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Apical does it vertical

Well not much has happened since I last checked in some new growth some nice resin forming all good things. The plants look like they have a little stretch left in them and are gonna finish that up by the middle of the third week. Also got my next round into veg, well half of it. As it stands now Ill be putting in two PPP on the 15th. then two weeks later on the third of march Ill be putting in two more Dieselrella (degen cut) , one SSSDH (coffee pheno) and one SSSDH ( SSH pheno) , Since the Dieselrella are not gonna be able to stretch as much as the SSSDH I figured Id give them an extra week to veg in the buckets. Smart Huh
Welll that's it with the typing on with the pics
First up (REd you notice the craptube is gone, thank you for the kick in the pants about it I was being lazy and should have done it before even firing up the ballast, Also I have notice a dramatic increase in plant activity since the tube was thrown away) the Flower room, still havent gotten the third light but its on the list

Few pics of the PPP about to go in

And a pic of the Dieselrella that just got put into the buckets


space gardener
Yes, these Icmag types are always talking us out of our cool tubes, bet we are happy they did come harvest...

Looking good:yes:
Hey ajcok thanks for stopping in. I agree the plants need more veg time but as i outlined in the first post I was under time constrains and was not able to get the veg period i wanted but since this is a perpetual setup the next plant got one more week veg than these and so on till the plants are all receiving six weeks veg from clone in the bucket. I think any longer than six weeks and ill need a larger bucket. Thanks for the complient on the bud shots they smoke better than they look

Aerohead, Ive been lurking around your garden for a minute. I really like the stacked lights you have . Those critical mass are lookin good. I usually dont use cool tubes or glass reflectors because of the loss of light but the only light I had not in use was this old ass cooltube from maybe 4 years ago stored away to be forgotten. SO in a rush I got new bulb and hung it just to get the flower cycle started. After a week or so I really started to question my lazyness, Red did also, I took the light apart and got rid of the tube, I am happy I did the plant definitely responded positively.
Well Im back with a weekly update. Things are truckin along with the Dieselrella, she is getting plump, sticky and smells oh so sweet. I also have moved the next two plants in to the flower room as of the 15th or 16th I cant remember right now, the pics I have are from the day I put the PPP into flower so they are about 6 days old Ill catch you guys up on them in a couple days. SO here the Dieselrella are at day 22 and the PPP are on day 1

looks great apical, only thing that i'm wondering and maybe im tripping i can't tell from the pics but do you have PM? what are those spots on some of the plants leaves
Thanks Who
greenthumbdub, Yes in the veg pics there is some PM due to neglect, but a treatment of eagle and into the flower room they were ready to go. Good eye, gtd


love machine
ICMag Donor

if you ever come across those damn mildew ,,,, eagle 20 their asses and they're history, make sure you spray em early in veg


Well got a little update for those that are interested. The PPP are not stretching as I would have hoped so I dont think they will get another run in the vert room. They are on their second week and starting to show preflowers so I suspect the stretch is over, Oh well wont produce what I want but this is the first go round
The Dieselrella is on week five. Her arms are getting heavy and swollen. The tomato cages are really making my life easy. I have another set of Dieselrella going in tomorrow, these ones got a little longer veg than the last Dieselrella so I expect they will more spectacular to look at.
Well heres some pics of the room as of yesterday, things are chuggin along just got to get that last light in in the next two weeks and Ill be set


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