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Apple sued over tracking, Steve Jobs denies


Active member
Jobs has gone way too far, imo......

"Apple Inc. is accused in a new lawsuit of violating computer fraud laws by keeping tabs on where customers use their iPads and iPhones.

Vikram Ajjampur, an iPhone customer from Florida, and William Devito, a New York iPad customer, filed the lawsuit in Tampa, Fla. Apple CEO Steve Jobs reportedly denied tracking anyone in an email response to a reader on the MacRumors blog.

"The accessibility of the unencrypted information collected by Apple places users at serious risk of privacy invasions, including stalking," the lawsuit argues.

The suit claims iPhones and iPads keep unencrypted logs of locations where devices are used. Stories about the logs, which are said to sync with computers, last week ignited a furor among privacy advocates and some members of Congress.

But Jobs reportedly dismissed the concerns in his response to an email from a MacRumors reader that read, "Could you please explain the necessity of the passive location-tracking tool embedded in my iPhone? It's kind of unnerving knowing that my exact location is being recorded at all times. Maybe you could shed some light on this for me before I switch to a Droid. They don't track me."

Jobs reportedly responded, "Oh yes they do. We don't track anyone. The info circulating around is false."

Jobs has in the past responded to public questions via short email responses. The authenticity of the email has not been verified. The CEO has been out on medical leave from Apple (Nasdaq:AAPL) since January. The Cupertino, Calif.-based company employs about 1,000 people in Austin.



Jobs,lies a lot.
He lost my confidence when he did everything he could to barr an iphone app which told the user how much radiation that phone was giving off.
Considering his health and historical open hands policy it amazesn he has gone from good guy to something else.
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Cannabis 101
Yeah if you dont wanna be tracked.. get the to go phones... :)
I've used those for many many years and still no arrest.. the ones that made it know better... if you have nothing to worry about the smart phones would be the smarter choice... ;)


Active member
Jobs is so arrogant.
Amazing how rich folks get a sense of entitlement.
To me, he's as dishonest as they come.
He uses slave labor.
Squeezes his suppliers.
And he sells prototypes to his fan boys.
They buy them up, thereby financing the real production model which emerges 6-12 months later.