta minimize my exposure, as i'm already a walking target for profiling.


i think i'm going to start a new thread "challenge: help me design my grow".

90*F average, ~80%RH, limited electricity usage and an ounce a month output...



but i'd still need to cool down a bit right? imma do some reading on heat exchangers then... off to the advanced search page!


Active member
You had the right idea on the heat exchanger. I just dont see how you can use it with led's. Just run the air conditioner on a thermostat.

What are the penalties for growing where you are from?

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