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Apartment Neighbor Argument / Security - Please Help!

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if your growing in your house, you simply got to put up with shit like this. as complaining or doing anything about will only hot yourself up.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
When growing in apts or with neighbors at all where there is a possible of cops being called you need to NOT rat on people around you and NOT call the apts for repairs. You are supposed to stick to your own.

Now since this bitch got ratted on she finally decided to return the favor. Now odds are anytime she sees/smells ANYTHING she will odds are try and get the cops on your ass.

fyi - ear plugs or other methods could have removed that noise issue without having cops having you smellin like herb on file.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I would say either ask management to move you to another apartment when the next one comes available or get all her neighbors to complain to the main office on a regular basis until they confront the noisy neighbor.

I would agree that they way you responded would never get you a positive constructive response. Did you really think banging on the wall and then threatening to call the cops would work?


Active member
The digging of her heels is hearable through my fan and ear plugs at night.. it is a combination of her being a bitch and the shitty construction.

she wants you bro thats her mating call...grab a bottle and head up there...hit that shit one time yo !!



I've decided to take the high road and listen to "wasntme" for the moment. I have a high hunch that this chick is going to be rude and not ever listen to me but I have to give it a shot.

I'm not going to apologize but I am going to try to come to some common ground with her until we inevitable relocate somewhere else. I'm thinking that may enable me to medicate without there concern (although it will be another story trying to convince my girlfriend.) I can't live like this and I don't wanna do anything too extreme. This girl is just plain ignorant so I don't know if this is even worth it but we will see.

Since this all went down just last night, I'm going to let things settle down for a couple days and then go up and knock on the dreaded door.

Does anyone think I should just go up there now and knock even though it hasn't even been 24 hours since everything went down?

I need a house bad.


I absolutely knew that my actions wouldn't come to a positive outcome but this frustration has been building in my system regarding this. My temper got the best of me and that's what I should probably tell her.

You try literally never sleeping or being woken up on a regular basis.


Active member
Apartment Neighbor Argument / Security - Please Help!

security alert now is it ??

I banged on the ceiling and before I knew it she was downstairs knocking on my door ...
.. I said out of frustration "The next time I hear it, I'm gonna call the cops."

... she is in college no less...

It is a really depressing situation and I feel trapped and worried.

inthered, your girlfriend send you up there by any chance ?? hows things on the homefront playa ... your girl a big smoker too ?

To answer some questions:

NO I am not growing and I have no intention too.

maybe someday you and your girlfriend gonna have your own grow ?? shes cool like that probably...

This is the main reason I don't wanna do anything... I'm ready to just not do anything at all and not smoke here anymore.

these are the best years of your life fella, this is good as its ever gonna get...your girlfriend will not get any younger or prettier...

do whatever it takes to start relaxing and enjoying yourself a bit more...



I have blisters in my ears from using ear plugs on a regular basis.

I use a combination of:
a.ear plugs
b.fan pointed at me
c.covers over my head

and I still hear her enough to keep me awake when I'm tryin to dose off.


The best way to enjoy these years is to get the fuck outta dodge. I appreciate that advice and ironically enough, my girlfriend doesn't smoke and can't stand it because of situations like this. I've been with her for 5 years and she puts up with it. I officially am too sketched to smoke here so I gotta dip out and break this lease somehow.


Green is Gold
Brah soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for your situation, I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND. I live below a chick that makes noise but it's not during the day it's at night when I'm trying to sleep. Walking around sounding like an elephant, just being generally annoying. As I'm currently and have been growing since before she moved in I have had to catch myself several times from doing exactly what you did and start banging on the ceiling. It is frustrating I know! But I always think about what is worse her making loud noise or me being locked up in a jail cell cause the cops were called and the situation gets out of control.

Edit: after writing the above, I read the rest of your post and see you said you're not even growing right now. Man if I was you I would unleash all hell on that bitch. Loud music, banging noises at off hours, whatever it takes to make her realize what you have to go thru! I thought you were growing but since you're not you need to rectify that situation ASAP...and she called the cops on you? Man I would be slashing tires and keying cars at this point. You need to make her pay


I hate apt living man. Can't stand it. I don't wanna be that bad neighbor with vandalism even though I'm not growing. With that being said, I can't live like this. IDK what to do except talk to her and hope for the best when shes alone sometime. She lives with another girl up there.


Active member

I'm surprised I'm the first one in this thread to state this:


1) You dropped the "I'm going to call the police bomb"
2) You don't grow
3) You dropped the "I'm going to call the police bomb"
4) You aren't medical
5) You dropped the "I'm going to call the police bomb"
6) You passed up a perfectly good chance to initiate a threesome
7) You dropped the "I'm going to call the police bomb"
8) You don't grow
9) and finally, you dropped the "I'm going to call the police bomb"

What are you some weeny that likes going around threatening what you're going to do to people?

I hate "Or else"ers.

Just do what you want to do and live with the consequences.

You weenied up and she called the cops before you. Now you just look stupid.

Even the cop felt sorry for your sorry ass.


Your girl is probably going to leave you over this. Punked by the bitch upstairs.

For all you know they're growing them damnselves upstairs and are trying to cover up equipment noise during lights on 11-7.


Active member
I hate apt living man. Can't stand it. I don't wanna be that bad neighbor with vandalism even though I'm not growing. With that being said, I can't live like this. IDK what to do except talk to her and hope for the best when shes alone sometime. She lives with another girl up there.

Holy shit, you could have had an all out orgy. Three girls in the bottom apartment, a garden of girls upstairs.

You are WHACK.


try sleepin in jail at 11 pm at night when everyone is up making noise at that hour...

just guna have to get your money up or bare it man. Maybe talk to the girl sometime and try to have a rational talk.


You must not understand. My temper got the best of me. The reason I don't grow is because this is a horrible location (obviously) to start some shit like that.

I obviously made a mistake and I'm tryin to rectify it. Calling me names isn't solving anything.


Active member
and ironically enough, my girlfriend doesn't smoke and can't stand it .... I've been with her for 5 years and she puts up with it...

you've put up with her judgemental shit that long ?? this is more concerning than the "security risk" living upstairs presently, you've got an ongoing problem it seems ...


Active member
You have to learn from this it is not okay to threaten to call the cops. If you need the cops. Call the cops. If you don't need the cops, don't go dropping the "cop bomb."

It would be different if you had a medical license and when the cops showed up you said "Yea, I smoke weed to help me sleep. I have terrible insomnia and anxiety. Here she comes banging and vaccuuming and I can't sleep, I can't go to work, can I fill out a noice complaint?"

Now you got a leg to stand on.

As it is, you're saying you pounded on the ceiling, like a lazy assed weenie, then the girl comes downstairs to check you, and you check her back by threatening to do something that actually puts you more in jeopardy.



If you really want out of your lease so bad... go tell this girl to please complain about you to the building manager. Maybe they will let you go to avoid any problems.
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