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*Apollo11 by Bros. Grimm* Pics and Questions

A tray is required, yes. The best way to do it, and least messy is if you're using square or circle pots, as long as you have saucers under them. I water slowly into the saucer and it soaks up quickly, do that a few times then water slowly from the top-down for full saturation. When watering from the top, just moisten the top and with your fingers, compact the sides a bit to "close" the gaps. Then again, it shouldn't be getting that dry up top. Once you've "sealed" the sides - as it were - you can then feed from top-down with little problem.
You'll also notice when you feed from bottom-up that runoff is less as the medium expands a bit in the bottom-half, so the water that drains off the sides from the top won't just run through as much as it would if you just watered top-down.

As for fixing your title, just report the first post to a moderator by PM or by hitting the report post button and ask them to change it. They'll probably do that no problems.

Bros. Grimm is good stuff. Wish I had been around online when they were in operation, but at least you have a bead on their stuff, and A11 by them was outstanding sativa-ish high with indica stature and low smell. C99, Rosetta Stone, A11, and more...many people still have the genetics in circulation of one sort or another and with a little luck, can be found.

Again, best of luck to you and yours and a good new year. :)


Well my only problem with the trays is that I planned on cramming 4 10" wide pots in a 43.5" wide space. I suppose I could just set a tray under one when it comes time to water, and move it to the next pot when the first is finished, etc.

Thanks for the advice on changing the title, never would have thought of that.

As far as other Bros Grimm strains go, my friend that gifted me the A11 actually has some of the original Rosetta Stone as well that, to my knowledge, he has never grown. I may be able to get a hold of some if Im lucky, any idea how the smell and height is on those compared to the A11? Would it be a good idea to grow them together if I could?

I love Apollo 11. I am growing Joey Weed's Bros. Grimm Apollo 11 F2, I've been growing it for about a year and a half. Love it. Works great in a SCROG or a SOG. I agree, a SOG is a little difficult because it loves to branch out. Hope you don't mind my pics; I have 2 CFL cabs and a 250W SCROG all running Apollo 11.





ThisBuds4You - Wow man, dont know how I missed your post but I am blown away. That CFL SOG looks amazing, as does that HPS Scrog!! What kinda yields you pullin with each of those setups? your plants look absolutely amazing man, I must know more!! lol

I have started my journal, and forgot to mention it here. The link should be in my sig. They are now 34 days old and 7 days in flower. Out of 14 beans I got 9 females so needless to say I am quite happy.

Only bad news is that this will be my last grow op. My wife is about to pop and Ill be a first time dad in a few months, so Ive decided not to take the risks anymore. Oh how I will miss this hobby. Come join me on my last adventure if you feel up to it, the yield should be nice if I can keep all 9 of those things under control in my closet haha! Thinkin about bustin the 150 out to put beside the 250....hmmmmm.....



Just incase anyone was still subscribed, I figured I would post a few pics of my current A11 grow. I have 9 females and I am 39 days into flowering. Things are insanely frosty and the buds are swelling nicely. I have had a hell of a time keeping them all tied to one loose piece of hemp strung across my closet, but so far so good!





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