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Apartment grow questions


donut engineer
Let's say I have an apartment grow. Let's say the grow is in a separate room, sealed by a lock I installed, and the grow in a cabinet within that room. It's a micro grow to be exact.

Let's say that today I came home to find I had forgotten to close the separate room door, and that it looks like someone came in. Nothing else was out of the ordinary, and my property was relatively untouched. Just it's clear that someone came into the apartment and locked up after themselves.

My question: if the landlord did see something, how long after an inspection would LEO be involved? Immediately? A few days after?



Active member
well, I guess it depends on your risk threshold. If it were me, because I do have that same setup..only larger quantity in a tent...I would tare down immediately.

If you have like 3-4 plants in a cab...depending on your local laws...I probably wouldn't be that concerned. I would most likely try and find out how the person got in..and then take measures to make sure it never happened again.

It also depends if you are on like probabation or something. If you are...than you must get that shit out fast.

Hope all turns out well.



Active member
LEO might do a knock and talk...and with the supreme courts axing of the 4th amendment...if they 'smell' pot and hear any noise after knocking {like you walking towards the door} they can break the door down. They might put you under surveillance, check your trash etc...

Question...you said the lock on the door is one you installed. I assume you played smart and posses the only keys. If there are no signs of forced entry, maybe you forgot to close the door?? If not you have a real issue and should probably pack it up.


most landlords would call the cops from your apartment and stand there and wait for the cops, if they were gonna do anything.
I think since the cops haven't come by for a little chat you probably have more to worry bout getting ripped by whoever came in than a stay in jail. but you gotta decide for yourself how bad a bust would be on you and go from there.


donut engineer
Let's say I forgot to close the separated door, and there was quite a bit of evidence (soil, scrubber atop cab) lying around the room in question with the cab. That is, there is evidence that the front door was opened while I was gone (yes I'm sure) and the separate room's door was open.

Bust-wise: My record is 100% clean.

My state laws: ass-rape worthy, but the town I live in is very very liberal


Active member
That's a tough one. If you know for sure someone was in your house and your grow room door was opened...then I would worry. I would call up the landlord and ask if he entered. Di-sect his words and his tone and decide for yourself if your safe.


donut engineer
It's a management company, so it's likely someone was in for some reason doing some maintenance. If that's the case they usually tell me ahead of time.


only scary thing is it's possible LEO won't come around til late that way they know you are home, here's hoping every-things ok


funkervogt, I used to have a small cab grow rocking in an apartment from a while ago you might remember :tiphat:. I had the exact same situation, locked the inner door, but didn't pull it completely shut. I came home to find the maintenance company had been inside and certainly cover was blown. This was back when I was in a non-medical state.

Never had anything come of it, but got a nice little word from the maintenance man a few weeks later suggesting that he knew what I was up to and he could have informed the property owners and police. All was torn down as soon as I recognized the slip up so I laughed off his threat and went about my business as the apartment was clean, but it really depends on the personal thoughts towards MJ of the intruder.

I suggest a tear down... Keep that record clean, especially for a micro grow... Not worth it...

Hope things end up working out :tiphat:

Unless they had to go in that room to fix something, I doubt they snooped. If so, can't you document all of this in case something happens? I didn't even think it was legal for them to come in, especially snoop in a room where the problem wasn't even at. It could be tomatoes inside the 'cab' for all they know. They have no right to open a cab.


donut engineer
funkervogt, I used to have a small cab grow rocking in an apartment from a while ago you might remember :tiphat:. I had the exact same situation, locked the inner door, but didn't pull it completely shut. I came home to find the maintenance company had been inside and certainly cover was blown. This was back when I was in a non-medical state.

Never had anything come of it, but got a nice little word from the maintenance man a few weeks later suggesting that he knew what I was up to and he could have informed the property owners and police. All was torn down as soon as I recognized the slip up so I laughed off his threat and went about my business as the apartment was clean, but it really depends on the personal thoughts towards MJ of the intruder.

I suggest a tear down... Keep that record clean, especially for a micro grow... Not worth it...

Hope things end up working out :tiphat:


From the eyeshot that I was at it's clear that they could see what was up in that room. My scrubber was exposed and soil was on the ground. Anyone with any sense would be able to figure it out.


weed fiend
IMO, they'll have to establish cause after-the-fact, even if somebody already established it. IOW, potential cause was questionably obtained.

Doesn't always leave room to breath but any chance to get rid of the evidence is more pleasant than arrest.

Somebody wanted you to know that they were there or they're just sloppy. Nosy bastards too. Sorry I can't lend any helpful words but I've been in this situation. Never found out what happened and never tempered my favorite hobby/habit. We may never know.

Considered any relocation options?


donut engineer
Relocation's already happening within two months.

BTW, none of this would have been an issue if it wasn't for my sloppy forgetfulness of leaving the fucking door open in the next room and NOT cleaning up. So dumb. So dumb.


donut engineer
They didn't. This was routine maintenance, and something simple, but the person doing the maintenance would have been in eyeshot (I'm sure of it) of the room and the cab.

BTW, no lights on or fans running or anything, or any smell to boot, just a weird cab witha scrubber atop and a bunch of cords and soil on the ground.


weed fiend
We all benefit from the occasional reminder we're not alone. You just reminded me I can do a better job of keeping objects from plain view. It just gripes me they didn't give you fair warning. Good to hear you're moving. Keep us posted and best wishes.

Sour Deez

They didnt leave a note on the door or anything?

At my old apt they would give me 24hr notice, unless it was an emergency, where they would leave a paper on my door telling me when they came in and for what reason.


donut engineer
They didnt leave a note on the door or anything?

At my old apt they would give me 24hr notice, unless it was an emergency, where they would leave a paper on my door telling me when they came in and for what reason.

Yep, they usually do, they didn't this time. But I know for a fact it was maintenance and they indeed came to everyone's apartment, so it was not just me.