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approx vegging height for 2 wks


Active member
after vegging clones for 2 weeks how tall should they be (sativa&indica) approximately? my clones are in 4"x4" rockwool cubes



lots of variables, lighting, nutes, strain, size of clone after rooted,

I think 6-8" for a Sativa dominant strain. probably a little shorter for indica


Active member
depends on the strain and environment. 2 weeks after transplanting from my cloner to coco pots will only give me around 4-6" of additional height.

So this will vary for a lot of people. If a grower goes from rapid rooters...to an ebb and flow table without much incidence....they will have twice as much growth as a grower like me who has to wait for that clone to take hold. You dig?


Active member
2 weeks dwc mine are about 15-20 inches 8= nodes from seed

DWC kicks ass!

Here is a typical soil grow at 2 weeks from seed pop.


Like jm said, his are twice my size...it all depends on HOW you're growing.


Active member
i'm vegging under 1000w hps i'm using ebb flow as of right now i'm watching some grandaddys in oasis cubes, the clones were already rooted when i got them and the first 2 feeds (3 day intervals) i gave them clonex, then i started giving them 1/3 lucas then upped it slowly when they got more nodes. this is my first time grow and i didn't want to screw my yields up not vegging long enough so i wanted to make sure i was in the correct range before flipping them


Active member
damn dwc does kick ass if you're getting almost 2ft in 2 weeks wtf am i doing wrong, what nutes do you use? is dwc that much better than ebb flow?

i get that regularaly with hand watered 3x3 and 4x4 rockwools under a T5...its usualy me toping that slows them down.


Active member
RDWC timeline


looking good!

the problem with threads like this is that everyone is using different measurs. im sure that 7 days after the transplant "2 weeks of veg" is massivly larger then "2 weeks of veg" from the day of transplant

usualy the first week is the plant "getting used to it"

oh and recirculating dwc is a nice system.
al-be-it messy/sloppy and an incredible waste of nutes.

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