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Archive Seeds- The Vision ( Ohio Lemon G x Do-si-do)


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I'm growing 2 females that were pollinated by the male I chose out of the six males. I originally planted 10 but 2 died because I got busy and let the sprout get too long and the seed head flopped over and pinched them dead.
So 8 left and they all grew healthy and normally with no issues. Ended up with 6 males. 5 were very similar so the dominant traits were represented in all the males and also the two females. Had one short, bushy male that, had there been a female with the same traits, I would have isolated those two and bred them. If I would have had more females I might have done the same thing.
I took the tallest male, about 3 to 4 inches taller than the others but the overall appearance of all of the remaing males, after discarding the short one, were very similar. I took the extra growth to mean that it was a more vigorous plant and not necessarily a different pheno.
So I took the most vigorous male and bred him to the two females. The tallest female is 45 inches tall and the other is around 40 inches tall. The tallest female and the male had very similar traits. Height, appearance, branching etc. So I hope to get a lot of seeds from that one female that should represent the dominant traits from this strain.
I'm looking forward to growing out all of those seeds to see if there are many different phenos. I hope I get some short females and males from these seeds. I'll then breed them and see what's up with the shorty.
I'm growing in 1/2 gallon containers with rockwool cubes, hempy style and Advanced Nutrients Micro, Grow and Bloom ph perfect. Didn't flush with every watering like I should have so I'm getting some nute burn. Been really busy so I was growing half ass for awhile. Can't do it ever because the plant always lets you know when you don't use best practices.
Anyway nothing disasterous by any means and I think they will turn out great. I'm guessing it's maybe day 14-17 of flower. I don't keep track of flower days any longer; I just watch the plant.


hell yea man, very nice. i like archive seeds. a few days ago i got my hands on a cut of Dosidos. any idea on the growth structure? does she stretch a lot?

hoping to grab the purple punch cuts this weekend!


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Wish I could help you out Kimura but I've never grown Dosido. The Archive site doesn't help much with a proper description and I looked around a little bit with a general, Dosido grow report search and found some info. but it was pretty limited. I'll do a search on ICMAG and see if anything has been written about it here.
This wikileaf article is pretty good.


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The Reason I Grow My Own Pot

The Reason I Grow My Own Pot

The state of Washington is a fine example of how not to run a legalized marijuana program.



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Another interesting article on the pesticide use for legal, retail marijuana in the state of Washington. I love the line in the article where it says that the state allows the use of 330 different pesticides as long as the users FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON THE BOTTLES. Who is there to make sure they follow the directions? That 330 number is also not taking into account the useage of banned pesticides.
The state has all of 2, that's right 2, state employees doing testing for the whole state. As example of how feeble this is, the largest producer in the state had sales of 4.9 million dollars in the month of August this year. That's just one producer and that number is a wholesale number. Imagine how much pot is sold in one month in the whole state. Again, we have 2 people checking for pesticide use.


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Also when the state does test, it only tests for 100 different pesticides and considering the state allows the use of 330 different pesticides, plus god only knows how many banned pesticides there are, those tests could be passing samples that are tainted with high concentrations of toxic pesticides because they don't even test for the number of legal pesticides. Which when used in high concentrations, could be worse than the banned pesticides.
A person could be using one of the approved pesticides but using it in too high of a concentration or using it too frequently and if the test doesn't test for that particular pesticide, it will pass. I read another article that stated that some tests showed the residue of the legal pesticide that was used, was 99 times higher than was legally allowed.
They are poisoning people in the state of Washington and some people are going to end up very ill.Also some of these pesticides, when they are combusted, release arsenic. They might just kill somebody.


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You get to see some of my over feeding skills in some of these photos. Also a great photo I found that shows the view from Angel's Landing looking out at Zion National Park.


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I grind up bud and put in these tubes. It is a huge improvement in the smoking experience; very easy on your throat and lungs by removing much of the tar. Much better than water pipes or vapes for me.


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I took a couple of small lower buds off of one plant in order to check seed development.
I got 11 full size seeds out of those 2 small buds. I'm guessing I'll get a couple hundred good seeds from this grow. Very little usable pot but this is primarily a seed grow.


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"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it." –Mark Twain
I believe it's the latter. Then this next quote by Twain is the natural outcome of the imbeciles running things.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." –Mark Twain
Trying to convince people who have been fooled is to face furious, righteous indignation because when you clearly point out they have been fooled, people get extremely angry with you because nobody wants to feel like a fool.
They scream, they hollar, they shame and sometimes physically attack. Rather than admit their foolishness, it's much easier to try to destroy by labeling the person as racist, homophobic etc. etc. Attacking the character of the person and trying, literally, to destroy the person who is pointing out their foolishness, silences that person and helps the attacker by no longer requiring him to think and analyze his beliefs.


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I've reached a good point in my growing life. I'm much more relaxed about it. I used to be very intense about it and everything had to be just right all the time.
Now if I can't do something how I would like to or know is the best way to do it, I make do with what I have, adjust and roll with it. Things may not turn out as good as I would like but I know it will be fine and will workout. Growing is much more enjoyable and I can relax.
These plants are pretty tough, resilient and can handle a lot. Once I fully realized that and I knew they could handle some of my half ass growing decisions, I finally relaxed.:peacock:


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Awesome, Uhmaaaazing, Incredible, Self Esteem and a lost generation.

Awesome, Uhmaaaazing, Incredible, Self Esteem and a lost generation.

I have a daughter who was born in 1987 and I experienced the NEW philosophy promoted by the schools on how to educate and raise our children. The new philosophy was based on an extremely simplistic view of self-esteem. The idea was to try to boost the child's self-esteem (to the highest level) at the very beginning of their developement by constant, very high praise, regardless of what he/she/it(we'll get to that) did.
That's when the words, awesome, amazing and incredible were used constantly with total disregard for the true meanings of the words. The end result was an exaggerated sense of self-esteem.You may ask, what do you mean by exaggerated sense of self esteem?
What I mean by that is that when you start over praising a child, regardless if the act or behavior is worthy of great praise, then the child begins to think that anything they do is just the greatest thing in the world. They believe they are GREAT.
The result of this type of child rearing is that it doesn't prepare the person for the real world where maybe .000001% of people are actually GREAT at what they do. When they get into the real world their view of themselves is shattered by the reality that everything you do is not considered amazing, awesome and incredible. As matter of fact probably 99% of what you do on the job gets absolutely no praise at all. The same of course should be true in school but the school environment was changed to a fantasy land world where everything is UHMAAAZING!!! These words were traditionally reserved only for extremely high levels of achievement or behavior and if you look up the definition of those words, you'd see that is the correct usage.
Their hyper defensive reaction to a lack of constant praise or heaven forbid criticism, regardless of how constructive that criticism may be, is to blame the person who points out their mistakes on the job. Even trying to tell them how they could do better, can result in the slander of that person's character and they might go so far as to try to ruin that person's life because they created a "hostile" work environment and therefore they try to get that person fired and even sued.
We had a young woman at work who cried when she was asked to reword and edit some of the things she had written. When asked why she was crying, she said she wasn't used to being attacked. I kid you not, some of her young friends agreed with her and told her to take it to human resources. She did and after reviewing the situation she was quickly told to grow up. Thank God the Human Resources person was a woman or we might have been involved in a sexual harassment suit. Although a hostile work environment suit could be looming sometime in the future. We now have to have two people go to her with any criticisms, one as a witness and everything has to be recorded because of fear of lawsuits.
That's how threatened they feel by criticism or the lack of constant praise and that shows their very fragile hold on reality. The reason for that very fragile hold on reality is that the new school environment was not reality but fantasy. There is no time in the work environment for the constant stroking of everyone's ego and that is contrary to the fantasy world they were led to believe is reality.
They usually think that the person who criticizes must be either be a misogynist, a racist, a homophobe, a sexist etc. etc. It has to be something that is terribly bad about that person that they cannot see their obvious greatness and their human perfection regardless of what they do or how they behave. It can't be that they actually did something wrong or that what they did could be done better, it has to be that the person that is criticizing them has terrible character flaws because they are obviously incredible.