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Approved LA Dispensary Raided



Again, Decarb, don't let them get to you like they do me.

Too late, lol I <3 IC. But seriously, I voted yes on 19 for people like Mr Scorpio. It was a tough call. I guess I don't have to live with the ramifications so it's easier to blow off. But we will have another chance to vote, here in CA, on recreational use soon come. It's going to happen. And it's going to be from the same folks as last time. And it will have many of the same problems that MMM takes issue with. What I really want to know is how will this affect the nation? I know it will hurt me and my friends. I can go back to the kitchen if I have to, even tho it literally was killing me. But to give up this PLUSH situation we have here in CA with 215, it has to be for a reason. Something substantial for the nation.


After a two years of hearings back in the Mid 1980's even the DEA's own Chief Administrative Law Judge recommended that Cannabis be rescheduled and he :

declared that cannabis in its natural form is "one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man

The continued denial by the US federal gov't regarding the medicinal value of Cannabis as a medicine is one of the most mind blowing aspects to our effed up society. They have the patent, they allow marinol and sativex. That guy Irv rosenwhatever gets joints straight from the Fed! Yet my home made versions of the same exact things are considered the same as crack. It's just crazy. I hardly believed this medical marijuana things was for real, I had to see it to believe it, now I live it :) ... yet at any moment the DEA could show up, tear up my rec while laughing in my face, and take me away to butt pounding prison for growing this plant.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Yet my home made versions of the same exact things are considered the same as crack.
Thank God they are not.
If I got 5 years for five grams?
Watching 'Clockers' made me realize why they get sooo good at whistling.

Madrus Rose

post 69
The continued denial by the US federal gov't regarding the medicinal value of Cannabis as a medicine is one of the most mind blowing aspects to our effed up society.

I hardly believed this medical marijuana things was for real, I had to see it to believe it, now I live it :) ... yet at any moment the DEA could show up, tear up my rec while laughing in my face, and take me away to butt pounding prison for growing this plant.

Glad someone here finally took notice of what i was posting , that DEA Chief Judge's final conclusion after 2yrs of testimony back in '88 of Cannabis in its natural form is one of the "safest therapeutically active substances known to man " ....was ignored & prempted by the DOJ .

Thye've known all along this is true back to the very beginning of the DEA's creation under Tricky Dick Nixon & then Attorney General John Mitchell . They were all conspiring crooks but if you go back to my post #62 that deals with the UN's Narcotics International Charter Convention drawn up in 1961 , this is where it all leads back to and where MJ was originally classified in the harshest group , at the US insistence .

Later on 10yrs later they used this UN Narcotics Treaty as a way to form the DEA & radically empower , consolidate & enormously increase police powers under the CSA in 1971 under Tricky Dick Nixon even though the comprehensive Schaeffer study then reported this was rediculous .

At the U.S.’s insistence, cannabis was placed under the heaviest control regime in the Convention, Schedule IV. The argument for placing cannabis in this category was that it was widely abused. The WHO later found that cannabis could have medical applications after all, but the structure was already in place and no international action has since been taken to correct this anomaly In 1969, PresidentRichard Nixon announced that the Attorney General, John N. Mitchell, was preparing a comprehensive new measure to more effectively meet the narcotic and dangerous drug problems at the federal level by combining all existing federal laws into a single new statute. The CSA did not merely combine existing federal drug laws but changed the nature of federal drug law and policy, expanded the scope of federal drug laws and expanded federal police power enormously.

Part F of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 established the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse—known as the Shafer Commission after its chairman, Raymond P. Shafer—to study marijuana abuse in the United States.[4] During his presentation of the commission's First Report to Congress, Shafer recommended the decriminalization of marijuana in small amounts, saying,

<<<< "[T]he criminal law is too harsh a tool to apply to personal possession even in the effort to discourage use. It implies an overwhelming indictment of the behavior which we believe is not appropriate. The actual and potential harm of use of the drug is not great enough to justify intrusion by the criminal law into private behavior, a step which our society takes only 'with the greatest reluctance." >>>>
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Madrus Rose

post 69
And here's the final ruse & the rub, that even if you are to overwhelmingly prove that Cannabis has medical & therapeutic value , the Attorney General, DOJ & the DEA can ignore such findings by the power of 1rst allegiance to the ---->International UN Narcotics Treaty . They (The Feds DOJ & DEA ) can classify any drug into any schedule they want @ any time , regardless of any scientific studies or believed health benefits .

The UN Narcotics Treaty still classifies Cannabis in the worst category so the Feds can do whatever they want by virtue of the UN International Treaty for as long as they want . Of course it was the US Federal Authority that pressured the UN to adopt these strict policies in the first place , then later under Nixon used it to overwhelmingly to unify the Federal Police state under the CSA giving them enormous powers to ignore & do whatever they want .

If an international treaty, ratified by the U.S., mandates that a drug be controlled, the Attorney General is required to "issue an order controlling such drug under the schedule he deems most appropriate to carry out such obligations" without regard to scientific or medical findings.[15]

Under the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs Treaty , cannabis and cannabis resin are classified under Schedule IV, that treaty's most strictly controlled category of drugs.[16]
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ICMag Donor
Again, Decarb, don't let them get to you like they do me.
JJ has already stated in his posts that he has a good paying job out in NY and so really doesn't give a fuck about the people who support their families with MMJ.
He just cares about Cali passing legalization so that he can sleep better at night about his micro-cab.

I don't ever recall stating that. What are you some kind of rat bastard or something? I don't grow anything inside anymore and I really don't appreciate you're pretending to know me and my business and stating that I do.....

Madrus Rose

post 69
Are we getting the picture yet ? The Feds do not have to admit to any scientific findings , can wage war as they choose by virtue of International treaties and our being signatures of the UN Narcotics Treaty of 1961

Cannabis is classified by that UN Treaty in the same harm category as all the other Class I drugs & has been since 1961. That's all the Fed needs to know & required to honor since that treaty mirrors exactly their own CSA statute , by no coincidence since we wrote the original UN drug class schedules .

(US has supreme influence over the defining Intl Drug policy)
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Alright lets stop using the word raided for these instances. I think robbed would be a better way to describe whats happening for those within the confines of state law.

Unwarranted bribes, greasing one's palms, taxed, "legal" theft, looted, pillaged, plundered, spoils of war, harrowed, ransacked, ravaged, pilfered, and pinched are all good words to use instead of Raided.

Madrus Rose

post 69
They regard many & most dispensaries as illegal money printing machines that deal in illegal substances with no medical value ....in every instance lately from Montana to Southern Calif they have made sure to make free the publicity that there's the siezures of large amounts of cash & bank accts associated with these opps .

In Montana one can't help notice the timing of such raids when there's a repeal bill currently being considered in the state legislature there ? Six mos of investigations targeting & carrying out these raids , alot of money is on the line in their eyes . But why not tax & regulate offering clear guidlines like they should...but they know in harsh economic times people's attention is focussed on more immediate concerns such as price of gas , lowered prop values , lack of jobs and people naturally become very conservative bent with little tolerance for issues like Medical Cannabis . Perfect time for feds to strike without worry of protest & almost complete impunity.

(tho they did say that they weren't interested in pursuing other care givers in the state..remains to be seen )

Of course does it matter that the Federal reserve is printing money at such a rate that may bankrupt this country & gave out $9trillion dollars in clandestine bank loans over the past 2yrs ?


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I don't ever recall stating that. What are you some kind of rat bastard or something? I don't grow anything inside anymore and I really don't appreciate you're pretending to know me and my business and stating that I do.....
Time and time again you have clearly stated from your comments that everyone who voted no on 19 was a rat bastard and only in it for the profit.
It was the '2012 Legalization Effort Starts'
You have another job besides growing...
Many people in NorCal don't...Watch Marijuana Inc., even the sheriff says so.
Sorry you read this post differently, but that taken with your general sentiment makes me think you might as well join NORML and host an Internet Radio show.

19 was flawed, greatly. Just like HB-1284 and HB-1043 in Colo. But nobody took the time to read those, too busy on the LEGALIZATION bandwagon. When you all learn there is a difference between Legalization in REALITY and that in NAME ONLY, then you will get the f*^&ing picture. Till then, keep fantasizing about what is going on out west. I am sure you are SPOT ON!

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