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are female seeds a gmo crop?

guy fawkes

Active member
as the title says, ive been reading discussion on a fb about this and both sides seem to make good points and im no expert so would like to hear form others.


pure dynamite
I think they are hybrids, but they can be considered GMO if the method used to obtain them is targeting genetic modifications.

Unlike hybrids, which are developed in the field using natural, low-tech methods, GM varieties are created in a lab using highly complex technology.

my :2cents:..


Well-known member
nah man... for any given organism to be classified as "Genetically Modified Organism" it is necessery to employ a gene transfer beyond the species boarder (for example splice a resistence gene from a non cannabis species into it). don't listen/read to much into hearsay... reminds me of the skunk propaganda kind of...


Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Female seeds are not GMO. They're made by forcing a female plant to form pollen bearing flowers. This is a trait that most all cannabis has. The plant is expressing a trait that is already coded for in its DNA. It's not introducing new DNA into the sequence.

sirius haze

oh no please, its not so hard to understand the definition and the difference of an OGM and a selfing technik, the two are not related at all. people are really talking shit sometimes :crazy:


New member
from wikipedia:Genetic modification involves the mutation, insertion, or deletion of genes.
so ,no aren't GMO for sure

Gert Lush

Active member
As other have already said, mate, GMO involves talking the cell of a plant, splitting it and injecting DNA material from some thing else, often another species, even an animal (I believe there was a tomato that got a halibut gene - or was it a salmon? - for some or other reason, but don't quote me on that!).

Feminising the plants involves simply stressing them excessively (usually with a chemical) which forces them to do exactly what they do in nature when they're stressed, i.e. hermi. However, a stress hermi is not really a problem. Now if you use the pollen from that plant on another, or even on itself, the resulting seeds will all be female.

That is because the pollen is not really male, it is XX, which kind of a biological way of saying lesbian pollen (OK, bad example) but it means the progeny can only be female.
Nothing whatsoever to do with GMO.

guy fawkes

Active member
i thought as much fellas cheers, the only reason i asked as it was a quite a well known breeder who was stating this fact, just so happens he dosnt make fems either lol


Active member
Monsanto's GMO food crop seeds have been spliced with the DNA of soil bacteria that is resistant to their Round Up Ready herbicide. This is why when the herbicide is sprayed on a field every plant species in the field gets killed except for the special genetically engineered soybeans, corn etc...

Real GMO's are franken plants and are a threat to all life on earth, this is a greedy self centered industry.

sirius haze

i thought as much fellas cheers, the only reason i asked as it was a quite a well known breeder who was stating this fact, just so happens he dosnt make fems either lol

guy fawkes may i ask which breeder ?

selfing technique used properly is the quicker way to stabilize traits and can be a good breeding tool in the hand of an educated and responsible breeder, as you probably understood GMO is a very different story...


Well-known member
A bit off topic but…I was talking with an Ag breeder and he said that cultivars do exist that naturally have the Roundup resistant trait, at least in soybeans. His take would be to take a field of non GMO beans and spray it with Roundup and then breed with the ones that survive. Seems Monsanto took the short cut by gene splicing. Not that I’m a big fan of Roundup either.


Señor Member
ive been reading discussion on a fb about this and both sides seem to make good points

Whichever side is agreeing that feminized seeds are GMOs must have absolutely no clue what GMOs are, so it's really difficult to fathom how good their points must be.

That is a rampant problem nowadays... people who have absolutely no fucking clue what genetically-modified means. It's sad, really. These are the people who think they HAVE to grow heirlooms because hybrids are made by Monsanto. There isn't an eye-rolling emoticon sufficient enough to dramatically show my disdain for such inaccuracies.
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What a load of crap. Selfing alters hormones, not genes.

Even when a human undergoes gender re assignment their
dna is intact.

Face palm.


Active member
GMO's themselves are not the worst part of it all.

I did some reading today the chemical Glyphosate used in the Round Up Ready herbicide is bad news and causes a whole world of bad shit.


guy fawkes

Active member
GMO's themselves are not the worst part of it all.

I did some reading today the chemical Glyphosate used in the Round Up Ready herbicide is bad news and causes a whole world of bad shit.


you read correct mate, and monsanto make round up resistant crops so you they can spray gmo crops and kill the weeds but not the crops, so you get gmo corn ect soaked in round up.. mmm yummy!!


Well-known member
I know alot of stoners who whont smoke indoor grown weed cause they think its geneticly modified, mostly cause what they grow in their backyard is closer to fiber hemp than anything smokeable, same with their hash, 90% henna and camel shit, I useualy just mock and redicule them and keep my quality homegrown to myself

But it is actualy a very widespread myth

sirius haze

hum a full bodied morocan soapbar with henna and camel shit in it ! memory lane, the good old days ! my favorite was the one with chunks of brown adhesive tape in it, so tasty and so sticky ! wait i feel like a murderous impulse coming...ok i got to go i got to go.....:biggrin: