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anyway to restore moisture to dry buds?


Old School Cottonmouth
dab some 2 ir 3 q tips in water and put them in the jar with them. check them every half hour.

Jam Master Jaco

The 2 times I've remoisturized buds I used a small piece of banana peel in with the bag the buds were in for a day. The second time I used a few pieces of orange peels. Orange peels worked better of the two, but both worked.

A way I've never tried, but would probably work is take a jar and put your nugs in it, then fill a 2 liter bottle cap like half full of water. Then take the bottle cap and set it on top of your buds/middle of the jar. (rest the cap on top of the buds without spilling the water on the buds) then leave the jar in the hot sun for like 2 hours. If the jar was sealed air tight I'd imagine the water would fog up the jar and force moisture into the buds.


Get some good clean water on your hands, just barely wet, and flick the moisture droplets (not too much, if there's only 'a few buds') into or over the open container that they're in. Then re-seal it, and check it every so often. It will rehydrate. Even somewhat evenly over time, due to humidity seeking a balanced level.

moose eater
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motaco said:
dab some 2 ir 3 q tips in water and put them in the jar with them. check them every half hour.
tape the que tip to the lid :joint: of the container


good old carrot will do the trick....take a carrot and put it in the bag with nugz and close the bag...check later...stay safe
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everything mentioned works well, if you dont wantyour bud to pick up any extra flavors, i suggest a piece of lettuce in your nug jar, and check it everywhile because lettuce is very highin water, so molding could be a problem if your not to attentive.

peace :joint:


I like to use a piece of damp kitchen sponge. I cut a 1/4" sliver off of one side and wedge it in the top of my jar. Just use a damp piece, NOT soaking wet. You can rehydrate too much, too easily. It works in a couple of hours. No flavor or smell is added like using fruit.


I've used fan leaves from my plants with success. But like most people have mentioned anything a little damp in the jar will hydrate them again.


Fan leaves if you got 'em would DEFINATELY be the best way!



Old School Cottonmouth
just beware, even lettuce can leave a lingering smell. I use orange peels on nasty weed and q tips when I'm trying to preserve the smell.


>>>even lettuce can leave a lingering smell<<<

That's one reason that I think water is the most applicable remedy in my experience. Besides, how often are you without water?

moose eater


grow some new buds....give those away....you put to much saled in them...im surprised nobody recomended vineger...lol