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Apollo Mist, G13 x Haze, Magus Indoor Mix



Just recieved a sampler pkg of what's been growing on in cough_cough_eer's closet. I gotta say, she has it growing on!! katsmeow and I recieved a very generous sample amount of all 3 of these strains, tonite we'll do a report on the Apollo Mist.

Think everyone knows whose genetics (Rez Dog) these are. I was very excited to recieve a sample of this as I just ip'd some of the beanz today.

Bag appeal: oh hell yes. Tight hard little nugs with so many red hairs, and crystally even without the glass.

Smell: Sour skunk

Taste: on the inhale I thoght it was incense or perfume, katsmeow thot it did not have much taste. On the exhale, I thot it was kind of fruity.

Lung Expansion: oh yeah, immediately.

Potency: Two hits knocked us out, caught a rush and had to put the spoon down. Really gets you high fast, just picks you up and bam, you're stoned. Not couchlocky, altho I could see it being so if consuming too much. Good creative buzz, getting into working on the puter. This is perfect smoke to come home from work and partake of, get rid of a little stress and tension, yet still be able to deal with life as long as ya don't overindulge.

Enjoy the pics, we'll do another strain in a day or 2.....


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IC''ers sharing I just like that sound. I apreciate the report on your friends grow. That Apollo Mist sounds like terrific day weed. Until nite time that is when I would smoke myself into oblivion. Nice writeup and thanks much apreciated.


thanx Smokey!! Was indeed a blessing to meet someone and find out she was just exactly like us, well minus the kidz LOL. But our age group, interests, etc. And to be able to put a face to a name after imagining here....like she said, was kind of like meeting an imaginary friend!! One thing I forgot to include last night was how incredibly smooth Apollo Mist smoked, very clean and smooth, no coff to get off. Wonderful cure job or just a smooth strain or both, but I love that, I hate taking a hit and then coughing for 10 minutes

Thanx everyone who viewed the pics and report. If kat and I survive an Apollo Mist wake and bake ( yeah baby! ) we'll post one on G13 x Haze this evening.





Anita Bonghitt
:wave: Real pleasure meeting both of you!!I thought the same thing , they are just like me.Glad you enjoyed it MD and katz. I smoked my sample of the boggy haze last nite. goodstuff,I liked it a lot. I'll do my smoke report probably tommarro morning, as I want to study on it some more.

One thing I noticed about the apollo mist is if you have to do anything that requires any real thought, you might as well forget it. The lung expansion you mentioned is accurate!!! and I agree with katz, I also didnt notice a much of a taste on the exhale.Your gonna enjoy those bean you just bought!!!

The g13 x haze is from JLP.


Sounds super good, but too bad Rez shut down the Apollo Projects..


cough_cough_eer said:
The g13 x haze is from JLP.

Well, that made my day yesterday. Always wanted to run some of his beanz, but never got any unfortunately, not sure how ya get his gear, it ain't never on seedbay is all I know.....anyway, I got lucky in that I get to skip the hard part, growing them out, and move straight on to the dessert, smoking the finished product. Would have done this last night, but um.....was just a little high!! :bat:

Bag Appeal: very much so. Kind of a rusty red and green nugget, big red hairs. Reminded me of back in the day we used to get weed looked similar, everybody swore it was Panama Red, ( hell we wouldn't of known the diff between PR and shinola back then, weed was weed )only difference was :yoinks: no seeds in this :joint: Broken up it looks extremely red......

Smell: Katsmeow and I differ on the smell. She says it smells like chocolate and sweet, I think it smells like that bottle of cherry flavored amoxicillin they give the kids when they get an ear infection, kinda mediciney and sweet.

Taste: ok we won't dwell on this, suffice it to say we neither of us cared for the taste. Was not a pleasant flavor, kind of sour and rottenish no fruit at all, maybe a little floral bouquet, best we can describe it.

Lung Expansion: not too bad, a little coff to it

Potency: creeper like a mofo y'all. We took a couple hits each, didn't feel much, so we took a couple more. Still didn't feel much. About 20 minutes later it felt like the top of our head was coming off and we were floating. Very heavy head buzz, and we overdid it and were couchlocked. Gave us the munchies real big time, I destroyed a dozen warm from the oven chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass of milk like it wasn't even there. Such a heavy buzz that one almost gets a "crashing" feeling coming down....so we didn't fight it and right away "sampled" some more. Hence, we were pretty stoned all night after the kidz went to bed. This is some heavy duty herb y'all, and not for the meek and inexperienced............

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terrific reporting, mountaindew!

u give a great insight into the strain, not just the way it smoked and the flavor you really get in depth and it's very informative, thank you much!

hope your grows turn out as blissful as your demeanor :wave:

keep havin fun, nothin but good vibes towards the new baby weedlings on the horizon



CaptainJack> thanks, and if I may say so, I love your avatar. You may want to check out this site....few thousand or so avs of the same nature.....*NOTE* do not click link if you are offended by nudity or scantily clad women in provocative poses for avatars


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
mountaindew said:
...*NOTE* do not click link if you are offended by nudity or scantily clad women in provocative poses for avatars...

Yeah right....LOL... Nice reporting MD.

GreatLakes THC :wave:


Magus Genetics Indoor Mix ( Warlock? )

Magus Genetics Indoor Mix ( Warlock? )




Bag appeal: Very nice, tons of red pistils, frosty as.

Smell: Very sweet berry

Smoked in : a big old fat hogleg

Taste: Before sparking, sweet strawberry and a slight pine. On the inhale, slightly floral and strawberry. Exhale was kinda hashy.

Lung Expansion: Immediate

Effect: Immediate

Potency: OMG am I stoned. I gotta go chill a bit. I'll add some when I get a little less high. Not a good wake and bake. I am way too stoned.................I'll finish this when I'm more functional.
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Cough_Cough DOES have it going on... I've been lucky enough to smoke samples upon samples upon samples of her herb, but I've never had the pleasure of meeting the ol' gal. She must know how greatly anticipated our meeting is.. Her herb always brings a smile to my face, as well as good vibes and a clean, smooth burn. Nice job and Nice reports, mountaindew [love the name, btw].

That G13xHaze by JLP is my favorite outta' her lineup of smokes at the moment, with her Sour Mist in a close second. That GHaze has a HAZEY smell TO DIE FOR, IMHO.

Peace & <3,


GreatLakes THC > well, thot I might warn ya anyway...thanx for the positive vibes
Sleepy > we manage to pass the time bro!!
Rezdog > was my pleasure, can't wait to grow that out
Alex-F > they are going to be worth the wait, excellent weed.
Fernandro > She has got skills doesn't she? I was very impressed with the quality of her bud, very clean and potent. That Magus has got to be some cup quality stuff IMHO. Never smoked G13 or Haze until that combo, not sure what haze tastes like, we didn't enjoy the taste but damn that was some good weed too.

Ok, a little more in control now. The Magus was just an incredible narcotic, trippy buzz. Got rushes so strong it felt like I was kind of spastic, twitchy.....mind was going a million miles an hour.....had to go lay down, felt like I was melting/sinking thru the mattress, and yet I could feel my heart just hammering away. Very trippy weed, and not to be overdone. This is serious couchlock stuff. Get the munchies real bad, inhaled 3 fried eggs and 2 pieces of home made sourdough bread toast with butter and honey.. If I had to pick a favorite of the 3 I had the pleasure of trying, this would be it, but next time we won't overdo it. Really liked the strawberry flavor on this, quite unique.
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