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Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

  • I care not who's in the game, I want it legalized!

    Votes: 62 29.8%
  • I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!

    Votes: 99 47.6%
  • I don't want it to be legalized!

    Votes: 33 15.9%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .



monsanto operate with respect to silent coup
such to operate within you usda, epa, and more

am keen to research such link you are to share with respect to heirloom seed, such seed am keen to think harvest within aproximate 150 kilometer such and such of monsanto headquarter

similar much organic label with respect to process not with respect to integrity within product natural being

similar many operate within umbrella and with respect to allience such mars inc. with respect to organic seed of change

am keen to advocate for urge to test actual product label organic, such quality integrity to being

monsanto input poison to cancer within milk, such rBGH
monsanto input poison to to cancer within pesticide, such roundup
within transgenic genetic manipulation
agent orange
such and such

at when total control to cannabis become reality with respect to big companie, cannabis not remain heirloom

such threat to species
threat to human and cannabis similar

moment to moment, change indeed constant
at how to change?

not for become pascified

chant down babylon

positive vibrations


Game Bred
Answer what?

Do I think prison is worse than Monsanto growing herb?
Do I work for Monsanto?
Get real.
Do I believe legalizing will lead ti only one type of herb and Monsanto providing the entire world. Killing off all heirloom varieties?

Now for you...
How do we legalize and keep them out?
Ill watch ya squirm.



am keen to think

not law such legal not legal

rather freedom

within universe not is laws, rather energy
positive and negative energy

as above so below
essence to form being which we are to choose
such choice for drops within ocean to energy

love and share and spread positive energy

with such unconditional love and compassion with not ego

monsanto not can exist
negative not can exist within total positive

such universal healing

chant down babylon

positive vibrations

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
We start with informing (not disinforming) people.

Europe got their shit together and banned GMO from their market.

If we could get our shit together and actually let people be aware AND care... then we can have a chance to stop them from owning us.

If people weren't trying to pull wool over eyes and scream about how there's no more time and who cares another 42 seconds went by and you haven't saved the world yet maybe we wouldn't be in such a mess.


Active member
How do we legalize and keep them out?

Spain have a form of legal cannabis, where u're not allowed to sell the buds, but u can be paid by private club member to grow the buds for them, just like a gardener. This kind of system keep the big shark out of the pool, but for how long? I can't tell.

There's in fact many ways to make it legal without having the big shark in the game. Plants counts and limitation is one them too, also u can have rules to limited the profits generated by growers. There's many other ways...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I really like the decrim option... but I remember that last time I uttered the "d" word...

It wasn't pretty.

There are many who think legalization and regulation is the only way to get enough on board.

If we can't tax the shit out of it nobody is going to bite... at least that's what they'll claim.


Active member
I think it is obvious that growers will soon or later need a form of union to represent and protect them, with their own charter of the legalization of cannabis. What do y'all think should be in that charter?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So lobbyists serve no purpose? I love how it's all or nothing with you.

Sure, they serve a purpose, if nothing else they prove that the government doesn't kowtow to corporations the way you think because if they did there would be no need for lobbyists to try to bribe politicians into doing what the corporations want. Perhaps the problem here is your failure at understanding what exactly kowtow means?

I'm glad to see sarcasm is not lost on you.

I wish I could say it was easy to tell when you're being sarcastic like it is with most people but I'd be lying. You're so all over the place it's hard to tell if you're being serious or not. Especially since you don't provide any facts but rather just claim that facts or history supports you and then expect everyone to take your word for it.

I'm glad you've done some research. Now you know Inbev is bigger than ever and you're still wrong.

Oh so now you want to talk about the big foreign beer corporation that bought up the struggling Anheuser-Busch company for 52 Billion? Sorry buddy just because you say I'm wrong doesn't mean I am. Now perhaps if you backed up your claims with varifiable facts?

That's funny I could swear that was your stance.. Oh well it's good to see youve come around. It is still illegal though right?

I didn't come around you just took one thing I said and made the assumption that was my entire stance. Yes, it is still illegal to operate a still. Come on man if your going to argue about something irrelevent to the topic at had at least stay current on it.

I'm not your son and history books don't count if you wrote them.

No shit sherlock, I don't have any children, if you were mine though I'd probably still claim I have no children. I mean would you claim to have fathered a child so stupid as to think when some stranger calls you son in a conversation they mean they actually think they are your son? I haven't written any history books, the history I referenced came straight from the home brewers association web site. So since I didn't write it, I guess it counts :jerkit:

So you don't have a problem with people selling their wares, and you don't have a problem with them getting arrested for it either?

Ah so reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. No wonder you think history supports you or that I have no problem with people selling their wares or getting arrested for it.

Yes you do... it's just backasswards from mine.

So you're admitting then that you believe something is true simply because you wrote it and further you say that I'm the same but backasswards from you which would mean that I do not believe something is so simply because I wrote it. Finally, something we can agree on.

Really. Heroes.

Like I said if that's what helps you sleep at night for wanting people to still go to prison just so you can continue to profit off of black market weed, then I guess you do what you got to do.

I have tried and tried. You can't fix stupid. It's in black and white various ways.

Repeating the same thing over and over is not trying. Fortunately judging by the other responses nobody else is quite buying your brand of bullshit either. Do go ahead and keep assuring yourself that you're right though.

Are you sure? It doesn't seem that way to me at all.

Yes, I'm sure that your reading comprehension is horrible.

I reallly hope you aren't dense enough to think that there aren't more members of the DEA than LEAP.

Doesn't matter, even if there was only one member to LEAP it will still invalidate your earlier insinuation that all law enforcement want to fill the prisons with people who use marijuana.

Oh so you do get it. You could have saved us both a lot of time by saying "Yes I think they deserve it."

But beat around the bush first... it's oh so much fun.

No I don't think they "deserve it" I do however think that if they are careless or flaunt it in the face of the law then they are asking for it. I guess you missed the part where I explained that "deserve" was the wrong word?

Hmmm.... I didn't know he was speaking strictly on civil disobedience regarding civil rights. It sounds like he meant exactly what he said.

Did he come to you in a dream and tell you this?

You are daft if you think I believe my freedom isn't in jeopardy right now.

First of all civil rights are a whole different matter and not comparable to growing for sale something that is best catagorized as medicine. Civil rights was/is about obtaining equality and not being discriminated against because of your race. The part you seem to be missing though is that when he said it's a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws it was with the understanding that doing so would lead to arrests so that the battle could be fought in the courts. Everyone at the time seemed to understand this....well except you. The problem is you don't really want to take it to the courts, and well you shouldn't because it probably wouldn't go well for you since there is nothing anywhere that suggests it is a right to grow and sell marijuana. While MLK did have things like "All men were create equal" to aide his battle.

Cops subpoena electrical usage to help with other factors to get a search warrant. It happens whether or not you are aware of it.

You fail to understand how it works, subpoena's, warrants, court orders, they're all issued by judges based on the agency requesting it having grounds. Cops don't just drive around and pick houses at random and then go to a judge and say "I want a subpoena for the electric company to give me that house's electrical usage." If they did the judge would say no, go find evidence to justify it and then come back and talk to me about it. Now I already know that cops get such subpoenas but they do so because careless fools leave evidence for the cops to find so they can give the judge a reason to issue one. If you aren't careless then the cops will never have any reason to go ask a judge for a subpoena of electrical usage and therefore they'll never know you usage is higher then it should be.

Really. The only reason you're not in agreement is because you've dug yourself in and are convincing yourself you deserved to go to jail.

No the only reason I'm not in agreement is because I feel that people not going to jail for smoking or growing marijuana is more important then whether or not those who have profited so greatly off of prohibition are able to continue to do so.

Don't apologize because you disagree.

Ah I see sarcasm is not lost on you either?


the shit spoon
Obama administration has been working hand in hand with the prison industrial complex during the first term, biiiig spending for a program of locking up/processing illegals to cancel their drain on the job market and create some bullshit jobs for control freaks. These camps have been notorious for abuses. Obama's abandoned psychology is he desperately wants to be like/accepted by those around him, he's a Harvard boy, and the other boys are running the rackets on Wall Street. You can bet he'll fuck us over. Can't wait for the issue to hit the Supreme Court, that is an interesting variable. Sooner the better.


Game Bred
We start with informing (not disinforming) people.
can we do that after we stop putting humans in cages?
or can we do it while we stop putting people in cages?
Europe got their shit together and banned GMO from their market.
i thought you said it was overly simplistic but hey im all for it!
however the two are not mutually exclusive.
we can legalize and ban gmo.
or legalize
or ban gmo
we dont need to wait ;)
If we could get our shit together and actually let people be aware AND care... then we can have a chance to stop them from owning us.
there are thousands of documentaries and millions of pages of data readily available to anyone who cares enough to know.
the masses will choose to be distracted and keep shoveling GMO corn into themselves,their children and their vehicles.
i believe it was you who said we cant fix stupid?

If people weren't trying to pull wool over eyes and scream about how there's no more time and who cares another 42 seconds went by and you haven't saved the world yet maybe we wouldn't be in such a mess.

yes me pointing out people are being arrested at an alarming rate is just hyperbole..
im sorry.
maybe i should just stick to facts like
heirloom varieties of plants still exist in spite of monsanto's best efforts.
the real problem is NOT monsanto but our idiotic regulatory industry and patent law.
the real problem is willfull ignorance and apathy.

the real problem is people who create FALSE dichotomies like legal or gmo.

i think ill just keep pointing out whilr we "wait" to solve our regulatory and patent law issues people keep getting jailed.
it seems relevant to the discussion no?
maybe we should just ignore them until we can "get our shit together" and "stop them from owning us"
nevermind the owner we have now....

history hath shown;mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they have become accustomed.

since we are answering (vaguely) and not squirming(sorta)..
what i gather is you would not support legalization unless we first banned GMO?
ill bite.
how does that work on a federal level?

have you ever been to prison for pot must?


Lammen Gorthaur
This thread is a dose of reality. And that reality is that a majority of the community's money is behind keeping pot illegal and price supports in place that can only happen with a thriving black market trade.

Fuckers make me want to hurl.


Active member
This thread is a dose of reality. And that reality is that a majority of the community's money is behind keeping pot illegal and price supports in place that can only happen with a thriving black market trade.

Fuckers make me want to hurl.

This is a lie! Are u blind? can't U see the poll result? People are just not stupid and jumpy, they'd like it to be legalize but not at any prices!

We don't want to choose between the plague and cholera! Is people like U that are stupid enough, to jump on a legalization with out even thinking of the consequences behind it. Thanks god the majority have a brain and use it.


Game Bred
Wow I never thought of the consequences!!!
Tell me more?

I thought being in prison with murderers was a pretty bad consequence but please fill us in?


Active member
Wow I never thought of the consequences!!!
Tell me more?

I thought being in prison with murderers was a pretty bad consequence but please fill us in?

Stop making it sounds like "anti "big corporation" legalization" people are responsible for marijuana smokers going to jail! This is bullshit. Alcohol is legal and that doesn't stop alcoholic people from going to jail? Right...

Forcing for a legalization that will take away pot profits from middle classes sellers and growers, it's a fast track for bringing those people to jail. Forcing them to go sell some other product far more dangerous for the community.

Fred el Gato

Hey HempKat,
Not wanting to get in a pissin contest BUT,
I'm in a non-med,non-legal what have you, been incarcerated many a time, I can't vote I can't own a firearm. I work to pad my income, don't drive no Escalade, live in a two room shack. I probably sell it cheaper than a legal MFer.
I don't grow or sell this wonderful plant to make my life easier, just comfortable.
I don't think my agreeing with wanting to handle this "legalization" thing with kid gloves, makes me want to keep "profiting".
Grow on,Fred

Fred el Gato

I really like the decrim option... but I remember that last time I uttered the "d" word...

It wasn't pretty.

There are many who think legalization and regulation is the only way to get enough on board.

If we can't tax the shit out of it nobody is going to bite... at least that's what they'll claim.

Know what you mean by "d" word, almost didn't hit submit thinkin about the flames.